Data Collecting Method Data Analysis Method


3.1 Research Method

Arikunto 2002:136 says that the research methods are methods used by researchers in collecting their data. Below are some steps that are used in this research method.

3.2 Data and Data Source

The data source of this study is taken from one of best seller novel written by Larry Levin, “Oogy, the dog only a family could love” in 2010. This novel consists of 10 chapters and 209 pages. And its translation Oogy, Anjing Buruk Rupa yang Setia Menemani Perjalanan Suka dan Duka Sebuah Keluarga translated by Maria Elvire in 2011. It consists of 10 chapters and 196 pages. The data of this study are unit shift used in Larry Levin‘s novel, Oogy, the dog only a family could love and its translation Oogy, anjing buruk rupa yang setia menemani perjalanan suka dan duka sebuah keluarga by Maria Elvire.

3.3 Data Collecting Method

According to Arikunto 2005: 175 the data collection techniques is the way used by researchers to obtain the required data. In data collection, researchers require an instrument that aids in order to progress data collection easier. Data collection Universitas Sumatera Utara techniques used in this study is library research that is finding information related to this thesis. The data is obtained from the novel. The data used in this analysis are taken from Larry Levin’s novel “Oogy, the dog only a family could love and its translation “Oogy, anjing buruk rupa yang setia menemani suka dan duka sebuah keluarga by Maria Elvire. The novel consists of 10 chapters and 209 pages. And its translation consists of 10 chapter and 196 pages. The writer does not using sampling method because the whole pages are used as the data of analysis. And as the data, the writer only analyzes from phrase to clause and clause to phrase.

3.4 Data Analysis Method

After collecting the data, the data analyzed to obtain a conclusion.

A. Descriptive Qualitative

The writer applies describtive qualitative method. Qualitative method is explaining the data descriptively from Larry Levin‘s novel, Oogy, the dog only a family could love in its translation Oogy, anjing buruk rupa yang setia menemani perjalanan suka dan duka sebuah keluarga by Maria Elvire.According to Sutopo 2006:257 says: “Dalam penelitian kuantitatif proses penggumpulan data dan analisisnya terpisah secara jelas, dan analisisnya dilakukan pada tahap akhir penggumpulan data selesai. Tidak demikian halnya dalam penelitian kualitatif yang proses analisisnya harus dilakukan sejak awal bersamaan dengan proses pengumpulan data”. Universitas Sumatera Utara

B. Content analysis

This thesis uses content analysis. So The writer uses content analysis on analyzing the content of Larry Levin‘s novel, Oogy, the dog only a family could love and its translation Oogy, anjing buruk rupa yang setia menemani perjalanan suka dan duka sebuah keluarga by Maria Elvire. According to Krippendrofr 1993: 18 says that content analysis is a research technique for making valid replicable and inferences from texts or rather meaningful matter to the contexts of their use”. According to Holsti 2005: 13 says, “analisa isi adalah usaha menemukan karakteristik pesan, dan dilakukan secara obyektif dan sistematis”. Content analysis is an attempt to find the characteristics of the message, and carried out objectively and systematically. This content analysis emphasizes on language and calls for neutrality. The content analysis also very efficient in terms of cost because the data could be analyzed at home. To find the most dominant of unit shift in this novel, the writer is going to apply a formula referring to Malo’s method of social research 1986 : 200 . Following formula is : N= X x 100 Y Where, X : number of sub-category of unit-shift Y : Number of all data N : The percentage of subcategory of unit-shift Universitas Sumatera Utara In analyzing this data, the writer uses several steps: 1. Writer reads the original novel SL and its translation product TL . 2. Listing the unit shift found inthe original novel SL and its translation TL . 3. Categorizing data included in the types of unit shifts. 4. Analyzing the unit shift by using J. C Catford’s theory 5. Make the tabulation of data. 6. Make a percentage of the unit shifts. 7. Finding out the most dominant units contained in translating the novel. 8. And making the conclusion based on the result of analysis. Universitas Sumatera Utara


4.1 Data Analysis