Collection of a sample of learner language Identification of Errors

13 seriousness”. In error analysis, there are steps to follow. Corder1974 as cited by Ellis 1994 stated the steps of errors analysis. They are presented as follows.

a. Collection of a sample of learner language

Ellis 1994: 49 stated that “the starting point in EA is deciding what samples of learner language to use for the analysis and how to collect these samples”. Ellis 1994 also stated that there are three kinds of samples‟ size. They are massive sample, specific sample, and incidental sample. Ellis 1994: 49 stated the differences of three ki nds of samples‟ size as follows. “A massive sample involves collecting several samples of language use from a large number of learners in order to compile a comprehensive list of errors, representative of the entire population. A specific sample consists of one sample of language use collected from a limited number of learners, while an incidental sample involves only one sample of language use produced by a single learner. ” Besides the matter of samples‟ size, Ellis 1994 stated that the researcher also needs to pay attention on a variety of factors that the learners make errors.The researcher also has to decide regarding the manner in which the samples are taken. Ellis 1994: 50 stated that “an important distinction is whether the learner language reflects natural, spontaneous language use, or is elicited in some way. The researcher also has to decide whether to collect the samples cross-sectionally one point at a time or longitudinally successive points over a period of time Ellis, 1994. Svartvik 1973b as cited by Ellis 1994 stated that most error analyses use regular examination papers composition, translations, etc.

b. Identification of Errors

Identification of errors is carried out after all samples are taken. The first phase in identification is to decide which variety of target language should be the norm Ellis, 1994. In this phase, the researcher also should consider the mother 14 tongue and the target language of the learners. In phase two, the researcher is required to differentiate between errors and mistakes. Then, in phase three, Corder 1971a as cited by Ellis 1994 suggested that the researcher also has to concern whether the errors are overt clear deviation form or covert superficially well- formed but not reflecting the learners‟ intention. In phase four, the researcher also has to decide to investigate deviations in correctness or also deviations in appropriateness. Those phases are the steps in identification of errors.

c. Description of errors

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