Ortographic Errors Lexico-Semantic Errors

70 3 Use of Suffix The researcher also discovered some anomalies of suffixes in the students‟ descriptive text. The anomalies were minor compared to other anomalies. The researcher used type of errors to describe the minor anomalies of suffixes. In order to make a concise explanation, the researcher explains all the type of errors in a brief explanation. The explanation is presented as follows. Table 4.12.Number ofErrors in Use of Suffix No. Type of errors Numbers and Examples a Addition of Suffix –ed 9 E.g. His talent was showned by coach of Manchester United… R13 Intended: was seen b Addition of Suffix – ing 3 e.g. I will describing Cristiano Ronaldo. R23 Intended: I will describe Cristiano Ronaldo. The examples and the explanation above quite show that there are still found some errors in the use of suffix. Errors in use of suffix are minors, because the errors do not dominate the error finding.

3. Other Findings

The researcher also found many lexical errors. This error was foundin totalof 127 items. Lexical errors are only divided into two main categories. They are ortographic errors and lexico-semantic errors. The explanation of each type of error is presented as follows.

a. Ortographic Errors

In this error, the students did not write their words in an appropriate spelling. This error is focused on how the students wrote the words for their descriptive texts and spell letters in the words. Some students did not properly 71 spell words in their descriptive texts. This error is found 66 items in the students‟ descriptive texts. To have a clear explanation, the examples of ortographic errors are presented below. The examples presented below show how the students improperly spelled the words. The cause for that error is that some students perceived the spelling with their mother tongue point-of- view. As a result, some students‟ distorted words are apparently influenced by the Bahasa Indonesia spelling. Table. 4.13. The Examples of Ortographic Errors No. Distorted Words Intended Words 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Energectic Profesional footbal drible spektacular nasionality Profesion Arroun Mascular takling Energetic Professional football dribble spectacular nationality Profession Around Muscular tackling

b. Lexico-Semantic Errors

In this error, the researcher explains the lexico-semantic errors. This error is focused on how the students improperly used words in their descriptive texts. This error occurred quite frequent, because it is counted 61 items. The examples of this error are presented below. Table 4.11. The Examples of Lexico-Semantic Errors No. Misused Words Intended Words 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. …she wearhighhills. His face hair… He has sharp nose. He has many likes girl in word. He‟s body is high. …she wears high heels. His facial hair… He has a pointed nose. He has many favorite girls in the world. His body is tall. 72 The examples above show that some students properly spelled the words they used, yet, they did not use the words in a proper way. This error needs to be taken care of because this error is quite serious. Preliminary action toward this error is needed in order to prevent further students‟ misunderstanding.

B. Possible Causes Of Errors Made On Descriptive texts By Seventh grade

Students Of SMP PangudiLuhur Yogyakarta In this part, the researcher presents the causes of errors that occurred in the students‟ descriptive texts. There are many causes of errors provided by John Norrish 1983, yet, the researcher only chose some of them which are considered relevant for explaining the stu dents‟ errors in descriptive texts. The researcher searched the causes of errors of the students‟ descriptive texts through errors found on students‟ descriptive texts. The researcher observed the students‟ answers from the questionnaires. The researcher concluded the possible causes of error of SMP PangudiLuhur Yogyakartaseventh grade students afterwards. The possible causes of errors for SMP PangudiLuhur Yogyakarta are presented as follows.

1. Basic Grammar Understanding of The Students

The students‟ basic grammar understanding is considered by the researcher as the first cause of error. The reason for that is because almost all of the students have problems with their basic grammar understanding. It is proved by the result of students‟ descriptive texts. Most of the errors that occurred in the students‟ descriptive texts were caused by their basic grammar understanding. The students

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