The Importance of Reading and Writing Definition of Reading

2. Reading and Writing

a. The Importance of Reading and Writing

Harmer 1998 states that there are some reasons why reading and writing should be taught for students. First, reading can give many exposure to students’ language acquisition especially if the text is interesting and engaging. Second, texts provide good models for English. A good model is important to be given in teaching English because it can provide opportunities for the students to study language. The last, teaching writing can give reinforcement, language development, learning style, and most importantly, writing as a skill in its own right. Writing can give reinforcement because students gets benefit when they see written texts than oral texts and it is useful for them to write sentences using language. Referring to the theories above, it can be concluded that reading and writing are important to be taught for the students. Reading gives many exposure and provides good models for writing. Besides, reading can affect students’ writing especially their writing reinforcement, language development, learning style, and writing itself.

b. Definition of Reading

Reading is one of the four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. It is a receptive skill, like listening. It involves responding to a text, rather than producing it. It also involves making sense of text because the readers need to connect the message of the text to their knowledge of the world when they are reading Spratt, Pulverness, and Williams, 2005: 21. Then, reading is an interaction between the writer and the reader by using text which increases the readers’ knowledge to make sense of text Ruddle, 2005: 30. In addition, reading is a complex, interactive process. Reading involves a text, a reader and a social context in which reading takes place Celce- Murcia, 2001: 154. Moreover, reading is the process of receiving and interpreting information represented in language form using the text Urquhart Weir, 1988, in Grabe, 2009:14.

c. Definition of Reading Skills