Review of Related Studies

find out the additional information about the explanation about love and psychological state. From other researchers’ journal, the writer finds the topic which is talking about the aspect of love towards the human psychological state, which helps the writer in analyzing the topic chosen. Wijaya states that love is a two-way-affair and it grows best when it is given and received. What the creature does is a response to the attitude of community. The rising attitude is shown to express human feeling 44. Wijaya also defines that love will create positive things and love is also powerful 43. Wijaya’s explanation supports this study in which the love is able to influence the behavior of human being, because love is able to emerge positive and even negative effects in human life. In this study, the writer relates the behavior of human being as an impact of psychological influence of the absence of love. This study discusses how the absence of love has influence for human behavior. Brennan states that in other aspects, people who do not experience that encouragement or love in their life from others may be more prone for depression or loneliness http:www.uwire.comcontenttopnews-021401002.html. Her journal supports the writer’s study which discusses about the psychological influence in the main characters’ behavior as an effect of the inexistence of love.

B. Review of Related Theories

This part is divided into two major parts. They are theory of literature and theory of psychology. The theory of literature is divided into three parts. They are theory of critical approaches, theory of character, and theory of characterization. In theory of psychology, the writer divides the theory needed into six parts. They are theory of human needs, theory of deprivation of love, theory of death and loss, theory of coping stress, theory of adjustment mechanism, and theory of symptoms of non-normal behavior.

1. Theory of Literature

In the theory of literature, the writer discusses three parts of theory needed about the literature knowledge which are related to the topic of the study. The first part of theory of literature is theory of critical approaches. In this first part, the writer deals with the approaches usually used in the study of literature. In the second part, theory of character, the writer explains any definition of character from any sources and also the importance of character in literary study. The last part of theory of literature is theory of characterization. This last part deals with the definition and also the significance of characterization towards the literary works from any references.

a. Theory of Critical Approaches

Abrams states that criticism is the study concerned with defining, classifying, analyzing, and evaluating works of literature 35. In discussing literary works, it is important for the researchers to use some approaches in literature which are able to criticize the literary works they discussed related to the topic they have chosen. By knowing the critical approaches that the researchers needed, the writer will be able to define, classify, analyze, and evaluate the literary works they want to discuss.