Nursing program Review of Related Literature

43 media and materials, Utilize Media and materials, Require Learner Performance and Evaluate and Revise. The first step is analysing learners which means that it is important to define the audience based on their general characteristics grade level, age and specific entry competencies prior knowledge, skills, and attitudes about the topic, and learning styles to choose the best strategies in order to achieve the goal. The second step is defining the specific objectives of the lessons. The objectives are based on the outcome that the learners need to gain. The objective of the lesson at least consists of four aspects: a simple statement that describes the intended Audience; a statement of the expected Behaviour of the learners; a statement of the Conditions in which performance need to be observed such as resources, tools and equipment that might be use during the lesson; and a statement of Degree of accuracy or proficiency the learner must show in order to move to the next level. Therefore, the objectives comprise A to D aspects: Audience, Behaviour, Condition and Degree of accuracy. After choosing the intended audience and state the objectives of the lesson, the next step is choosing the materials. These materials can be obtained from the available materials, modify the material or design new materials; different types of media might be used as well. The fourth step after deciding the materials is preview the materials and practice the lesson. It is important to prepare the room, equipment and facilities before using the lesson. Fifth, the learners’ performances need to be described as well as how they will use the selected materials. Activities should be included in the lessons that allow learners to respond and receive feedback before PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 44 any type of evaluation is administered. The evaluation comes at the end of the process in which the purpose is to evaluate the entire instructional process. The evaluation includes whether or not the learners meet the objectives; media or materials help the learners to achieve the objectives; and whether or not the learners use the materials properly. If there are differences between what is intended and what actually happened during the lesson, then revisions need to be made before implementing the lesson again. The ASSURE model is in the form of cycle in which each step comes one after another. The ASSURE model can be seen in figure 2.6. Figure 2.6. ASSURE Model Robert Heinich, 1990 in Whiteman 2013 Based on the ASSURE Model, the evaluation of the process come at the end of the entire instructional process. It is different from ADDIE model in which the evaluation is in every stage so that there will be improvement before move on to the next stage. 45

c. Dick and Carey model

This model was designed by Walter Dick and Lou Carey 1990 which consists of ten steps Lee, H. S. Lee, S. Y.. Table 2.1. Steps in Dick and Carey Model 1990 STEPS EXPLANATION 1. Identify Instructional Goals Determine what learners are expected to be able to perform at the end of instruction. 2. Conduct Instructional Analysis Determine what skills will be involved in order to achieve the goal. 3. Identify Entry Behaviours Identify what skills and attitudes the learners will enter the learning task with. 4. Write Performance Objectives Transform the needs and goals of the task into clear-cut objectives. 5. Develop Criterion- Referenced Tests Identify ways to assess progress during the learning process. Assessments should reflect the performance objectives. 6.Develop Instructional Strategy Develop activities to help achieve the objectives. These activities include how the information will be presented, how the learners will practice what is being learned, and how learners will be tested. 7. Develop and Select Instructional Materials Determine what instructional materials will be used. 8. Develop and Conduct Formative Evaluation Collect data that will be used to improve instructional materials and to expand the effectiveness of the instruction for a larger number of learners. 9. Revise Instruction Use the data from the formative evaluation to make improvements and revisions to the parts of the model. 10. Develop and Conduct Summative Evaluation Analyse the quality of the system as a whole. It is important to note the difference of formative and summative evaluation. The developers conduct the formative evaluation while the program or product is under development to enhance its effectiveness, while the summative evaluation is done at the end of the program Gall 2003: p.570. The process in Dick and Carey model is presented in figure 2.7. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI