First Language Interference Possible Causes Of Errors Made On Descriptive texts By Seventh grade

74 morphology. The example of incomplete application of rules is the omission of „to be‟ is, am, are, was and were. In the students‟ descriptive texts, omission of „to be‟ contributed quite high frequency of errors. This kind of errors was discovered in more than one student‟s descriptive text. Based on this kind of error, the students were not aware of their omitting „to be. Besides omission of „to be‟, there are still many students‟ errors in descriptive texts which reflect incomplete application of rules.

5. First Language Interference

Skinner 1957 as cited by Norrish 1982 stated a definitive statement of behaviorist theory of language learning. It says that a language is essentially a set of habits, and then when the learners try to learn the new habits, the former habits will interfere with the new habits. That is called mother tongue interference. The Skinner‟s1957 explanation is clear towards this cause of error. The researcher considered first language or mother tongue interference as one of causes of error in student‟s descriptive texts. This consideration is based on the students‟ error. The proof for this cause of error is other findings. In this research, other findingsaredivided into two categories. They are ortographic errors and lexico- semantic errors. Lexico-semantic errors areone category that is very affected by students‟ first language interference. Some students used English words in this inappropriately. It is because some students perceived that the English words are all similar. Therefore, the students used the words which they perceived as the right words. 75


In this chapter, the researcher draws the conclusion of his research and proposes some suggestions toward this research. The researcher also provides some suggestions for future research of error analysis.

A. Conclusion

The researcher initiated this research because of one purpose. That was to identify the errors in SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta seventh grade students’ descriptive texts. The error occurred in 55 students’ worksheets of three regular classes of seventh grade students in SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta. The researcher proposed descriptive texts as a tool to collect the errors. The researcher had the teacher’s and also the headmaster’s approval to carry on this research for the sake of the students. The researcher initiated this research with two main questions. The first question was “what are the errors made on descriptive writing by seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur Junior High School?” This question was addressed to seek out all kinds of stud ents’ errors in their descriptive texts. The second question was “what are the possible causes of errors made on descriptive writing by seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur Junior High School?” This question was to facilitate the researcher in searching of possible causes of errors. The researcher started this research by obtaining the approval both from the teacher and the headmaster. The research instruments for this

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