Word Order Other Finding of Syntax Errors

62  Ronaldo it’s so top player Real Madrid Football club. R1 Intended: Ronaldo isa so top player Real Madrid Football club. The explanation above shows the substitution of it‟s and is. This error happened because the student did not understand well about the use of auxiliary verbs. d Substitution his for he’s This error happened when the students substitute the subject „he‟ attached with auxiliary verb „s with the possessive determiner„his‟. This error is only found in 5 items in the students‟ descriptive texts. The examples are presented below.  Now his playing for Real Madrid. R9 Intended: Now he is playing for Real Madrid.  His playing for Real Madrid football club. R8 Intended: He is playing for Real Madrid football club. The examples above explain the students had misconception in differentiating a particular subject attached with auxiliary verb and possessive determiner.

c. Word Order

In word order, the researcher only presents one category. That is use of lexical categories. The explanation of use of lexical category is presented below. 1 Use of Lexical Categories In the use of Lexical Categories, the researcher provides two subcategories. They areMissing Head Nounand Misodering. 63 In order to have clear information about the type of errors, the explanation of the abbreviation of each type of error is presented as follows. Table 4.9. Number of Errors in Use of Lexical Categories No. Types of Errors Numbers a Misodering 60 b Missing Head Noun 15 a Misodering This error happened when the students did not place each lexical item in a proper place. As a result, some of the students‟ sentences were mixed up because they had not understood the grammar well. The example of this error is presented below.  He has high speed and drible the ball very good.R6 Intended: He has high speed and a very good ball dribble. The example above shows that the student‟s sentence is disordered. The student might be confused by the sentence pattern and influenced by the student‟s mother tongue. This error is significant because this error has the highest number of error in use of lexical categories. b Missing Head Noun This error happened when the students did not write the head noun in some sentences. This error happened quite frequent and it needs to be handled. The example of this error is presented below.  He is a handsome ø and have strong body. R6 Intended: He is a handsomeman and hasa strong body. 64 The example above shows that the student did not write his sentence completely. The missing thing of the above sentence is the head noun „man‟ after the attributive adjective „handsome‟. This error also occurred in various ways in the students‟ descriptive texts.

d. Other Finding of Syntax Errors

This is the last part of syntax error. This category only consists of one subcategory and one sub-subcategory. The subcategory is Use of Conjunctions and the sub- subcategory is Omission of Conjunction „And‟. The researcher presents the finding as follows. 1 Use of Conjunctions This part only consists of one subcategory. This part only explains how the students used conjunctions in their descriptive text. The explanation of this part is presented in the subcategory. a Omission of Conjunction ‘And’ This error happens when the students omitted connective conjunction „and‟ in their sentence. This error only was only found in 9 items in the students‟ descriptive texts. To have a clear explanation about this error, the examples of this error are presented below.  She is hard working, ø imaginative.R22 Intended: She is hard working andimaginative.  Robert is friendly, humorus, ø modest. R41 Intended: Robert is friendly, humorous, and modest. 65 The examples above show that the students did not add connective conjunctions between attributive adjectives in their sentences.

2. Morphological Errors

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