g. think + ing = thinking. If there is more than one vowel, just add –

B. Place and Time of Study

The research was held at SMK Taman Ilmu Depok which located on Jl. H. Sulaiman No. 9, Bedahan, Sawangan, Depok, from Friday 30 th of November 2012 to Friday 7 th of December 2012.

C. Subject of the Study

The subject of the study is the second grade students of SMK Taman Ilmu Depok that consists of three classes. There were 98 XI grade students who studied at SMK Taman Ilmu Depok which was divided into three classes namely XI Administrasi Perkantoran consisted of 43 students, XI Tata Niaga consists of 36 students, and XI Teknik Otomotif consists of 19 students. The technique of sampling used by the writer is Simple Random Sampling because the population that the writer observed was homogeny students of the second year. The sample was taken randomly. From the three classes, he only took 10 students from every class. 10 students from XI Administrasi Perkantoran, 10 students from XI Tata Niaga, and 10 students from XI Teknik Otomotif. So, the total population that he took as sample is 30 students.

D. Instrument of the Research

To get the data in this research, the writer used three instruments that consisted of English test, observation, and interview to complete the data that were needed for this study. The test was used to know what the errors faced by the students in learning gerund. The test consists of 32 items. 8 items consist of gerund as subject of a sentence, 8 items consist of gerund as object of preposition, 8 items consist of gerund as direct object of certain verbs, and 8 items consist of gerund as the complement of a sentence. Those items are filling the blanks and completing the sentence. The observation was used to to observe the teaching learning process that was conducted by the English teacher in the classroom and also to know the book which was used during the classroom activity. This interview was used to know the difficulties faced by students in learning gerund.

E. Technique of Data Collecting

In completing the data, the writer used some techniques of data collecting such as:

1. English Test

In this technique, the writer gave the test about gerund that is aimed to know the students’ achievement after learning it and also to know their errors in making or combining the sentences about gerund.

2. Observation

The writer came into the classroom as an observer to see teacher’s method in explaining gerund and to know the book which was used during the classroom activity.

3. Interview

The data of this study was also collected by using interview technique. This technique is used to add the data needed which were not covered by test, such as the causes of students’ errors in learning gerund. Therefore, this interview was also used to convince the researcher about the data gained through other techniques.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

The writer followed some steps of error analysis which were adopted from Corder. 2 Firstly, the writer collected the data by doing observation, doing interviews and giving test to the sample of his study. Furthermore, the data which derived from observation and interviews were used as supporting data 2 Rod Ellis, The Study of Second Language Acquisition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994, p. 48.