Research Method Research Setting



In this chapter, the researcher will present the research method, research setting, research participants, instrument and data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

The research focused on errors which occurred in SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta seventh grade students’ descriptive texts. The purpose of this research was to investigate errors in descriptive texts committed by SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta seventh grade students and provide feedback for the teacher as Corder 1973 as cited by Hendrickson 1981 stated. This research was to showcase kinds of students’ errors in descriptive texts and provide valuable information and feedback for the teacher. In this research, the researcher followed the steps of error analysis by Corder 1974 as cited by Ellis 1994. The steps are: 1 collection of a sample learner language, 2 identification of errors, 3 description of errors, 4 explanation of errors, and 5 evaluation of errors. The researcher followed all of those steps in sequences in order to analyze students’ errors in descriptive texts. The researcher classified the errors into three main categories. They are morphological, syntactical and other findings. This research also aimed to seek the SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta seventh grade students’ area of difficulties. As 34 stated by Corder 1974 as cited by Hendrickson 1981 that error analysis purpose is to provide feedback, the researcher only presented the result of this research to the teacher as feedback. Therefore, the researcher did not spent more time on teaching or fixing some ways of teaching, yet this research only required students’ worksheets of descriptive texts. The data from the student was examined and analyzed afterwards by the researcher without any intervention either from the teacher or the students.

B. Research Setting

This research was conducted in Sekolah Menengah Pertama Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta in the even semester of academic year 2012 2013 and to be specific, in April 20 th , 2013. This school was selected to be the field of research because this school was proven as one of the best junior high schools in Yogyakarta. That fact was seen from the intelligence of the students. The researcher chose seventh grade students because seventh grade students had descriptive text in the odd semester of academic year 2012 2013.

C. Research Participants

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