Emily’s Alienation from Surrounding

who is seeing world as difficult and tense place means that he she is in unhappiness and tension 171.

b. Emily’s Sorrow

People in her surrounding feel sympathetic with Emily’s condition after the death of her father. She lives alone in her house and looks unhappy. The sorrow of Emily can be seen in her behavior which looks deserted in her day. Emily’s sorrow can be seen as follows: When her father died, it got about that the house was all that was left to her; and in a way, people were glad. At last they could pity Miss Emily. Being left alone, and a pauper, she had become humanized. Now, she too would know the old thrill and the old despair of a penny more or less p.309. . According to Kalish, her behavior shows organic symptoms and unhappiness and tension 171. People assume that she has difficult life with a pressure because loses her father. She looks suffered from fatigue.

c. Emily’s Unfriendliness

After her father passed away, Emily has bad attitude in her social life. She becomes unfriendly towards others. It is shown when the city authorities come to her house to press for payment of the taxes for the town. She does not invite her guests to come into her house. She does not ask them to sit. She just stands in the door and listens quietly until the spokesman comes to a stumbling halt p.308. Her behavior shows that she is not happy to communicate with others. Hurlock defines that to human social, because experiencing deprivation of love, the effect can be revealed in handicaps in learning how to get along with people, lack of responsiveness to the advances of others, lack of cooperation, and hostility 212. Emily’s bad relationship with others is also shown when she is talking with the city authorities who come to her house. She likes to verbally attack others without listening to their explanation about the new policy about taxes in Jefferson. Emily does not trust with everything that city authorities have explained to her. Emily’s thought about her taxes that should not be paid, cannot be changed. She wants to defend her opinion. “I received a paper, yes,” Miss Emily said. “Perhaps he considers himself the sheriff … I have no taxes in Jefferson.” “But there is nothing on the books to show that, you see. We must go by the__ “ “See Colonel Sartoris. I have no taxes in Jefferson.” “But, Miss Emily___” “See Colonel Sartoris.” Colonel Sartoris had been dead almost ten years. “I have no taxes in Jefferson. To be” The Negro appeared. “Show these gentlemen out.” p.308 Here, Emily’s behavior shows her egoism in which she does not want to hear others’ opinion and idea, and feels that she is the one who is true. As what Carroll 221 says that the individual who is egocentric dwells on himself and interprets every situation from a personal angle. Emily’s behavior also shows inadequate interpersonal relations, which is shown from her feeling that assumes others are deceitful, and from her difficulty in behaving or thinking in new ways. Kalish 171 explains that person who is having contacts with other people marked by hostility, arguments, tensions, suspicion, overdependence, and other signs of inadequacy, she he is in inadequate interpersonal relations.