Suggestions for the Next Researchers

2. Suggestions for Teaching Implementation

Literature provides us many advantages in teaching and learning English. By using literature, we can increase our ability in using language. When the students read the literary works, they may learn about culture, how a sentence is ordered to become meaningful, and learn the message of the story personally. The example is in the short story The Darling, in which we can learn that we should be independent in our life, so when we should live lonely in this life, we can be survived. In teaching English, a literary work can be used as a means of students’ new vocabularies and linguistic knowledge, increasing students’ reading comprehension, students’ interest, students’ language acquisition, and understanding the culture described in literary works. Some difficult words in the short stories The Darling, A Rose for Emily, and The Horse Dealer’s Daughter, can help the students to develop their vocabulary. Studying literary text brings us to the reality of human problems, feeling, background, and relationship. Besides, by reading literary texts, they can broad their knowledge of language, the value of life, and the culture of certain society. Through the short stories The Darling, A Rose for Emily, and The Horse Dealer’s Daughter, we learn that the absence of love can cause the psychological problems for human being. The students will face the difficulties if literary works are presented theoretically. One of the practices which can make the students easier in learning by using literary works is through reading class. Reading is one of four language skills that must be mastered by language learners. Reading activities are planned to develop many types of skills. The students can learn more on grammar, vocabularies, and also different style of English. Paulston and Bruder emphasize that “reading is the most important skill of all for most students of English throughout the world” 157. Paulston and Bruder divide the reading into two groups, namely intensive and extensive reading. Both kinds of reading have different main objectives. In intensive reading, the students are expected to focus their attention on the linguistic features so that they are able to decode the message 158. The main objective of intensive reading is developing the ability to draw syntactic and lexical clues, and to recognize farther the production of language features 163. In extensive reading, the students are expected to obtain the meaning of the whole text 158. According to Paulston and Bruder, extensive reading refers to the reading which is done individually by the students without teacher’s help. The objective of extensive reading is exactly to learn reading by reading 199 The writer chooses Intensive Reading II for the university students in the second semester of English Department. The objectives in using short stories to be applied in Intensive Reading II are to improve reading abilities such as comprehension and speed, and also develop English vocabulary. The students are expected will be able to write simple responses to the ideas or issues presented in the text, mention someone characters, and match certain words with their definition. The writer suggests Faulkner’s short story, A Rose for Emily for teaching Intensive Reading II based on several considerations. First, because the language in the short story A Rose for Emily is understandable for the second semester of