Research Objectives Research Benefits

7 stated before because it does not measure what it intends to measure, which is good recount text production. Therefore, content validity in an assessment is very important and needs more attention from those who produce the assessment. The assessment of this study is the assessment made by the Practice Teaching students during their practice teaching period. The assessment chosen is the assessment which has been prepared before they conduct their teaching and learning activity in class. The spontaneous assessment is not included. It means that the assessment chosen is planned and prepared in written form so the students can read the instructions and do what they are supposed to do in that assessment.

D. Research Objectives

Dealing with the questions mentioned, the study is conducted to achieve two objectives, namely: 1. Figuring out how the Practice Teaching students established the content validity in their assessment. It is expected that the analysis can present the way of the students in preparing and producing the assessment so that it can be considered valid based on the concept of content validity. 2. Figuring out the problems which influence the content validity degree of Practice Teaching students’ assessments. It is done in order to find possible recommendations to overcome the problems. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 8

E. Research Benefits

It is expected that this study will be beneficial for the students and lecturers who are involved in ELESP, and future researchers who want to study about assessment. For students of ELESP, especially the students who are taking Practice Teaching and preparing sets of instruction in their learning, this study is expected to help them analyze their own assessment based on the theory of content validity. It is stated that it is only one source of making good assessment because there are other criteria to produce good assessment. Yet, validity, especially content validity, takes a really important role in an assessment. By understanding the concept of valid assessment, the students are expected to be more prominent in producing an assessment in their practice teaching period as well as in their real teaching later. It is also expected that the students will always keep in mind that their assessment must be valid in order to obtain valid measurement and result from their students. Valid results will serve as a very good aid for the teachers to improve their teaching. It is expected also that after reading the result of this study, the students could be more aware of the importance of careful and appropriate planning for their instruction before they conduct teaching and learning activities in the classroom. Formulating appropriate instructional content and its specification in the appropriate objectives formulation will help them conduct teaching and also assessing. Since the study is limited in its content, the students are expected to more actively improve and develop their understanding and critical thinking PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 9 toward assessment as an integral part of teaching. It is expected that this study could help the students set their thinking that an assessment is not only used for scoring but also it is used for wider purpose of educating the students and develop the teachers. For lecturers of ELESP, especially who are involved in teaching evaluation and assessment, this study is expected to serve as a means to obtain depiction of the students’ mastery in producing language assessment. Therefore, the lecturers will be able to plan possible instructions which will enable the students to have a sound assessment which involved some principles of good assessment production, especially the content validity. The lecturers could help their students produce assessment which possesses high validity since the assessment is used to obtain valid information about the students’ progress and mastery on a specific material or content domain. For future researchers, this study is expected to be a good source for them who want to learn more about the assessment especially in its content validity. Language assessment, like other parts of teaching and learning, offers the really wide area to be explored. A thousand studies will not be enough to explore this wide area because of the time changing which bring the changes in every aspect in human life. It is expected that there always be the next researchers who will explore the world of assessment. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 10

F. Definition of Terms

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