Verb Inflection Morphological Errors

65 The examples above show that the students did not add connective conjunctions between attributive adjectives in their sentences.

2. Morphological Errors

In this part, there are three main categories of morphological errors. They are verb inflection, noun inflection and the use of suffix. Each category has its own subcategories and sub-subcategories. Morphological errors are in the second place comparing to four types of errors. Each category is presented one by one as follows.

a. Verb Inflection

In this category, there are two categories. They are simple present tense and simple past tense. The two above categories mean that the errors are in relation to simple present tense and simple past tense. 1 Simple Present Tense This category only has one subcategory. It is Misformation of Verbs in Simple Present Tense. This category explains the students‟ errors in simple present tense. This category plays an important role, because this category holds the most error item in morphological errors. The numbers for this of errorare 64 items. a Misformation of Verbs in Simple Present Tense This error happened when the students made error in forming words in simple present tense. The occurrence of this error is focused on how the students ‟ sentences ‟ verbs were incorrect in simple present tense. To have a clear explanation, the examples are provided by the researcher as follows. 66  She’s wear sunglasses, white gloves, and green dress. R5 Intended:She wearssunglasses, white gloves, and a green dress.  He is use 7 number for his jersey. R8 Intended: He uses number 7 for his jersey. The examples above show that the students added morphemes and one lexical item to their sentences. Apparently, the sentences are incorrect and the correction is directed to the sentences‟ verbs. 2 Simple Past Tense This category also has only one subcategory. It is Misformation of Verbs in Simple Past Tense. This category is obviously similar to the previous category, simple present tense. In this category, the researcher explains how the students‟ errors occurred in simple past tense. This category is second place after simple present tense. a Misformation of Verbs in Simple Past Tense This error occurred when the students did not apply the right pattern of simple past tense. This error is focused on how the students made errors in their verbs of simple past tense. The examples of this error are presented as follows.  Before he play in real Madrid, he is play in Manchester united football club. R8 Intended: Before he playedfor Real Madrid, he played for Manchester United football club.  He is join to Portugal National footbal, and play in world cup. R6 67 Intended: He joined Portugal National Football team and played in World Cup. The examples above show that the students did not apply the appropriate tense for their sentence. The sen tences‟ context is already past, but the students used simple present tense context, instead.

b. Noun Inflection

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