Background of the Study


1.1 Background of the Study

Language is a tool of communication of daily human. As a tool of communication, language is used to convey and to receive information. Manylanguagesare used to communicate. One of them is English as an international language. Nowadays, lot of books magazines, novels, comics, etc. and technology devices computers, mobile phones, notebook, etc use foreign languages, especially English. This makes a problem for people to understand and comprehend the meaning. Manypeople feel curious to knowand to learnEnglishlanguage. The way to know it is taking someEnglishcourse andreadingEnglish books. To understand the text, the reader needs translationto bridgethereaderto comprehend the contentofthe textmore easily. In the process oftranslation, the messagedeliveredortransferredfroma sourcelanguageintothe targetlanguageshould not bechanged. In other words, the messageormeaningshould beconveyed intactly. Translation is an activity done by a translator to translate the source language text SL into the target language TL by taking into account the suitability of the content of the message and the translation, forming shifts and meaning cannot be avoided given the new vocabulary continues to grow so that there was a shift. According to Catford 1965:73, shifts mean departures from formal correspondences in the process of going from SL to TL. Formal correspondence referrs to the similarity of the form of linguistic categories in two different languages Universitas Sumatera Utara unit, class, structure, etc. Furthermore, he divides shift into two shifts, namely level shifts and categories shifts. Level shift means that a source language item at one linguistic level has a target of language translation at a different level. It is the shift from grammar to lexis. It means that a grammatical unit in English such as noun, affixes has a lexical unit in Indonesian. Here the example, “she is eating” into “dia sedang makan”. Form of “ing” to be + v-ing: grammar in English translated into Bahasa Indonesia by lexis “sedang”. Category shift is about unbounded and rank-bounded translation. In Unbounded translation, equivalences are not tied to a particular rank and can be found equivalences at other levels, while rank-bounded in an equivalent translation in the target language for the each word or for each morpheme encountered in the source language. Category shifts have four kinds of shifts. That are structure shifts, class shifts, unit shifts, and intra-system shifts. According to Catford 1965 in Venuti 2000:141 structure shifts means level shifts as a shift from grammatical unit in SL to a lexical unit in TL. Class shifts occurswhenclassshift inthe source language is different class inthe targetlanguage. Unit shifts occurs when the translation of a unit at one level in SL is different level in the TL. Intra-system shift is ashiftora changethat occursinthesame languagesystem. But here, the writer only focuses on analyzing unit shifts. Unit shifts is the changes of rank. Rank refers to the hierarchical linguistic units of sentence, clause, group phrase, word, or morpheme. For example, “son” word in target language becomes “anak laki-laki” phrase. That means, the word “son” in source language is translated into phrase “anak laki-laki’ in Bahasa Indonesia. Universitas Sumatera Utara By using shift, the translator is expected to get the natural meaning of the translation. It is also used to produce equivalent and exact meaning and structure. Sometimes translating the text is very difficult because every language has its own rules. That makes the translator face the condition that forced him to make shifts of translation so the meaning of source language can be transferred well. Unit shift also essential, by unit shifts, translation becomes more flexible and nature because it is translated based on source language and target in order to get a good translation without losing the meaning. Public media is the place of many various kinds of translation. Novel is one of the most popular publications. There are thousands novels public in the world and many best-seller novels are translated into many languages. For example, an English novel can be translated into many languages like French, Japanese, Indonesian, Spain etc. Like common popular novels, Oogy, the Dog Only a Family Could Love 2011by Larry Levin English is also translated into many languages including in Bahasa Indonesia, ‘Oogy, Anjing Buruk Rupa yang Setia Menemani Perjalanan Suka dan Duka Sebuah Keluarga” by Maria Elvire. The writer is interested in analyzing unit shifts found in the translation of English novel Oogy, the Dog Only a Family Could Love into Bahasa Indonesia because in translating the text from different language is very difficult because every language has its own rules. To translate the language we use shifts to get the equivalent meaning in order to make the reader understand the product of translation. The writer chooses Larry Levin’s novel ‘Oogy, the Dog Only a Family Could Love’ because is that first, this novel is one of the best seller in 2011. And of course the second reasons, there are many unit shifts are found in Larry Levin’s novel Universitas Sumatera Utara ‘Oogy, the Dog Only a Family Could Love’ and its translation by Maria Elvire “Oogy, Anjing Buruk Rupa yang Setia Menemani Perjalanan Suka dan Duka Sebuah Keluarga”.

1.2 Problem of the Study