Research Instruments Data Gathering Technique

37 taught in this grade. That fact was supported by the current Indonesia Educational Curriculum, Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan. Seventh grade is also a starting point for the students in junior high school. Their achievement in seventh might affect their achievement in their upcoming years. The researcher decided to take all the data from three regular seventh grade classes because the errors had been seen by the teacher in three seventh grade regular classes.

D. Research Instruments

In conducting this research, the researcher only used worksheets. The researcher applied error analysis to examine the errors found in the students’ descriptive texts. The instrument of this research was a material enrichment materi pengayaan for the students about descriptive texts. The researcher also considered the students’ descriptive texts as both objects of the study and research instruments. The worksheets were distributed to all students of three seventh grade regular classes. After retrieving the worksheets, the students carried out the exercises. The researcher was also helped by the teacher in distributing the material. This exercise was designed to make the students recall their understanding of descriptive text. The researcher examined students’ worksheets using error analysis theories and some supporting theories such as source of errors, types of errors, causes of errors and Linguistic Category Taxonomy Politzer and Ramirez, 1973. Svartvik 1973b as cited by Ellis 1994 stated that 38 most error analyses use examination papers such as composition and etc. In this research, the researcher utilized students’ worksheets.

E. Data Gathering Technique

The first data collection was taken by giving a material enrichment to the students. This material enrichment was designed by the researcher for obtaining the primary data. This material enrichment would not affect the students’ marks. The material enrichment also helped the students recall what they have learnt in the previous semester. This material enrichment was also aimed by the teacher as a pre-lesson before the students carried on learning describing places. In this task, the students were required to write a descriptive text about people ’s appearance and character. As the final sequence of data gathering, the researcher collected all the data: students’ worksheets. Afterwards, the researcher synthesized all the data in order to obtain a strong hypothesis using error analysis techniques on students’ descriptive texts.

F. Data Analysis Technique

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