The Hybrid model Instructional Design

52 limited mastery of technology and shows anxiety with the instructional tool, then in order to support inexperienced user the content delivery can be adjusted to. When the user is accommodated to use the tool at ease, it will also increase the user satisfaction and motivation. Based on the needs assessment and the evaluation of the user population through observation, interviews, questionnaires, focus groups or documentation review; then the preliminary content and objectives of the course can be specified including the evaluation and delivery mechanisms. In the design phase, as the second phase, the strategy for developing instructional content is outlined. Since it is intended for asynchronous use, then in this phase the learning model for instruction and the implementation of strategies need to identified then transferred into asynchronous learning environment. In order to describe the flowchart of all elements involved in instructional content of the course, then a storyboard technique is used. In the internet environment then a storyboard is the one that should guarantee flexibility in lesson layout such as the multimedia study material and hyperlinks. The third is development. In this phase, the lesson plans and lesson materials based on the hypermedia specification are generated based on the storyboard. The media used for instruction are developed and digitized which then integrated and synchronised in the software applications that are already chosen for the production. It is important to have expert judgment in this phase to see the technical production as well as to consider the ease of use for the users. The fourth is evaluation. There are two kinds of evaluation conducted on this phase: formative and summative evaluation. The formative evaluation is PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 53 conducted during the production to give feedback on the process and should occur at every stage of course development. The purpose of this evaluation is to improve instruction before it is implemented at the final stage. There are several evaluation variables proposed by Reeves 1993 in Passerini and Granger, 2000 using a Likert- scale related to hypermedia evaluation includes: navigation, screen design, information presentation, media integration, and overall functionality. First, the navigation pane which is important since the users need to have a user-friendly orientation clues. It described the user perceived ability to move through the contents in an intentional manner. Second, the screen design which concerns with the dimension of interactive program including dimensions related to text, icons, graphics, colour and other visual aspects of interactive programs. Third, the information presentation in which the information contained in the program should be comprehensive for the user. Fourth, the media integration which includes different media used in the program in order to produce effective product, whether or not those media text, graphics, audio, video, etc. are able to work together to form cohesive program. The last is overall functionality that considers the utility of the program. The overall functionality must be judged related to the specific intended use that the designer wanted to achieve. Therefore, evaluations should focus both on the design of instructions effective design, respect to instructional design principles and on the matching of learning objectives with instructional strategies. It is important to have the students’ feedback on the asynchronous and synchronous communication experience. 54 The last phase is delivery. The delivery phase refers to the actual delivery of the instruction, in terms of internet delivery the assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of the internet is implied. In this phase, it should promote the students understanding of material, support the students mastery of objectives, and ensure the students transfer of knowledge from the instructional setting to their work environment. Cost considerations and technical consideration will also influence either the production or the delivery of the instructional material based internet. That is why in every phase the cost consideration is one the aspects included in. There are some differences when the model is compared to each other. Based on the ASSURE Model, the evaluation of the process come at the end of the entire instructional process. It is different from ADDIE model in which the evaluation is in every stage so that there will be improvement before move on to the next stage. In Dick and Carey model, there are two kinds of evaluation the formative evaluation which comes after developing and selecting the materials and summative evaluation comes after the product is being revised. ADDIE and ASSURE models begin the stages with analysing, while Dick and Carey model starts with instructional goal. Compared to Dick and Carey’s model, this model pays more attention on the students’ characteristics. However, this model is still subjected on teacher as “originator and moderator” of communication instead of focusing on learners’, so that the interaction is commonly happen only from the teacher to students instead of students-to-students Passerini and Granger, 2000. The Mc. Manus model compared to other models, focus its attention on the learners. However, the line of instructor-determined boundaries identify themes PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 55 and perspectives and map multiple paths linking with path stimulates learner- controlled navigation which is the final objective is focus learner reflection is not relevant Passerini and Granger, 2000. The stages in Hybrid model is almost the same as ADDIE model which begins with analysis and the evaluation is the integral part of each stage. However, when it is related to mobile learning, the Hybrid model gives detailed and comprehensive steps.

B. Review of Related Studies

There are some studies related to the use of Mobile Assisted Language Learning MALL. The studies range from using the applications available in the application store, as well as developing the application in the forms of games or interactive activities in learning English. The use of mobile learning is not merely for Android Operating System but also for other operating systems. The skills that are applied in the mobile platform are also varies from reading, writing, listening to speaking. Miangah 2011 in his study entitled Mobile-Assisted Language Learning describes the use of mobile phones in order to promote learning anywhere, anytime in learning the language. The language skills covered in his study are vocabulary, listening, grammar, phonetics and reading comprehension. In his study, he explains the use of mobile phones for learning the language starting from SMS to learn vocabulary; listening exercises which are developed from the multimedia listening system based on mobile phone; grammatical exercises are in the form of ‘true-false’ or fill- in the blanks’ in which the learners need to response via vocal service or short message service; in order to learn phonetics, the learners may download the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 56 dictionaries on the PDA 1 that is completed with sound functions so they can learn how to pronounce the words correctly; the last is reading activities in which the learners are able to use via a well-designed learning course installed on the mobile devices or through text messages. Besides using the application available on the mobile phones or using installed system, there is also a study conducted on the use of games for learning English by Ahmad 2012. It uses a bilingual game in teaching English named “Spell It” which is built to run in Android platform. The games were designed for preschool and primary school. The result of this study shows that the children engage in learning at a longer period and they also show improvement in their marks. In terms of enhancing speaking skill, Chappel 2014 develop an application to interact with speech processing method that the learners learn. The application is called “Speech Enhancement for Android SEA” which aimed at assisting in understanding course content by allowing students to interact with theoretical concepts through their mobile phones. This application allows the students to interact with speech processing method as well as records and process their own voice. Muthukumarasamy 2013 conducted a study entitled “Design and Development of Mobile Assisted Language Learning MALL application for English Language using Android Push Notification Services” intended to discover the effectiveness of using push notification for learning English. The result of the study shows that the ‘Push’ notification model is able to keep the battery durability, the cost of data accessing, minimize the ‘Pull” effort of the learners which also 57 enable them to gain better learning experience and provide them with the experience of collaborative learning. The studies of using mobile phones to learn English either by installing the available application or developing the mobile applications are numerous. The related studies provide the evidence on the use of MALL using Android for teaching speaking such as the use of push notification, text to speech, as well as using speech recogniser. Those studies also provide various learning-teaching goals and result, for instance the goal to design and development of MALL using Android push notification is to discover its effectiveness, or the use of speech recogniser to enhance the students’ learning of speech processing method. The results of those studies show that the use of MALL especially using Android help the students to enhance the content materials better, improve the students’ marks and effective for learning English. The similarity of this study and the previous study in that the Android application developed to teach speaking, and using the features in Android such as text to speech and speech recogniser. The difference is that in terms of the learning goal, it is intended to improve the fluency and accuracy rather than to learn the speech processing method. Moreover, the study aims to have a research and development on the use of mobile phones for learning speaking for the nursing students are still limited. Therefore, this study aimed to develop an Android application which can be used especially for the nursing students to learn speaking English. However, it is not merely intended for those who are nursing students, but also those who need to learn English for Specific purpose. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 58

C. Theoretical Framework

In this part of discussion, the theories discussed in the previous sub-chapter and their relationships in supporting this research are elaborated. The theory of speaking as the oral production is underlying the concept of gaining communicative competence. Grammatical competence is not the only important thing in order to have effective communicative competence. Hence, the learners must be able to produce the language fluently, appropriately, and more importantly, effectively. Therefore, the researcher aims to create a model of Android application which will help the nursing students to enhance better English speaking skill related to English for Occupational Purposes. The researcher also needs to consider the teaching of speaking of the nursing students as well as the capabilities so that effective and efficiency in learning the language will be gained. Moreover, the nursing students need the skill more importantly to communicate with the patients in good English especially related to their future job as a professional nurse. The characteristics of Mobile Assisted Language Learning MALL become the base of designing the appropriate Android application. The uses of mobile technologies have aroused the attention of teachers and researchers since it promotes the tag line of learning “anytime, anywhere”. The main characteristics of the use of mobile phones for learning are: it is portable; in which it is easy to bring everywhere along with the learning materials so that the learners are able to learn anywhere, anytime and it is also easy to connect using wireless network. Android as one of the Operating System of mobile phones gives the opportunity for the users 59 to develop their own Android application since it is based on open source. The main features used in designing the Android application here is Text to speech and speech recogniser. In order to create the model of Android application the instructional system design used is Hybrid design model which was previously intended for asynchronous learning e-learning in which the steps in designing the Android application is based on the steps used in Hybrid design model. The reason for choosing the Hybrid model is because the designed has been implemented in designing the internet learning before and the steps are described in details when it is related to distance learning. The model of Android application itself is intended to help the nursing students to learn English speaking effectively which eventually will improve the nursing students’ speaking skill. The first step in Hybrid instructional design is analysis. The researcher analyses the nursing students’ need of learning English, as well as their learning characteristics in order to gain information to build the Android apps that suitable with their needs. The second step is designing in which in this process involves four activities: drafting instructional objectives, drafting test items for measuring performance, specifying instructional strategies, and selecting media. The third stage is development of the learning media, in this case the development of Android applications which focus on speaking skill to be built in one platform. After developing the Android applications, then it is implemented which means delivering the instruction to the learners or uploading the Android Apps through Google play. Stage four is evaluation. However, that evaluation is integral to every PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI