In this chapter, the researcher draws the conclusion of his research and proposes some suggestions toward this research. The researcher also provides some suggestions for future research of error analysis.

A. Conclusion

The researcher initiated this research because of one purpose. That was to identify the errors in SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta seventh grade students’ descriptive texts. The error occurred in 55 students’ worksheets of three regular classes of seventh grade students in SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta. The researcher proposed descriptive texts as a tool to collect the errors. The researcher had the teacher’s and also the headmaster’s approval to carry on this research for the sake of the students. The researcher initiated this research with two main questions. The first question was “what are the errors made on descriptive writing by seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur Junior High School?” This question was addressed to seek out all kinds of stud ents’ errors in their descriptive texts. The second question was “what are the possible causes of errors made on descriptive writing by seventh grade students of Pangudi Luhur Junior High School?” This question was to facilitate the researcher in searching of possible causes of errors. The researcher started this research by obtaining the approval both from the teacher and the headmaster. The research instruments for this 76 research are students’ descriptive writing about people’s appearance as suggested by the teacher and character. The researcher also provided a brief summary of descriptive text people’s appearance and character to each student with the intention that the students could recall what they have learned through the summary. The researcher distributed worksheets, and summaries to three regular classes: 7A, 7B and 7C. The predicted total of the participants is 131 participants. On the contrary, the actual total instruments are 110 collected students’ worksheets. The researcher chose 55 sample s from 110 students’ worksheets through systematic sampling method Fraenkel and Wallen, 2009. The researcher examined 55 selected samples and found some errors. The errors were divided into three major categories. They are syntax errors, morphological errors and other findings. Each category is also divided into some subcategories. The researcher also used some abbreviations to each subcategory is order to ease the researcher in assessing students’ errors. In syntax errors, the students mostly made errors in articles a, an and the and simple present tense form. Omission and addition were also found in syntax errors. In morphological errors, the students mostly had problems with forming right verbs for simple present tense. Addition and omission were also found in morphological errors. The third one is other findings. Lexical errors deal with words’ spelling and use of words. This category is only divided into two subcategories. They are orthographic errors and lexico-semantic errors. The students frequently made errors of those two categories. 77 As the second question is stated, the researcher also presents possible causes of errors in students’ descriptive texts. There are five possible causes of errors in students’ descriptive writing. They are basic grammar understanding of the students, overgeneralization, students’ carelessness, incomplete application of rules and first language interference.

B. Suggestions

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