Affectionate The Characters’ Traits of Olenka, Emily, and Mabel as the Main Characters

house. Olenka’s care is not only for a man, but also for others who have given attention and care for her. Olenka’s love to everyone shows that she is an affectionate person. The author shows it directly: In earlier days she had love her papa, who now sat in a darkened room, breathing with difficulty; she had love her aunt who used to come other year from Bryansk; and before that, when she was at school, she had love her French master p.179. Olenka also loves children. She loves to have a child. Her love to children can be seen from her attention towards Sasha, the son of Vladimir Platonitch. Vladimir Platonitch or Smirnin is a man who entertains Olenka when her second husband, Pustovalov, passed away. He works as a veterinary surgeon. Olenka gives all of her care and attention to Sasha, because Sasha’s parents entrust him to Olenka. She gives her full attention to Sasha as her own son. Every morning Olenka comes into Sasha’s room to wake him up, because Sasha has to go to school. Olenka always prepares the breakfast for Sasha and likes to accompany him in studying. Olenka loves Sasha very much as her own son. Ah, how she loved him Of her former attachments not one had been so deep; never had her soul surrendered to any feeling spontaneously, so disinterestedly, and so joyously as now that her maternal instincts were arouse. For this little boy, with the dimple in his cheek and the big school cap, she would have given her whole life; she would have given it with joy and tears of tenderness p.186.

3. Dependent

Olenka does not have an orientation in life without another person at her side. Her life depends on other people. Everything she tells and does is based on others’ point of view. She always has the same opinion with everyone who is close to her. She does not have capability to give her own opinion by her own thought. She is a person who needs the love and affection from another person. She is always fond of someone, and cannot exist without loving p.179. Without love and care from others, she cannot do anything independently in her life. When Olenka has relationship with Smirnin, the veterinary surgeon, she repeats the veterinary surgeon’s words, talks about veterinary concerns, and has the same opinion as him about everything. It is evident that she cannot live a year without someone p.183. When she marries Kukin, her first husband, her opinion is based on Kukin’s ideas. When she marries with Pustovalov, her second husband who works as a manager of the timber merchants, what Olenka’s talking about is about the timber. Without having someone to be loved and who cares about her, she will not be able to give her opinion about something p.184. Olenka’s thought and feeling always depend on someone she loves. Everything that Olenka told is always based on others’ thought and opinion. Her ideas are always based on her husband’s point of view. She likes what her husband likes, and she does what her husband does. Her husband’s thoughts and ideas are hers. If he thinks the room is too hot, or that business is slack, she thinks the same. Her husband does not care for entertainments, and on holidays he stays at home. She does likewise p.182. Love gives big contribution for Olenka’s life. If she has love, she will be able to give her ideas about anything, and makes her have a purpose in life, but if she has not love, it will not happen. She wants a love that will absorb her whole being, her whole soul and reasons-that will give her ideas and an object in life, and will warm her old blood