Mabel’s Alienation from Surrounding Mabel’s Rigidity of Thinking

passed away when she was fourteen p.471. This behavior shows that she suffers symptom of non-normal in her behavior. She suffers from rigidity in which it is difficult for her to think about new ways in her life. As what Kalish states that if someone has difficulty in behaving or thinking in new ways and having a tendency to follow ritual behavior, she or he is in rigidity 171. The sadness of Olenka makes her become not real to be a human being. It is because she just thinks of her mother. She lives in the memory of her mother. Her memory about her mother makes her difficult to think new ways and ideas in every situation. It influences her behavior which is not able to do a new thing in her life. She took minute pains, went through the park in a state bordering on pure happiness, as if in performing this task she came into a subtle, intimate connection with her mother. For the life she followed her in the world was far less real than the world of death she inherited from her mother p.472. Olenka’s condition above shows that she is in depersonalization, in which as what Kalish says that if someone is feeling unreal, not belonging to one’s body, and not really a person, that person is in depersonalization 171. She seems so intent and remote; it likes looking into another world p.472. Olenka becomes a passive person in her life. She is not able to do something because she just thinks her mother who has left her. She never thinks of herself.

c. Mabel’s Indifference

After Mabel’s sister leaves the house and her parents passed away, Olenka lives with her three brothers. But, her brothers do not care about her, and she becomes have no attention towards her brothers. She never listens to everything her brothers say and suggest to her. Mabel becomes an indifferent girl. It is shown by the author through her action towards others. Sometimes, Mabel shows no emotion to others, even to her brothers. She very rarely communicates with them, even to answer their questions. She serves them but she never talks to them. Mabel’s carelessness to her brothers can be shown when her brothers suggest her to live with her sister, but Mabel does not perceive what her brothers say, even to answer their questions. It is shown below: “You’ll go and stop with Lucy for a bit, shan’t you?” he asked. The girl does not answer. “I don’t see what else you can do”, persisted Fred Henry. “Go as a skivvy’, Joe interpolated laconically. The girl did not move a muscle. p.468 Mabel’s carelessness towards her brothers is a way to adjust herself from the sadness caused by the fact that her parents passed away and her sister has married. The change in her behavior shows egocentric and negativism as adjustment mechanisms, in which she never listens to her brothers’ suggestion and defends her perception. As what Carroll defines that the individual who is egocentric dwells on himself and interprets every situation from a personal angle and Carroll also defines that a negativistic person is one who strongly resists suggestion from others 226. She is never interested with anything her brothers have done. She does not care about them. Everything that her brothers say or suggest to her is useless, because she does not want listen to her brothers’ opinion. Mabel does not take any notice of him. They have talked at her and round her for so many years, that she hardly hears them at all p.468.