suggest She suggested going to a movie

or in two consonants or in two vowels”, make no change, e.g. say + ing = saying, push + ing = pushing. If the last syllable of a longer verb is stressed, double the consonant before –ing, e.g. forget + t + ing = forgetting.

C. Previous Related Study

The research about students ability in learning gerund has been done by Ade Laili Akhiliyyah in 2009 under the title “Analysis on the Difficulties Faced by the Students in Learning Gerund at the First Grade of MTs Daarul Amal Bekasi”. She did this research to know not only their mistakes but also their reasons why the students made mistakes. The result of that research is the students were still difficult in determining uses of gerund especially in determining the uses of gerund as object of preposition and gerund as direct object of certain verbs. A year later, Leti Lisdianty did a reasearch about Gerund in 2010 under the title “Analysis on Students’ Difficulties in Distinguishing Gerund and Present Participle in Sentences at XI Grade Students of SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat, Tangerang ”. This research was made by her to know the students’ comprehension about gerund and present participle. In fact, the result of that research she found that there were many students who could not distinguish the Gerund and the Present Participle. Based on the researches that have been done by Ade Laili Akhiliyyah in 2009 and Leti Lisdianti in 2010. The researcher concludes that some researchers found out that students still have difficulties in differentiating gerund and present participle, in determining the uses of gerund as object of preposition and gerund as direct object of certain verbs. According to the writer’s research, the students also still have lack of knowledge of the rules on adding –ing to the verb when forming gerund. The writer hopes that this research will be useful for the teacher or another researcher who wants to re search about students’ error especially in learning and using gerund.