Overgeneralization Incomplete Application of Rules Material Induced Errors

21 considered as a communication strategy. That means a learner can express himself in the language he is learning using „interlanguage‟ as bridge between his own language and the target language.

d. Overgeneralization

George 1972 as cited by Norrish 1983 explains an approach in study learner‟s errors. They are Overgeneralization by Richards 1974 and Redundancy Reduction by George 1972. The example of overgeneralization is that the students construct a deviant structure. Norrish 1983: 31 also stated that this error occur as “a blend of two structures in the „standard version‟ of the language” and also as “a result of blending structures learnt in the learning sequence”. Richards 1971b as cited by Ellis 1994:59 says that “overgeneralization errors arise when the learner creates a deviant structure on the basis of other structures in the target language. Overgeneralization error generally involves the creation of one deviant structure in place of two target language structures”. The examples of overgeneralization are presented as follows. e.g.: a. We are visit the zoo. b. She must goes. c.Yesterday I walk to the shop and I buy.

e. Incomplete Application of Rules

Richards 1974 as cited by Norrish 1983 adds another kind of errors and that is incomplete application of rules. In this kind of error, Richards 1974 as cited by Norrish 1983: 32 suggests two possible causes of this error. They are 1 “the use of questions in the classroom and 2 the fact that the learner may 22 discover that the learner can communicate perfectly adequately using deviant forms”. In this error, the students tend to use deviant forms of language. Richards 1971b as cited by Ellis 1994: 59 also explains that “incomplete application of rules involves a failure to fully develop a structure .” Richards 1971b as cited by Ellis 1994 also says that incomplete application of rules is included in intralingual errors. The examples of incomplete application of rules are presented below. e.g.: Teacher: Ask her where she lives. Students: Where you she lives?

f. Material Induced Errors

Norrish 1983 also stated there are two reasons regarded material induced errors. The first is a “false concept” and the second is “ignorance of rule restrictions ”.False concept occurs when the material do not use appropriate context to explain the learners. The example of false concept is the use of present progressive tense in descriptive texts. Richards 1971b as cited by Ellis 1994: 59 explains that “false concepts hypothesized arise when the learner does not fully comprehend a distinction in the target language”. Richards 1971b as cited by Ellis 1994: 59 also explains that “ignorance of rule restrictions involves the application of rules to the contexts where they do not apply”.It is probably more difficult to avoid errors from ignorance of rule restriction than it is to avoid false conceptualization. 23

g. Error as a part of language creativity

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