Misformation Misordering Types of Errors

25 certain items which are required in some linguistic constructions, but not in others”. The examples are he doesn’t knows my name or we didn’t knew about it.The error above is called double markings, because two items rather than one are marked for the same feature. 2 Regularization additions Dulay et al 1982 say that a rule typically applies to all linguistic items, however, some members of a class are exception to the rule. Regularization errors that are included in the addition category are those in which a marker that is typically added to a linguistic item is erroneously added to exceptional items of the given class that do not take a marker. The examples of regularization errors are eat- eated instead of ate, beat- beatedinstead of beat, sheep-sheepsinstead of sheep, put-putted instead of put and etc. 3 Simple Addition Simple addition is the last category of additions. If an addition error is neither a double marking nor a regularization error, it is called simple addition. This error is still based on adding unnecessary morphemes to sentences, and words. The examples of simple addition error are the train is gonnabroke it past tense, a this article a, and etc.

c. Misformation

Dulay et al 1982 stated that misformation errors are characterized by the use of wrong form of the morpheme or structure. The example of misformation errors is the dog eated the chicken. In that error, a past tense marker was added 26 while it is not necessary. Misformation is also divided in three parts. They are regularizations, archi-forms, and alternating forms . 1 Regularization Errors misformation This error is caused by a regular marker used in a place if an irregular one. The examples are run- runnedinstead of run, goose- gooses instead of geese. Regularization errors occurred most in the verbal output of both first and second language learners. Dulay et al 1982: 160 also stated that “the overextension of linguistic rules to exceptional items occurs even after some facility with the language has been acquired”. 2 Archi forms The selection of one member of a class of forms to represent others in the class is a common characteristic of all stages of second language acquisition. The students‟ selected forms are called archi forms. For example, the students choose one demonstrative adjective that, these, those, this to add with some words, thatcar- that cars .Dulay et al 1982 stated that “for the learner, that is the archi- demonstrative adjective representing the entire class of demonstrative adje ctives”. 3 Alternating forms. These forms are still students‟ selected forms. This error happens because of the influence of the students‟ grammar-vocabulary grow. In this error, the students may alternate between the forms. The examples are those dog, this cats, he would have saw them, I seen her yesterday. 27

d. Misordering

Dulay et al 1982 state that misordering error is characterized by the incorrect placement of a morpheme or group of morphemes in an utterance.Misordering occurs systemically both in L1or L2 learners. For example, they produce wrong type of questions such what daddy is doing? The correct form is what is daddy doing?

e. Interlingual errors

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