Symptoms of Non-Normal Behavior

Fantasy Any dreaming so much that little gets done. Rigidity Having difficulty in behaving or thinking in new ways, having a tendency to follow rituals in behavior. Organic symptoms Suffering from fatigue, illnesses, and ailments that occur without medical basis. Hostility Being unduly ready to fight, argue, or verbally attack others Ineffectiveness Being unable to make decisions: disliking responsibility for one’s own behavior; behaving in an immature fashion. Unhappiness and tension Seeing the world as difficult, tense place. Inadequate interpersonal relations Having contacts with other people marked by hostility, arguments, tension, suspicion, overdependence, and other signs of inadequacy.

B. Theoretical Framework

In this study, the writer employs the theory of character and characterization to analyze the character traits of the main characters. The writer finds that the nine ways of characterization are appropriate to reveal the characteristics of Emily, Olenka, and Mabel as the main characters. The aim of using the theory of characterization is to reveal the characteristics of Emily, Olenka, and Mabel. The writer applies the nine ways of characterization, to find out the feeling, thoughts, actions, and motivations of Emily, Olenka, and Mabel. The characteristics of the main characters which are good or bad could be shown by their psychological condition and physical movement. In answering the second question, the writer applies theory of hierarchy of human needs by Maslow, theory of deprivation of love by Hurlock, and theory of death and loss by Kalish, to find out the effects of the absence of love on main characters’ behavior. Theory of hierarchy of human needs helps the writer to analyze how love in each main character gives contribution in their life as one of their needs. Theory of deprivation of love helps the writer in analyzing the effects of deprivation of love which have been reported to human physical, social, and emotional. Theory of death and loss helps the writer to analyze the death of someone which affects the main characters’ behavior. In answering the second question in the problem formulation, the writer also uses the theory of coping stress by Morris, theory of adjustment mechanism by Carroll, and theory of symptoms of non-normal behavior by Kalish. Theory of coping stress helps the writer to analyze the effects of the absence of love in the main characters’ behavior as a way to defend themselves from stress they experience. Theory of adjustment mechanism helps the writer to analyze the main characters’ behavior after experience the absence of love in her life to adjust themselves from the problem they face. Theory of symptoms of non-normal behavior guides the writer in analyzing the influences on the main characters’ behavior, after they experience the absence of love in their life, which are included in the symptoms of non-normal behavior.