Technique of Data Analysis

student 10 and student 23. The students who got 18 correct items are student 5 and student 26. Student 17 and student 19 got 16 correct items. And there are also 4 students who got 15 correct items, they are student 9, student 11, student 16, and student 22. Students who got 14 correct items are student 8, student 24, and student 25. Student 7 got 13 correct items. There are two students who got 12 correct items viz. student 13 and student 14. Student 1, student 12, student 20, and student 21 got 11 correct items. Students who got 10 correct items are student 4, student 15, student 18, and student 27. Student 30 got 8 correct items whereas student 3 got 7 correct items. Student 6 and student 29 got 6 correct items meanwhile student 2 got 5 correct items and student 28 got 4 correct items. See Appendix 1 page 54

2. Result of Observation

The writer has observed the teacher’s method in teaching gerund and all activities which happened during classroom activity including students’ activity in responding teacher’s performance. This observation was conducted on 30 th of November 2012 at 15.40-16.30 p.m. In delivering the material, the teacher used Grammar Translation Method. Firstly, the students paid more attention in learning this material. But when the teacher gave more explanation about the forms and rules of gerund, the students seemed bored. Some of them were talking to their friends and only a few students were still paying attention to the teacher’s explanation. During the teaching activity, the class was a bit noisy. Then, when the teacher gave some example of gerund, some students seemed that they still did not pay attention, so when the teacher gave them exercise orally, they could not do it. Furthermore, when the teacher gave written exercise, some students cheated each other. The writer thought this classroom condition might bring some problems in teaching learning product which could lead students to do some errors in their application of gerund.

3. Result of Interview

The writer interviewed the teacher and students. The teacher was interviewed before giving the test to the students. It was conducted at Friday, 30 th of November 2012. The writer asked the teacher about the method that was usually used in the teaching learning activity. The teacher usually used Grammar Translation Method, Contextual Teaching Learning, etc.. Then the writer asked about the English skills that was easy to be understood by the students, the teacher answered that both Language Skills and Language Component was difficult to be understood by the students. The writer also asked about the gerund which was given to the second year students of SMK Taman Ilmu Depok. This was aimed to know whether this material was easy or difficult for them. According to the teacher, this material was easy to be comprehended, but it depended on how the teacher delivered this material. Then the writer asked about the errors that were committed by students in learning gerund and asked about the difficult level of gerund which faced by students in learning gerund. According to the teacher, the most difficult material in learning gerund was the change of word ending. The teacher often found that the students made an error in applying this form. The writer also interviewed the students which conducted after they did the test. The writer only interviewed 15 students from lowest score. It was conducted on Tuesday, 4 th of December 2012. The writer asked the students some questions about problem in learning gerund which consisted of thirteen 13 questions. From the students’ interview, the writer found that there are 8 students from 15 students say, “Saya kesulitan dalam hal letak penulisan dan penambahan kata –ing I get difficulty in positioning its word written and adding –ing form”. It means that they are still confused how to put and adding the –ing form correctly. There are 2 students state, “Saya sulit membedakan penggunaan gerund dan infinitive I get difficulty in distinguishing the use on infinitive and gerund”. From the statement above, it means that the students are still confused in distinguishing the use of infinitive and gerund. 2 students from 15 students say, “Saya sulit membedakan kegunaan gerund as object of preposition dan gerund as object of certain verbs I get difficulty in distinguishing the use of gerund as object of preposition and gerund as object of certain verbs”. Besides, the other student says, “Saya sulit membedakan penggunaan gerund dan participle dan mencari arti kata I get difficulty in distinguishing the use of gerund and participle and seeking word meaning”. From this statement, it means that the students are also still confused in distinguishing the use of gerund and participle and looking for word meaning.

B. Data Analysis

1. Description of Errors

After the writer got the students’ answer sheet, he identified to know the students’ errors. See Appendix 2 page 55, Appendix 3 page 81, Appendix 4 page 107, and Appendix 5 page 140. Then the writer recapitulated the errors by counting the percentage of types of errors by employing the following formula: To make it easier to read, the writer presents it in the following table below: f P = X 100 n