Types of Translation Research Method Data and Data Source

2.4 Types of Translation

Catford 1965 : 21-22 said that, there are three types or categories of translation in terms of the extent, level, and rank. 1. Extent divided into Full and Partial translation. In a full translation, the whole text is submitted to the process of translation, each part of the SL text is substituted by text material. Catford stated that text is any stretch of language, spoken or written, which is under discussion and according to circumstances, a text may be a whole library of books, a chapter, a paragraph, a sentence, a clause, etc. in other side, a partial translation is some parts of the SL text are left untranslated. They are merely transferred to the target language text. In a literary translated, it is unusual for some SL lexical items to be treated that way. 2. Level divided into Total and Restricted translation. Total translation means translation in which all levels of the SL are replaced by TL. That means replacement of SL grammar and lexis by equivalent TL grammar and lexis with important replacement of SL phonologygraphology by non-equivalent TT phonologygraphology. By restricted translation is replacement of ST material by equivalent TT material at only one level. That is translation performed only at phonological or at the graphological level, or at one of the two levels of grammar and lexis. 3. Rank. It relates to the rank in a grammatical or phonological hierarchy at which translation equivalent is established. Grammatical hierarchy means such as units of sentence, clause, group, word, and morpheme. Universitas Sumatera Utara

2.5 Shifts in Translation

In doing this shift, a translator should determine the form and content of the SL text and then reconstruct the same content meaning using the forms that are appropriate in the TL Larson, 1984: 3 . In attemping to transfer the messagecontent from one language SL to another TL by means of the universally known practice of translation, the translator usually faces the difficulties in finding the same equivalent and the exact structure form in TL. It is because language has its own characteristic and possesses certain distinctive characteristics that give it a special character, such as a word-building capacities, unique patterns of phrase order, techniques for linking clause into sentences, etc. Nida and Taber, 1974:4. In this case, the translator should be able to adjust the structure of the translation in accordance with the rules and grammar of the TL. This is where shifts need to be done in order to produce natural translation. Thus, the occurrence of shifts in any translation activity is an unavoidable phenomenon. Therefore, ‘shift’ should be redefined positively as the consequence of the translator’s effort to establish translation equivalence between different language systems. Further, Catford 1965: 73 states that shifts are departures from formal correspondence in process of going from SL source language to the TL target language. He also divides the translation shift into two major types. They are level shift and category shift. Universitas Sumatera Utara

2.5.1 Level Shift

This shiftoccurs whenSLatonelinguisticlevelhas aTL translation equivalent at differentlevel. It meansthat a grammatical unit in Englishsuch asnoun, verb, affixes, etc., haslexical unitin Bahasa Indonesian. The examples: SL: She is walking alone. TL: Dia sedang berjalan

2.5.2 Category Shift

sendirian. In the examples above, we can see that grammer “To be + V-ing” bound morpheme is translated into “sudah” unbound morpheme a lexis in Bahasa Indonesia. This shift occurs in unbounded and rank-bound translation. Rank-bound translation refers to particular cases where equivalence is intentionally limited to rank below the sentences. Meanwhile, unbounded translation means the translation equivalence may take place in any appropriate rank whether it is a sentence, clause, phrase group, word or morpheme. Halliday 1985 in Machali 1998: 13 devided five units representing ranks in English, they are sentence, clause, phrase group, word and morpheme.

1. Sentence

Sentence is a series of words in connected speech or writing, forming the grammatically complete expression of a single thought. Sentence is regarded as the highest unit in the hierarchy of language unit, because in a sentence contains clause, phrase, word, and morpheme. Universitas Sumatera Utara Based on the type, sentence can be divided into: a. Simple Sentences Such sentences have only one full predication in the form of an independent clause. Example: The man stole jewelry. b. Compound Sentences Such sentences have two or more full predications in the form of independent clause. Example: The man stole jewelry and he hid it in his home. c. Complex Sentence Such sentences also have two or more full predications. One of these is an independent clause main clause that is to the form of the simple sentence, and also or more of these are dependent clauses subordinate clause Example: The man who stole jewelry hid it in his home. d. Compound-complex sentence Compound-comples sentences contain two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. Example: The man stole jewelry and he hid it in his home until he could safely get out of town.

2. Clause

Clause is a group of words that forms part of a sentence and has a subject and a predicate. There are two kinds of clauses: independent and dependent. An independent clause contains a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought. It can stand alone as a sentence by itself, while dependent clause does not express a complete thought and cannot stand alone as a sentence by itself, it is usually begun with subordinator such as when, while, if etc. Based on the function in Universitas Sumatera Utara the sentence, dependent clause can be divided into noun clause, adjective clause, and adverb clause.

3. Phrase

Phrase is a group of words that lacks either a subject or a predicate or both. A phrase does not contain a finite verb and does not have a subject predicate structure, for example smart boy, expensive new car, etc. There are five kinds of phrase: noun phrase, adjective phrase, adverb phrase, verb phrase, and prepositional phrase. a. Noun Phrase Noun phrase is a phrase composed of head and modifiers that the headword is a noun. The function of noun phrase in a sentence is as subject, object and complement. Examples: - He buys a red hat - He is an enginer b. Adjectival Phrase Adjectival Phrase is a group of words that does the function of an adjective. Examples: - Too hot - Very good c. Adverbial Phrase Adverbial Phrase is a group of word that does the work of an adverb. Examples: - Very fast - Rather slowly Universitas Sumatera Utara d. Prepositional Phrase Prepositional phrase is a group of words that contains no verb and that begin with preposition and end with a noun of pronoun. Example: - After the seminar we have a party. - A man with blonde hair. e. Verbal Phrase Verbal phrase is a phrase that contains a verb part that function not as a verb, rather that as a noun or an adjective. Examples: - We spent our holiday to visit Bali.

4. Word

Word is a letter or group of letter which have meaning. A word can be a free morpheme or the combination of morphemes which are considered by the linguists as the smallest unit and can be used as a free single form. In another word, a word can be a free morpheme or the combination of free and bound morphemes. For instnace, red and devil are free which constitute the smallest meaningful unit and can be used as a single free form. The word unbeatablet is an example of a word as the combination of three morphemes, i.e. two bound morphemes un- and -able and a free morpheme beat. In English, there are 8 eight parts of speech, they are noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, conjuction, preposition, and interjection Mukti, 2008:6. a. Noun Noun is the name of thing, person and place. Examples: book, president, minister, Makkah, etc. Universitas Sumatera Utara b. Pronoun Pronoun is word used instead of a noun. Examples: Subjective I, We, You, They, He, She, It Objective Me, Us, Them, You, Him, Her, It c. Adjective Adjective is a word describing a noun. Example: Beautiful girl Beautiful describes the girl d. Adverb Adverb is a word that adds information to a verb, adjective, phrase or another adverb. e. Verb Verb is a word that shows what the person or thing does. f. Preposition Preposition is word normally placed before noun, pronoun and also can be followed by a verb. g. Conjunction Conjunction is word joining words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. h. Interjection Interjection is a word express emotion, greeting and surprise.

5. Morpheme

Morpheme is regarded as the lowest unit in the hierarchy of language unit. Morpheme is a smallest meaningful unit into which words can be analyzed. Morpheme can be divided into two kinds: free morpheme and bound morpheme. Free morpheme is a linguistic form which can be used alone as an independent word. For example: red, house, car, etc. While bound morpheme is a linguistic form which Universitas Sumatera Utara can not stand alone but must be used with another morpheme eg as affixes prefix, suffix, and confix In Category Shifts, there are four shifts. They are classified into structure shifts, class shifts, unit shifts, and intra-system shifts. Below is a brief description of these shifts. Structure-shifts

This shiftinvolvesmost of thegrammaticalstructure, orchangethe word orderofSLtoTL. For example: SL :Your order has been sent via express courier service. TL :Kami telah mengirim pesanan Anda dengan layanan pengiriman kilat. In this example, there is a structural shift from passive sentences into active sentence. This shift occurs when SL equivalent of the item is a member of a different class to the class item of linguistic source. This is a change from one part of the SL kind word into another word in TL. Class-Shifts

This class shiftoccurswhenclassshift inthe source languagehas different class inthe targetlanguage. For example: SL :Corridordevelopment Adj N TL : Membangunkoridor. Verb N Universitas Sumatera Utara Unit-Shifts

This shift occurs when the translation of a unit at one level in SL is different level in the TL. This shift represents change from a linguistic unit, such as a word in SL to the linguistic units that different hierarchical positions in the SL, for example, clauses. Linguistic unit may be a sentence, clause, word, or morpheme. For example: SL :Luckydog Adj N TL :Anjingyang sangat beruntung N a clause The example above is change of the phrase “lucky dog” is translated into clause “Anjing yang sangat beruntung”. Intra System Shifts

Thisshiftis ashiftora changethat occursinthesame languagesystem. For example: SL: This is the place for rabbits. N plural TL: Ini tempat untuk kelinci. N singular Inthiscase, actuallySLandTLhaveformalcorrespondence, buttranslator does not choose the equivalentformalcorrespondenceintheSL. For example, rabbits actually could betranslated intokelinci-kelinci. Because the plural form of the noun can be made by repeating the noun in Bahasa Indonesia, however, the translator chose kelinci instead of kelinci-kelinci. Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH

3.1 Research Method

Arikunto 2002:136 says that the research methods are methods used by researchers in collecting their data. Below are some steps that are used in this research method.

3.2 Data and Data Source

The data source of this study is taken from one of best seller novel written by Larry Levin, “Oogy, the dog only a family could love” in 2010. This novel consists of 10 chapters and 209 pages. And its translation Oogy, Anjing Buruk Rupa yang Setia Menemani Perjalanan Suka dan Duka Sebuah Keluarga translated by Maria Elvire in 2011. It consists of 10 chapters and 196 pages. The data of this study are unit shift used in Larry Levin‘s novel, Oogy, the dog only a family could love and its translation Oogy, anjing buruk rupa yang setia menemani perjalanan suka dan duka sebuah keluarga by Maria Elvire.

3.3 Data Collecting Method