Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Pencapaian Nihil Kecelakaan Kerja Pada PT. Expro Indonesia di Kota Batam




Lampiran 3: Pedoman Wawancara



DI KOTA BATAM Pendahuluan

1. Melakukan perkenalan dua arah, baik peneliti atau informan.

2. Menjelaskan terlebih dahulu maksud dan tujuan wawancara disertai manfaat penelitian dan menjelaskan bahwa kerahasiaan informan terjamin.

3. Meminta kesediaan calon informan untuk menandatangani lembar persetujuan menjadi informan.

4. Melakukan kontrak wawancara, menawarkan waktu wawancara 1 jam sampai 1,5 jam.


Nama :

Umur :

Jenis Kelamin :

Pendidikan Terakhir :

Jabatan :

Masa Kerja :


A. Komitmen Perusahaan

1. Komitmen pimpinan 2. Anggaran khusus K3

3. Fasilitas K3 dan pemeliharaannya 4. Personel K3

B. Kebijakan K3

1. Penyusunan kebijakan K3

2. Keterlibatan pegawai dalam pembuatan kebijakan K3

3. Didokumentasi, diimplementasikan, dipelihara dan dikomunikasikan kepada pekerja

C. Komunikasi dan Pelatihan K3

1. Sosialisasi program K3 2. Rambu-rambu K3 3. Pertemuan petugas K3

4. Pelatihan K3 yang berkualitas bagi pekerja

D. Inspeksi K3 dan penyelidikan kecelakaan kerja

1. Sosialisasi hasil inspeksi K3

2. Prosedur penyelidikan kecelakaan kerja

E. Evaluasi K3

1. Dikomunikasikan dan dikonsultasikan dengan semua pihak yang terlibat 2. Aspek yang dibahas dalam evaluasi K3

3. Tindakan perbaikan dan peningkatan kinerja K3




Batam, 7 Maret 2016

No. : 12/EPTI-BTM/III/2016

Lampiran :

-Perihal : Surat Keterangan Penelitian

Kepada Yth.

Dekan Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Sumatera Utara


Tempat Dengan hormat,

Sehubungan dengan surat permohonan dari Universitas Sumatera Utara Nomor 1739/UNS.2.1.10/KRK/2016 tanggal 26 Februari 2016 mengenai Permohonan Izin Penelitian, untuk dan atas nama mahasiswa dengan data sebagai berikut:

No. Nama NIM Jenis Kelamin Tpt/ Tgl Lahir Peminatan

1 Joanita Debi C S 121000211 Perempuan Batam, 8 Juli

1994 Keselamatan danKesehatan Kerja

Bersama dengan surat pernyataan ini, PT. Expro Indonesia menyatakan bahwa atas nama

tersebut di atas telah melaksanakan penelitiannya dengan judul “FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG


Demikian surat ini kami sampaikan, atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terimakasih. Hormat kami

Batam, 7 Maret 2016

No. : 12/EPTI-BTM/III/2016

Lampiran :

-Perihal : Surat Keterangan Penelitian

Kepada Yth.

Dekan Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Sumatera Utara


Tempat Dengan hormat,

Sehubungan dengan surat permohonan dari Universitas Sumatera Utara Nomor 1739/UNS.2.1.10/KRK/2016 tanggal 26 Februari 2016 mengenai Permohonan Izin Penelitian, untuk dan atas nama mahasiswa dengan data sebagai berikut:

No. Nama NIM Jenis Kelamin Tpt/ Tgl Lahir Peminatan

1 Joanita Debi C S 121000211 Perempuan Batam, 8 Juli

1994 Keselamatan danKesehatan Kerja

Bersama dengan surat pernyataan ini, PT. Expro Indonesia menyatakan bahwa atas nama

tersebut di atas telah melaksanakan penelitiannya dengan judul “FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG


Demikian surat ini kami sampaikan, atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terimakasih. Hormat kami

Batam, 7 Maret 2016

No. : 12/EPTI-BTM/III/2016

Lampiran :

-Perihal : Surat Keterangan Penelitian

Kepada Yth.

Dekan Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Sumatera Utara


Tempat Dengan hormat,

Sehubungan dengan surat permohonan dari Universitas Sumatera Utara Nomor 1739/UNS.2.1.10/KRK/2016 tanggal 26 Februari 2016 mengenai Permohonan Izin Penelitian, untuk dan atas nama mahasiswa dengan data sebagai berikut:

No. Nama NIM Jenis Kelamin Tpt/ Tgl Lahir Peminatan

1 Joanita Debi C S 121000211 Perempuan Batam, 8 Juli

1994 Keselamatan danKesehatan Kerja

Bersama dengan surat pernyataan ini, PT. Expro Indonesia menyatakan bahwa atas nama

tersebut di atas telah melaksanakan penelitiannya dengan judul “FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG


Demikian surat ini kami sampaikan, atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terimakasih. Hormat kami



Revision 0 - For Release Asia Region Area EIO 2009-10

EPTI Indonesia HSEQ Plan 2015/16


Apr il

May June

Q1 Stat us Q1 Targe t Jul y Augu st Sept em ber Q2 Stat us Q2 Targe t Oct obe r Nov em ber Dec em ber

KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Deliverable Rolling Quarterly Targets & Actual Status

1.0 Leadership & Commitment

1.1 Management Lead Safety Engagement Sessions 1 / Quarter 1.2 Management Review Meeting 1 / 6 Months 1.3 HSEQ Plan Review Meeting 1 / 6 Months

2.0 Risk Assessment & Evaluation Number completed

2.1 Risk Assessment / JSA Reviews 1 / 6 Months 2.2 PIP / Client Observation Cards Raised 1 / Quarter 2.3 Hazop / Hazip / Safety Case done / review 1 / 12 Months

3.0 Personnel, Training & Competency

3.1 Training Plan Develop & Review 1 / 6 Monhts

3.2 Number of external Training As per 2015 Training Plan

3.2 HSE Training Completion Quarterly

3.4 MoveSmart Training Completion Quarterly

4.0 Operation & Maintenance

4.1 Worksite Inspection Done 1 / month / location 4.2 Pre-job Site Inspection/PASR Done Quarterly 4.3 Preventive Maintenance Completion Monthly 4.4 PPE Distribution Record In-Place Quarterly

5.0 Equipment, Facilities Design & Construction

5.1 Process Safety Information (PSI) In-place and updated Quarterly 5.2 New equipment purchased to comply with QA specification 6 months 5.3 Building Integrity to comply with legal requirement Yearly

6.0 Interfacing with Client, Contractors & Third Party

6.1 Vendor/Supplier Performance Assessment/Audit 2 / Quarter 6.2 Client Contractor HSEQ Meeting/Event Monthly


Revision 0 - For Release Asia Region Area EIO 2009-10

EPTI Indonesia HSEQ Plan 2015/16


Apr il

May June

Q1 Stat


Q1 Targe


Jul y

Augu st

Sept em


Q2 Stat


Q2 Targe


Oct obe

r Nov

em ber

Dec em


6.3 Regulatory/Industry/O&G HSEQ Conference and Exhibition 6 months

7.0 Incident Investigation

7.1 Incident Reporting to E-Trak Monthly


Revision 0 - For Release Asia Region Area EIO 2009-10

EPTI Indonesia HSEQ Plan 2015/16


Apr il

May June

Q1 Stat us Q1 Targe t Jul y Augu st Sept em ber Q2 Stat us Q2 Targe t Oct obe r Nov em ber Dec em ber

7.2 Incident Investigation and Close-out Quarterly 7.3 Incident Review Panel Meeting 6 Months

8.0 Emergency Response

8.1 ER Organisation and Plan In-place and updated 6 months 8.2 ER Drill at work location 1 / Quarter 8.3 Malaysia Travel Management Plan Review 6 months

9.0 Information Management

9.1 HSEQ Alerts and Monthly HSEQ Topic Distribution Monthly 9.2 HSEQ Performance Distribution Monthly 9.3 HSEQ Information (SDS, Procedures etc.) In-place and updated Quarterly

10.0 Continous Improvement

10.1 HSEQ Performance Reporting Monthly 10.2 HSEQ Performance Management Review 6 months 10.3 HSEQ Recognition Award on Best Observation Card Monthly 10.4 HSEQ Recognition Award on HSEQ Performance Yearly

Review by:

EPTI Operation Manager

Approved by: EPTI President




PTIMS-QAP-4.01N 1st April 2011

Page 1 of 3 REV 3.0



1.Syamsir 2. Jufri Sani 3. Jon Hendri 4. Sebastian 5. Florianus 6. Ilham

DEPARTMENT/AREA Yard Fabrication,

Generator, Chemical Storage & Waste materials






Describe clearly what needs to be inspected. Inspection requirements should address all areas used by EXPRO-PTI personnel. H IG H 2 MED IU M - 1 L O W 0 R A T IN G COMMENTS

Describe why you have allocated the rating to the description. This gives EXPRO-PTI the opportunity to take corrective action or communicate good practices.


1 Is Emergency response procedure available and known by

all personnel on base * Flowchart on what to do


Flowchart displayed at Main Workshop

2 Floor is level, non-slip and free from trip hazards 1 Poor cable management during working

hours Welder & Fitter ASAP & Conduct daily basis

3 Access doors are unlocked and unobstructed 0

4 Adequate clear exits are available for emergency escape

* Are exit signs in place and clearly visible


5 Access points in relation to the worksite are adequate 0

6 Movement between levels is by means of properly 0




PTIMS-QAP-4.01N 1st April 2011

Page 2 of 3 REV 3.0

constructed steps and ladders

7 Lighting for shaded/ indoors areas and during nightfall

provides safe illumination free of shade hazards


8 Is ventilation of the worksite adequate 0

9 Are there adequate trained First Aiders in the workplace.

* Two available at all times


10 Is the first aid box easily accessible and properly equipped

* Checklist of contents

0 First aid Box available at main


11 Are any high levels of noise present at the worksite

* Above 80db (measured by?)

1 All workers equipped them self with ear

plug to protect hearing damage

Supervisor, Foreman, HSE

ASAP & Daily basis

12 Storage areas are secure, fit for purpose, tidy, shelving not


1 Temporary storage behind main

workshop need to displayed rack SWL


13 Storage racks are secured, not overloaded, with clear

access to equipment/tools/ spares.

* All storage at height properly secured and on pallet


14 Eye wash station present, accessible in an emergency, and

checked weekly * in shaded area

1 Eye wash station on going built up HS. Marbun,

Jon Hendri

February 10, 2016

15 Fire fighting equipment is present, accessible in an

emergency, full and in date * right type of extinguisher

0 15 cylinder’s fire extinguisher under refill by 3rd party

HSE 5 February


16 Are all Hazardous Substances correctly stored, with MSDS

sheets and correct PPE available.


18 Are adequate means of communication available

* Emergency response siren/horn/PA System


19 Is the forward work program known 0

20 Are toolbox talks conducted before each work shift 0

21 Have all EXPRO-PTI personnel had site/Installation

induction training


22 Are manning levels and competence/ mix of crew 0




PTIMS-QAP-4.01N 1st April 2011

Page 3 of 3 REV 3.0


23 Are all PowerPoint’s protected by RCD devices and are

portable RCD’s available 0

24 Are barriers/ warning light/ signs correctly deployed in

hazardous areas


25 Are all visitors to the worksite instructed to report to the site


* Clear signage in place * Register of personnel on site


26 Have all electrical leads been inspected and tagged within

the last twelve months * Electric tools register

1 - Some electrical leads had not been

inspected and tagged within the last twelve months

- Ongoing registered & Need to be tested. By electrical lead tester

Edwin & Rudi Ongoing

27 Are there adequately trained personnel in the use fire


* Are extinguishers within certification period. * Fire extinguisher register


28 General Tidiness of Work-Shop 1 - Found the improper method during

hot work operation e.g. failure to provide fire blanket

- Poor cable management at hot work location

- Cables laid obstruction the access way

All Team must maintain


daily basis






PTIMS-QAP-4.01N 1st April 2011

Page 4 of 3 REV 3.0

Actions Outstanding on Completion of Inspection Action Party: Deadline:

Outstanding will be follow up by each department to improvement.

Maintenance, Mechanical, HSE, Electrical & Base Supervisor

End February 2016

Above Actions Verified Complete by:

Syamsir LB Sign: Date:

Jufri Sani Sebastian Jon Hendri

Florianus Stu & Ilaham




Job Description

Page 1 of 4 Document: SFA 002

Revision: 2

Rev. Date: January 2010


Reports To: (Position)


Department: QA/QC Description

Prepared by & Date:

Engku Nasir / Ronald Molando for Nigel Ashton/ Dec 2012

Overall Purpose of the Job: (State briefly why the job exists)

To oversee all the QAQC issues for the base and delegate as necessary

Principal Accountabilities:

(Describe the important end results of the job, i.e., what has to be achieved and why. Start with the most important and number each one separately))

1. Responsible for monitoring all Well Test equipment in Indonesia and issuing the correct job card to the correct person for the work to be carried out in a timely manner

2. Updating the master lists accordingly

3. Ensure all aspects of equipment certification and control systems of the equipment maintenance as per Expro’s policies and AIMS 4. In the process of QA and QC ensure thorough direct monitoring that the correct maintenance processes are used

5. Liaise with Base manager to ensure that repairs and maintenance are performed safely, timely and to company required standards

6. Maintain contact with the relevant operations during all tasks to ensure no shortfalls or lack of procedure

7. Promote, implement and maintain all Expro’s QA, QHSE systems, ensure all 3rdparty services to Expro do comply with Expro’s equipment

8. Prepare, maintain, store and control all maintenance documentation in a timely and professional manner

9. Keep clear records of equipments status, available and fit for use at all times, effective reporting through to base manager


(Show job titles and under c), indicate briefly the purpose of each job))

a) Immediate Supervisor(s) Line: Base Manager

Function: Area HSE QA/QC Manager

b) Other jobs reporting to the same supervisor: Base supervisor

c) Immediate Subordinates: None


(Record any significant quantities on which job has some effect, e.g. budget or turnover, records processed, employees superv ised. Where appropriate, express annual figures and indicate the year to which they relate.

Responsible and to ensure all equipment is in a fit for purpose condition as per Expro’s policies and AIMS.

Responsible for all equipments in Batam operations support base

Job Context and Main Activities:

(Outline the context in which the job operates and record the types of activity involved in achieving principal accountabilities:

1. Responsible and follow all company policies and work procedures in the process of work 2. Ensure that the customer’s requirements are fulfilled by liaison with Operations Coordinator

3. Ensure all the maintenance and certification process for all the equipment is as per Expro standard procedure and compiled in a good manner




Job Description

Page 2 of 4 Document: SFA 002

Revision: 2

Rev. Date: January 2010

4. Actively support the base personnel during execution of all maintenance operation 5. Liaise with Base manager on equipment problems or queries arising during the work

6. Monitor all the certification expired date and create schedule to renew certification and make sure all equipment have valid certification prior send to the job

7. Actively participate in departmental safety meetings and promoting company QHSE and business ethics 8. Performing authority under the PTW system

9. Represent Expro in a professional manner at all times and play a full and active role in promoting Expro’s services

Decision making Authority/Level of Supervision Required:

1. Decision to be made in conjunction with Base manager 2. Supervision is required for most of activities


(Who are the job holder’s most important contacts and for what purpose? Consider both external and internal contacts, excluding immediate supervisor and subordinates, but including personnel at other locations , if appropriate)

In order of priority : -

1. Base Manager Batam- Indonesia– Ronald Malonda 2. Country Manager – TBA

3. HSEQ Coordinator – Florianus Stu Other

4. Document Controller – Ida Puspitasari

5. Region Operations Coordinators

Job Challenges:

(Identify the most complex or demanding aspects of the job)

1. Ensuring the companies equipment and certificate achieve and surpass the client’s expected level of performance

2. Effective reporting and monitoring of equipment status, record daily activities and changes relating to maintenance operations 3. Ensure that equipment is available and fit for use at all times by effective reporting through Expro system

Job Knowledge and Qualifications:

(Indicate minimum knowledge and essential background qualifications necessary to perform the job competently)

1. Sound mechanical knowledge with previous proven experience at a similar level 2. Computer literacy

3. Good communication & leadership skills, able to be part of a team working environment 4. Excellent understanding of English language, verbal and written.

5. Must have extensive certification process and maintenance process and management


(Technical skills, behavioural competencies, specialized training or Defined Competencies as outlined in Expro Competence & Training System)


Expro has delivered a Code of Conduct (‘the Code’) which will help guide you in your job and ensure that employees and the Company comply with the law. The incumbent must read, understand and comply with the Code as well as the more detailed rules contain ed in supporting directives and policies. Please refer to the Expro Intranet to access details of the full Code of Conduct. If you do not have intranet access please refer to your Supervisor who will assist you with access.




Job Description

Page 3 of 4 Document: SFA 002

Revision: 2

Rev. Date: January 2010

The incumbent must be aware that failure to comply with the Code, or indeed any of the Company Policies, Standards, Procedures or Processes may lead to Disciplinary action.

Compliance Control Position – Yes / No (must be completed - please delete as appropriate)

A position will automatically be considered as a Compliance Control position if it is the following:

 Director, Manager or Officer Grade 1-3.

 Senior positions within Legal / Contracts, Finance, HR, Asset Management, Sales or Business Development.

 Country Managers, Senior Sales and Marketing personnel.

High Exposure Position – Yes / No (must be completed - please delete as appropriate)

A position may be considered High Exposure if it involves the following duties and responsibilities:

 Work in the Legal / Contracts department, Finance, HR, Asset Management, Sales or Business Development.

 Review of contracts, negotiation of contracts or agreements with third parties.

 Responsibility or shared responsibility for Internal Controls.

 Regular interaction or management or interaction of relationships with government officials, agents or government service providers.

 Supervisory functions, in particular, supervision of other employees who work in or frequently travel to high risk* countries .

 Anyone with responsibility over the sale and disposition of assets.

 Anyone with approval authority over Company expenditures in a high risk* country. * refer to Expro Intranet for list of high risk countries.

Health and Safety:

Please highlight if the role is a Safety Critical Position as per the following definition:

A role is defined as Safety Critical where Employees, through any improper use of substances (as defined by the Substance Abuse Policy) may affect the health and safety of themselves and/or their colleagues in their work area.

Safety Critical Role – Yes/No (Please delete as appropriate)

All Employees

As a minimum the incumbent must:

a) take reasonable care to prevent harm to themselves

b) consider the potential for harm to others or the environment that may be caused by their acts or omissions c) work in accordance with information and training provided

d) refrain from intentionally misusing or recklessly interfering with anything that has been provided for Health, Safety and Environment reasons

e) report any hazardous defects in plant, equipment and workplace, or shortcomings in the existing controls, to a responsible person without delay

f) not undertake any task for which authorisation and/or training has not been given.

Responsibilities of Managers and Supervisors

The incumbent is responsible for ensuring that the QHSE Management System is implemented within the operations under their control. The incumbent must actively monitor the workplace to ensure that acceptable standards are maintained. Where risks are identified the incumbent must ensure that these risks are controlled, so far as is reasonably practicable.

The incumbent's duties include:

a) ensuring that employees, contractors and visitors are aware of relevant QHSE procedures

b) establishing that all equipment, plant and substances used are suitable for the task and are kept in good working condition: this includes the regular maintenance and servicing of equipment

c) providing adequate training, information, instruction and supervision to ensure that work is conducted without harm to people or the environment

d) taking immediate and appropriate steps to investigate and rectify any risks to people environment/equipment and quality arising from the work activity

e) bringing to the prompt attention of project management any QHSE issue that requires their attention

f) ensuring that all incidents are properly recorded and reported and that an investigation is carried out to establish and rectify root causes

g) actively participating in the QHSE management system.




Job Description

Page 4 of 4 Document: SFA 002

Revision: 2

Rev. Date: January 2010

Job Description Agreed By:

Job Holder MIRWAN JAYA Date:

Supervisor RONALD MALONDA Date:

Reviewed By:

Job Holder: Date:

Supervisor: Date:


Duration Required

To Update


1 1.01 Safety and Environmental Policies and Organisation 4 23-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 2 1.0 HSE Manual Table of Contents 8 29-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 3 1.02 Safety Audit Procedures 3 25-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 4 1.02A Internal Safety Audit Checklist 1 1-Dec-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 5 1.02B Safety Audit Corrective Action 1 1-Dec-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 6 1.03 Risk Assessment and Job Safety Analysis Procedure 4 24-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 7 1.03A Risk Assessment 2 1-Dec-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 8 1.03B Risk Assessment Form Matrix 3 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE

9 1.03C Job Safety Analysis 2 1-Dec-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE Not Required 10 1.04 Manual Handling Procedure 3 24-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE

11 1.04A Manual Handling Assessment Summary 2 1-Dec-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 12 1.05 Substance Abuse Policy 3 24-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 13 1.06 Health, Hygiene and Environment 3 24-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 14 1.07 HSE Meetings 3 24-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 15 1.07A Monthly HSE Meeting Report 2 1-Dec-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 16 1.08 Medical Fitness Review 3 24-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Merindu HR 17 1.09 Employee Induction 4 24-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE

18 1.09A Sattahip Facility Induction 2 9-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Not Required 19 1.10 Short Service Employee Scheme 2 24-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE

20 10.01 Electrical Safety 2 28-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Edwin E & I 21 10.02 Battery Safety 3 28-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Edwin E & I 22 10.03 Electrical Apparatus for Use in Potentially Explosive

Atmospheres 3 28-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Not Required

23 10.04 Electrical Safety in Workshops 3 28-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Edwin E & I 24 11.01 Hearing Conversation 3 28-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 25 12.01 Hand Tools and Portable Power Tools 3 28-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Edwin E & I 26 13.01 Permit to Work Entry Into Confined Spaces 3 29-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 27 13.01A Confined Space Entry Permit 2 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 28 13.02 Permit to Work Hot Working 3 29-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE

29 13.02A Work Permit 2 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE

30 14.01 Working with Pressure 3 29-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 31 15.01 Vehicle Operations 3 29-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 32 15.02 Journey Management 2 29-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE

33 15.02A Production Testers International, Daily Vehicle Checklist 2 15-Dec-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 34 16.01 Environmental Protection 3 29-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 35 17.01 HSE Manual Controlled Documents 2 29-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 36 2.02A Production Testers International Incident Reporting Form 4 28-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 37 2.01 Provision for First Aid Arrangements 3 28-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 38 2.02 Accident and Incident Reporting and Investigation 4 28-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 39 2.03 Safety Alerts 3 28-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 40 3.01 Fire Safety 3 28-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 41 4.01 Safety Training 4 28-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE

42 5.01 Office Safety 3 28-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Mark Hayes Management 25-Feb-16 1 Day 4 Completed 43 5.02 General Workshop Safety 3 28-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE

44 5.03 Regulation for Contractors Working at Expro-PTI Premises 3 28-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Merindu HR 45 5.04 Safety Assessment of Sub Contractors 3 28-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 46 6.01 Safety for Operational Personal 3 28-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 47 6.02 Operational Audit Procedure Engku Nasir Florianus HSE

48 6.03 Well Test Safety 3 28-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Not Required

49 6.04 Emergency Response Procedure 3 28-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Not Required 50 6.04A Emergency Response Procedure-Thailand 4 9-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Not Required 51 6.04B Emergency Response Procedure-Jakarta Office 1 1-Dec-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE

52 6.04C Emergency Response Procedure-Batam Base 3 30-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE

53 6.04D Emergency Response Procedure-Malaysian Office 3 11-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Not Required 54 6.05 HSE Manual Emergency Response Drills and Exercise

Schedules 3 28-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 55 6.05A HSE Manual Emergency Response Drills and Exercise

Schedules 2 1-Dec-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE

Date: 24 February 2016

Comments Date Planned to be UPDATED New REV ITEM NO DOC. NO (PTIMS-QAP)



Duration Required

To Update


Date: 24 February 2016

Comments Date Planned to be UPDATED New REV ITEM NO DOC. NO (PTIMS-QAP)


56 7.01 Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment 3 28-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 57 7.02 Use of Breathing Apparatus and Respirators 3 28-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 58 8.01 Control of Exposure Hazardous Substances 3 28-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 59 8.01A COSHH Assessment Record 2 3-Dec-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE

60 8.02 Hydrogen Sulphide 3 28-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Not Required

61 8.03 Methanol 3 28-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Not Required

62 9.01 Manual Handling 3 28-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 63 9.02 Lifting Equipment 3 28-Nov-2010 Engku Nasir Collin Fyfe Base 64 9.4.11 Stop Work Intervention 0 26-May-2015 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 65

Batam-TMP-03-09 Batam Travel Management Plan 3 1-Mar-2012 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 66 OPS-002 Job Safety (Hazard) Analysis JSA/JHA Form(Blasting) 1 February-11 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE

67 OPS-002 Job Safety (Hazard) Analysis JSA/JHA Form(Confined Space

Entry) 1 January-07 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 68 OPS-002 Job Safety (Hazard) Analysis JSA/JHA Form(Crane Operations) 1 January-07 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE

69 OPS-002 Job Safety (Hazard) Analysis JSA/JHA Form(General Electrical

Installation and Repair) 1 February-11 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 70 OPS-002 Job Safety (Hazard) Analysis JSA/JHA Form(Forklift Operation) 1 February-11 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE

71 OPS-002 Job Safety (Hazard) Analysis JSA/JHA Form( General Carpenter

Work) 1 February-11 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 72 OPS-002 Job Safety (Hazard) Analysis JSA/JHA Form(Heat Tracing

Works) 1 February-11 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 73 OPS-002 Job Safety (Hazard) Analysis JSA/JHA Form(Hot Works) 1 January-07 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE

74 OPS-002 Job Safety (Hazard) Analysis JSA/JHA Form(Instrumentation

Works) 1 January-07 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 75 OPS-002 Job Safety (Hazard) Analysis JSA/JHA Form(Machine Service) 1 February-11 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 76 OPS-002 Job Safety (Hazard) Analysis JSA/JHA Form(MPI ) 1 February-11 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 77 OPS-002 Job Safety (Hazard) Analysis JSA/JHA Form(Painting Works ) 1 February-11 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE

78 OPS-002 Job Safety (Hazard) Analysis JSA/JHA Form(Pressure Test) 1 January-07 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE

79 OPS-002 Job Safety (Hazard) Analysis JSA/JHA Form(Work at Height) 1 January-07 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE

80 OPS-002 Job Safety (Hazard) Analysis JSA/JHA Form(X-Ray ) 1 February-11 Engku Nasir Florianus HSE 81

82 83 84 85



1 01.02.2016 Only authorized electrician are allowed to repair electrical equipment (Hanya electrician yang boleh memperbaiki peralatan listik)

2 02.02.2016 Fire occur due to electric shock (Kebakaran akibat hubungan arus pendek)

3 03.02.2016 Fever due to welding fumes (Demam akibat asap welding)

4 04.02.20016 Slip, trip, fall risk (Resiko terpeleset, tersandung)

5 05.02.2016 Use of cable hanger to arrange the hose/electrical cable (Gunakan kabel hanger untuk penataan selang dan kabel listrik)

6 06.02.2016 Gas hose and cable inspection (Inspeksi selang gas dan kabel)

7 07.02.2016 Cutting job (Pekerjaan memotong)

8 08.02.2016 Be aware and maintenance of hose (Kepedulian dan perawatan selang)

9 09.02.2016 Types of gas hose unused (Ciri-ciri sealng gas yang sudah tidak layak pakai)

10 10.02.2016 Gas hose inspection during break time and end of the shift (Pemeriksaan selang gas saat jam istirahat dan setelah selesai bekerja)

11 11.02.2016 Handling of gas cylinder (Penaganan tabung-tabung gas)

12 12.02.2016 Storage of compressed gas cylinder (Penyimpanan tabung gas)

13 13.02.2016 Maintenance of gas cylinder (Perawatan tabung-tabung gas)

14 14.02.2016 Disconnect the hose from manifold when break time (Melepas sealng dari manifold waktu istirahat)

15 15.02.2016 Lifting of compressed gas cylinder (Pengangkutan tabung-tabung gas cylinder)

16 16.02.2016 Working at height safely (Bekerja diketinggian yang aman)

17 17.02.2016 Hazard of carbon monoxide resulting from welding job (Bahaya karbon monoksida sebagai hasil pekerjaan welding)

18 18.02.2016 Welding job (Pekerjaan welding)

19 19.02.2016 Grinding job (Pekerjaan gerinda)

20 20.02.2016 Grit blasting job (Pekerjaan grit blasting)

21 21.02.2016 Housekeeping copper slag after completion of blasting job (Pembersihan copper slag setelah pekerjaan blasting)

22 22.02.2016 Spray painting job (Pekerjaan spray painting)

23 23.02.2016 Color coding of compressed gas cylinder (System pewarnaan tabung gas bertekanan)

24 24.02.2016 Safe pressure of compressed gas cylinder system (Tekanan gas yang aman pada regulator tabung)

25 25.02.2016 Working in confined space (Bekerja diruangan tertutup)

26 26.02.2016 Confined space lighting (Penerangan diruangan tertutup)

27 27.022016 Hazard of leaking compressed hose in confined space (Bahaya kebocoran selang gas didalam ruangan tertutup)

28 28.022016 Hazard of compressed oxygen when react with hydrocarbon (Bahaya oksigen bertekanan bila bereaksi dengan hidrokarbon

29 29.02.2016 Ventilation system in confined space (Sistem ventilasi yang baik diruangan tertutup)


February 2016


Training Matrix - HSEQ Training Matrix 2014/2015

Training Status Mandatory Non Mandatory Job Specific

Name Position G rade / M aint enance Cham pion S af et y M o v e S m a rt E X P R O -P T I R eg io n In du ct io n B ase HS E I nduct ion HUE T / S ea S urvival / Com bine O ff shore T raining Working A t Height F ire F ight ing T raining B asic F irst A id Risk A ssessm ent / JS A P osit ive Int ervent ion F orklif t T raining Q A A wareness / M S roll-out Rigging & S linging T raining M anual Handling Lit hium B at teries, Handling & P ackaging Dangereous G ood A wareness T raining P T W S yst em E xpro House Rules Hearing Conservat ion Respirat ory P rot ect ion E rgonom ics Conf ined S pace E nt ry B oiler T raining BATAM BASED PERSONNEL

Mark Hayes Base Manager x x X x X X X X X X X

Collin Fyfe Base Supervisor X x X X X X X X X X

Anggun Kusno Riadi Draftsman X X X X X X X X X X

Bayu Dwi Atmoko Base Engineering X X X X

Edwin Fabe Base Engineering X x X x X X X X X

Elfiane Vivi Finance Assistant X X X X X X x X

Firman Buchari QA/QC Technician X x X X X X X X X X X

Florianus Stu HSEQ Coordinator X X x X X X x x x X X x X X X X X X X X x x

Herna Nuraeni Purchasing Assistant X X X x X X X X X x X

H.S. Marbun Yard Supervisor X x X X X X X X X X X X

Ida Puspitasari Doc. Controller X x X X x X X X X

Jennar Silitonga Purchasing Coordinator X x X X X X X X X X X

Updated : 14-07- 2015

Jennar Silitonga Purchasing Coordinator X x X X X X X X X X X

Juster Purba Instrument X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X X

Jufri Sani Well Test Operator X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Merindu Siregar HR & GA Admin X x x x x x

Mirwan Jaya QA/QC Coordinator X x X X X X X X X X X X

Rome Hernandez Project Engineer X x X X X X X X X X X X

Razmayanti Logistic Coordinator X x X X X X X X X X

Repi Kestok Draftsman X X X X X X X X X

Rusdiyatno Engineer X x x x x x x x

Sri Elfifi Purchasing Supervisor X x X X X X X X

Suharyanto Draftsman X x X X X X X X

Tri Indah Lestari Secretary X X x X X X x

Fina Fadiana Cost Controller

Abdul Majid Well Test Operator X X X X X X X X X X

Afrizal Electrician X X X X X X X x X X

Afdaludin Well Test Operator X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Dedi Sipakkar Well Test Operator X X X X X X X

Derek Seleky Mechanic X X X X X X X x

Fajar Surya Dani Well Test Operator X X X X X X X X X X X x

Golan Hamonangan Electric / Instrument X X X X X X X X X X x

Mukhlisin Well Test Operator X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Kristian Marpaung Well Test Operator X X X X X X X X X X X

Muliadi Well Test Operator X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Muhadi Well Test Operator X X X X X X X X X X X X x

Musyadi Well Test Operator X X X X X X X X XX X X x

Pondang Sipangkar Well Test Operator X X X X X X X X X X

Raja Saul Sinaga Well Test Operator X X X X X X X X X X x

Rismal Storeman X X X X X X X X X X X

Rusmawan Well Test Operator X X X X X X X X X X x

Sayadi Well Test Operator X X X X X X X X X X

Suryadi Well Test Operator X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Yudha Syarif Mechanic X X X X X X X X X

Yuliadi Well Test Operator X X X X X X X X X X X

Achmad Mujianto Assistant QA/QC X X X X X X X X X X x X

Andika Maintenance X X X X X X X X X X X x


Name Position G rade / M aint enance Cham pion S af et y M o v e S m a rt E X P R O -P T I R eg io n In du ct io n B ase HS E I nduct ion HUE T / S ea S urvival / Com bine O ff shore T raining Working A t Height F ire F ight ing T raining B asic F irst A id Risk A ssessm ent / JS A P osit ive Int ervent ion F orklif t T raining Q A A wareness / M S roll-out Rigging & S linging T raining M anual Handling Lit hium B at teries, Handling & P ackaging Dangereous G ood A wareness T raining P T W S yst em E xpro House Rules Hearing Conservat ion Respirat ory P rot ect ion E rgonom ics Conf ined S pace E nt ry B oiler T raining

Ansyarullah Welder X X X X X X X X X X x

Junaidi Abdullah Welder x X X X X X X X X X X X

Asbon Welder X X X X X X X X X X

A. Syaikhu Security X X X X X X X x

Bonefasius Purna HSEQ OFFICER X X X X x X X X X X X x

Binatang Dani Maintenance X X X X X X X X X X x

Bunawi Sandblaster / Painter X X X X X X X X X X x

Benediktus Manurung Fitter X X X X X X X X X X X x

Budiman Bancin Fitter X X X X X X X X X X x

Efrizal Fitter X X X X X X X X X X x

Eka Sanjaya Maintenance X X X X x X X X X X X X X X x

Gusril Fitter X X X X X X X X X X x

Yola Meininda Receptionist X X X

Heru Rusli Fitter X X X X X X X X X X X x

Hikmah Jaya Fitter X X X X X X X X X X X x

Isra Sandblaster / Painter X X X X X X X X X X X x

Jesrel Fitter X X X X x X X X X X X X X X X

Jhon D. Sawen Maintenance X X X X X X X X X X X X

Jon Hendri Mechanic X X X X x X X X X X X X X X X X

Junaidi Fitter X X X X x X X X X X X X x

X X X X X X X X X x

Karel Melaira Helper Electrician X X X X X X X X X x

Kembang Matius Marbun Instrument X X X x X X X X X X X X X X

Mangoloi Manurung Security X X x X X X X X x

Marsunggul Instrument X X X X X X X X X x

M. Arief Maintenance X X X X X X X X X X X X x

Mangabdi Instrument X X X X X X X X X X X x

M. Soleh Sandblaster / Painter X X X X x X X X X X X X x

Nixon Pardede Fitter X X X X X X X X X X X X x

Nurmansyah Driver X X X X X X X X x

Nugraha Eko Pratama Fitter X X X X X X X X X X x

Porman Marbun Sandblaster / Painter X X X X X X X X X X x

Roni Candra Forklift Oparator X X X X x X X X X X X X x X

Rudy Melaira Electrician X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Rudi Hartono Fitter X X X X X X X X X X x

Samsudin Storeman X X X X X X X X X X x

Sarles Pakpahan Instrument X X X X X X X X X X X X

Sebastianus HSE Officer X X X x X X X X X X X x

Solikin Maintenance X X X X x X X X X X X X X x X

S. Nordiansyah Welder X X X X X X X X X X x

Syamsir Lumban Batu Foreman X X X X X X X X X x

Suprianto X X X X X X X x

Tarpin Maintenance X X X X X X X X X X x

Thomsen Lasder Welder X X X X X X X X X x

Wagiman Maintenance X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Warsita Fitter X X X x X X X X X X X

Wasnadi Fitter X X X X X X X X X X X x


Adam Paramesywara Cost Accountant X X X

Anis Purwanti Account Clerk X X

Budi Setiyono Well Test Operator X X X X X

Buditalira Finance Supervisor X X X


Name Position G rade / M aint enance Cham pion S af et y M o v e S m a rt E X P R O -P T I R eg io n In du ct io n B ase HS E I nduct ion HUE T / S ea S urvival / Com bine O ff shore T raining Working A t Height F ire F ight ing T raining B asic F irst A id Risk A ssessm ent / JS A P osit ive Int ervent ion F orklif t T raining Q A A wareness / M S roll-out Rigging & S linging T raining M anual Handling Lit hium B at teries, Handling & P ackaging Dangereous G ood A wareness T raining P T W S yst em E xpro House Rules Hearing Conservat ion Respirat ory P rot ect ion E rgonom ics Conf ined S pace E nt ry B oiler T raining

Dede Iskandar Senior Plant Operator X X X

Dedek Afrizal Mechanic X X X

Donny Soemarwoto Admin Coordinator X X X X X

Intan Widuri Receptionist X X X

Lili Herlina Operations Secretary X X

Lili Suyatno Well Test Operator X X X X X

M. Farid Fauzan Senior Well Test Operator X X

Muhammas Arief Kurniawan Account Payable X X X

Nur Witjaksono Business Development Manager X X X

Rosalinda Fitriyani Office Manager X X X X X

Sugeng Raharjo Well Test Operator X X

Suwardi Sajangi Admin Assistant X X X X X

Victor Silaban Trainee Well Test Operator X X X

Provider Internal Internal Internal External External External External Internal Internal External Internal External Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal External External Internal External Extern Training Date


DESCRIPTION IOSH AK3 Umum MoveSmart Training Boiler Operator Fire Fighting Permit to Work Risk Assessment Work At Height

Dangerous Goods Awareness IATA

T.BOSIET Well Test Operator Third Party Refresh in 2015

Logistic Internal Plan to refresh in 2015

Logistic Third Party

Yard Personnel, Field Operator Internal Done .

Yard Personnel, Field Operator Internal Refreshing Training for Maintenance Personnel

Yard Personnel Third Party Done for all Base personnel

Yard Personnel, Field Operator Internal On August 2015

All Office & field team Internal Office Team Batam Base 2015

All Well Test Operators Third Party Done for field crew on may 2014

Manager and Supervisor Level Internal

Safety Personnel Third Party Refreshing Training for HSE Personal









P = Probability of harm occurring, S = Severity of harm caused, R = Risk Rating, prefix with asterisk denotes ‘after controlstaken into account’. ALARP = ‘As Low As Reasonably Practicable’

Activity Description: Pressure Testing Assessment No: EPTI-BTM-RA-003

Date: 30 - 09 - 2015 Rev: 1

Other assessments referred to:

RA-IND-01 Manual Handling

RA-IND-07 General Forklift Operations

RA-IND-09 Electrical Inspections & Maintenance

EXPRO/RA/BTM/011 Lifting and Hoisting of Equipments / Materials

Assessment Team:, Collin Fyfe, Florianus Stu, Edwin Fabe, Sebastianus A.

Company/ Department: Expro Batam

Frequency of Activity: Daily Persons Affected: Personnel performing the

operation Location: Batam Base

Operation/ Event

Identified Hazard

Probable Harm P S R Required Controls P S R

Pre-job Planning

Failure to address hazards

- Personnel Injury. - Damage to equipment - In-experience of personnel to

perform the job

3 4 12 - A PTW is required and a risk assessment carried out.

- A toolbox talk is to be conducted before starting work.

- Area to be inspected by Base QC & Base Manager before PTW signed.

- Clear understanding of task. - Clear levels of communication.

ALL pressure testing job at the base must be lead and witness by Supervisor.

1 4 4




P = Probability of harm occurring, S = Severity of harm caused, R = Risk Rating, prefix with asterisk denotes ‘after controlstaken into account’. ALARP = ‘As Low As Reasonably Practicable’

Equipment preparation

- Unsuitable - Broken


- Equipment failure - Injury to personnel - Wrong or endanger of

equipment position - Pinch Points - Manual Handling

4 3 12 - Pressure test activity must be done in pressure test

bay or secured area away from other operations ongoing depending on the situation.

- Ensure door is closed and light of pressure test sign is ON.

- If pressure test activity must be done in workshop or yard, make sure to give safety barrier board in order to secure area where other jobs are running.

- Never let equipment inlet and outlet to face any public area or to endanger to personnel. If unsure or doubt contact or communicate with supervisor.

1 3 3

Operation/ Event

Identified Hazard

Probable Harm P S R Required Controls P S R


condition of test pump & hose connection.

Equipment /connection failure

- Equipment damage - Hand injury

4 2 8 - Ensure all low pressure hose connections are to

be R-clip and secured.

- Ensure all testing connection to have 2

pressures monitoring like pressure gauge and chart recorder during operation.

- Ensure all hoses are fitted with ID tag.

2 2 4

Check any possible of trap pressure existence

Trap pressure to release

Pressure release could cause fatality and injury to personnel.

3 3 9 - Ensure all possible trap pressure cavities to have

relief valve & pressure gauge

- Ensure all valves to be bled-off on arrival at yard

and prior to and after every pressure test job.

1 3 3




P = Probability of harm occurring, S = Severity of harm caused, R = Risk Rating, prefix with asterisk denotes ‘after controlstaken into account’. ALARP = ‘As Low As Reasonably Practicable’

Start 1st

pressure testing job

- Pressure release - Trap


- Electrical supply down

- Fatality

- Personnel Injury - Equipment damage - Flying equipment and


- STOP all electrical appliances

4 3 12 - Inspections carried out in compliance with company

maintenance Guidelines or equipment manual. - Regular maintenance carried out, Clear line of

communication, (Accepted and understood). - Ensure equipment must be depressurized and test

caps remove prior to any repair or tighten of unions. - Written approved pressure test procedure in place,

i.e.”Pressure test procedures” in the Design of Service.

- Restriction in work area of non-essential personnel.

- Ensure circuit breaker of electrical was NOT weak and wires have been inspected regularly.

2 2 4

Operation/ Event

Identified Hazard

Probable Harm P S R Required Controls P S R




P = Probability of harm occurring, S = Severity of harm caused, R = Risk Rating, prefix with asterisk denotes ‘after controlstaken into account’. ALARP = ‘As Low As Reasonably Practicable’


testing of


- Pressure release - Trap


- Over pressure caused equipment damage - Personnel Injury

5 3 15 - Use of calibrated gauges.

- Use of isolation valves.

- Use of proper rated and tested relief valves.

- Permit to work in place before job commences.

- Restriction in work area of non-essential personnel.

- Ensure pressure gauge gave similar reading with

chart recorder. Ensure correctly ranged (33 –

75%) pressure been applied.

- Clear line of communication,(Accepted and understood).

- Use of sign’s and barriers.

- Use of PA announcements.

- Toolbox talk before work commences.

- Permit to work in place before job commences. - Lines and equipment secured.

- Line up security cameras on equipment being tested. (zoom in)

- Refer to Work Instruction guideline.

2 3 6

Over pressure

- Over pressure damage relief valve.

- Over pressure release can kill & injury personnel

5 4 20 - Use proper rated & tested relief valve.

- Relief valve maintain as per maintenance procedure. - Test pressure not more than 90% of relief valve set


1 4 4

Pump operation Noise Hazard Excessive noise level endanger

personnel hearing

3 3 9 - Wear adequate hearing protection (ear plugs).

- Conduct hygiene monitoring of noise level periodically (once a year)

1 3 3

Operation/ Event

Identified Hazard

Probable Harm P S R Required Controls P S R




P = Probability of harm occurring, S = Severity of harm caused, R = Risk Rating, prefix with asterisk denotes ‘after controlstaken into account’. ALARP = ‘As Low As Reasonably Practicable’

Over Pressure

- Over pressure may release pressure at connection & tubing.

- Injury to personnel

4 3 12 - Use of calibrated gauges.

- Use of isolation valves.

- Use of proper rated and tested relief valves. - Permit to work in place before job commences. - Restriction in work area of non-essential personnel. - Lines and equipment secured.

- Clear line of communication. (Accepted and understood).

1 3 3

Equipment : Operation of Valves

Over exertion.

- Manual handling injury to personnel.

- Strains & sprains to back, hand & arms

4 1 4 - Ensure equipment is bled off unless otherwise stated

in Work Instruction.

- Ensure equipment is properly bled off and test caps to be removed.

- Ensure adequate manning present to complete operations.

- Use mechanical handling devices if possible. - Apply proper manual handling techniques.

2 1 2

Mismatch of

Hammer Unions

Trap pressure

- Damage to equipment. - Personnel Injury. - Release of Uncontrolled


- Release of uncontrolled Hydrocarbons.

3 3 9 - Identify hammer unions before making up.

- Do not make up unions that cannot be identified. - Technology Bulletin TB-GL-STE-006

- Use GO / NO GO indicators.

- Use of Colour Coding to identify hammer union type. - Ensure clear line of communication. If unsure or

doubt contact supervisor.

1 3 3

Operation/ Event

Identified Hazard

Probable Harm P S R Required Controls P S R




P = Probability of harm occurring, S = Severity of harm caused, R = Risk Rating, prefix with asterisk denotes ‘after controlstaken into account’. ALARP = ‘As Low As Reasonably Practicable’

Hammering up Unions

Manual Handling Hazard

- Splinters - Flying objects, - Manual Handling. - Pinch points - Personal Injury

4 1 4 - Ensure to bled off pressure completely and remove

the test caps before hammering the unions.

- Correct positioning of personnel and body posture. - Apply proper manual handling techniques.

- Ensure to inspect tools / hammers for damage / defect prior to use. Change to new tools if damage. If unsure contact base supervisor. Ensure to inspect unions prior to hammering. Ensure to wear full P.P.E. (Hard Hats, Goggles, Face Mask, Ear Plugs)

2 1 2

Working in hot weather Working in rainy Day

Personnel tired

- Personnel fatigue - Personnel slip

4 2 8 - Rotation of personnel

- Correct position of personnel facing any in-let outlet which may have pressure release.

- Drink a lot of water. - STOP work if necessary - Must work with rain-coat.

- STOP work if lighting & thunderstorm

2 2 4

Stop the job House keeping

Concurrence activity hazard

- Trap pressure release. - Slip & trip

3 5 15 - Ensure communication by team member on

personnel duty.

- Never start house keeping when equipment not finish pressure testing job.

- Check any possible pressure trap in any cavity or vessel.

- Keep any pellet or tool-box away from pressurize equipment.

1 3 3




P = Probability of harm occurring, S = Severity of harm caused, R = Risk Rating, prefix with asterisk denotes ‘after controlstaken into account’. ALARP = ‘As Low As Reasonably Practicable’






Unknown Not expected to occur


Remote A remotely possible but known occurrence


Occasional Could occur but probably not more than




Likely to occur occasionally,

more than once



Likely to occur regularly


Highly Likely

Likely to occur very regularly/ always present


1 Minimal pollution effect,

contained locally < £1,000

Injury requiring

first aid only Slight health effect, not affecting performance or causing absence.







2 Minor pollution, slight or negligible impact, negligible remedial/ recovery work.

> £1,000 < £5,000

Injury/ Minor health effects require treatment by medically qualified person, effects are reversible - Short term absence from work, complete








3 Pollution with some onsite impact & recovery work. Some local media interest

> £5,000 < £50,000

Life threatening injury/ Major health effect to individual requiring medivac to hospital facilities. Irreversible health damage without loss of life - Long

term absence, part recovery.







4 Significant pollution with offsite impact & recovery work. Some local and regional media interest.

> £50,000 < £100,000

Major injury or Major health effects to several persons - life threatening Long term absence with incomplete recovery







5 Massive pollution with significant site impact & recovery work. Regional / National media interest.

> £100,000 < £1,000,000

Fatality or permanent disablement from occupational illness or disease







6 Massive pollution with significant recovery work. Global media interest.

> £1,000,000 Multiple Fatalities or multiple permanent disabling injuries from occupational illness or injury







LOW RISK Risk may be acceptable, however review to see if risk can be reduced further.


Task should only proceed with appropriate line management authorisation after consultation with specialist personnel and the assessment team. Where practicable, the task should be redefined to take account of the hazards involved or the risk should be reduced further prior to the task commencing.

HIGH RISK Task must not proceed. Task must be redefined or further control measures put in place to reduce risk. The controls should be reassessed for adequacy prior to task commencement.







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3.1 Jenis Penelitian

Berdasarkan permasalahan yang diteliti, maka jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode wawancara dan telaah dokumen untuk mengetahui lebih jelas mengenai faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi pencapaian nihil kecelakaan kerja pada PT. Expro Indonesia di Kota Batam.

3.2 Lokasi dan Waktu Penelitian 3.2.1 Lokasi Penelitian

Lokasi penelitian dilaksanakan pada PT. Expro Indonesia di Kota Batam yang terletak di Jalan Yos Sudarso, Batu Ampar, Kota Batam, Kepulauan Riau 29452 pada departemen Health, Safety and Environment (HSE). Pemilihan lokasi ini berdasarkan di perusahaan ini belum pernah dilakukan penelitian mengenai faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi pencapaian nihil kecelakaan kerja.

Departemen Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) PT. Expro Indonesia merupakan salah satu departemen yang bertanggung jawab untuk melaksanakan semua kegiatan-kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja, dimulai dengan menjadikan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja sebagai prioritas utama dalam bekerja, menjalankan setiap kebijakan dan prosedur keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja, memberikan pelatihan terkait keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja, melakukan inspeksi serta penyelidikan dan pelaporan kecelakaan kerja,



menyelenggarakan evaluasi terkait keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja, hingga menyediakan seluruh keperluan alat pelindung diri pada setiap proses pekerjaan sesuai dengan risiko kecelakaannya sehingga mencapai nihil kecelakaan kerja.

3.2.2 Waktu Penelitian

Pelaksanaan penelitian ini dilakukan mulai dari Juni 2015 sampai dengan April 2016.

3.3 Instrumen Penelitian

Menurut Sugiyono (2012) dalam penelitian kualitatif, instrumen utama adalah peneliti sendiri. Namun, dalam pelaksanaannya untuk memudahkan pengumpulan data, peneliti membutuhkan alat bantu. Alat bantu yang digunakan dalam penelitian kualitatif ini adalah:

1. Pedoman wawancara

Wawancara yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini bersifat semi terstruktur untuk mengingatkan peneliti mengenai aspek-aspek yang dibicarakan, sekaligus menjadi daftar pengecek (checklist) tentang aspek yang telah dan yang belum dibicarakan. Pada pelaksanaannya, pedoman wawancara ini digunakan lebih bebas. Tidak tertutup kemungkinan bagi peneliti untuk menanyakan hal-hal di luar pedoman wawancara, supaya data yang dihasilkan lebih lengkap dan bervariasi.



2. Alat perekam

Peneliti tidak perlu mencatat jalannya pembicaraan karena penelitian ini menggunakan alat perekam berupa handphone untuk merekam suara dan camera untuk merekam gambar.

3.4 Pemilihan Informan

Dalam penelitian ini, pemilihan informan menggunakan teknik nonprobability sampling secara purposive karena peneliti membuat kriteria tertentu siapa yang dijadikan sebagai informan. Informan yang diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah pihak-pihak yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja sehingga tercapai nihil kecelakaan kerja, yang berjumlah dua orang antara lain:

1. Pimpinan Unit PT. Expro Indonesia karena lebih mengetahui dan bertanggung jawab terhadap semua proses kegiatan dalam perusahaan baik yang menyangkut kegiatan produksi maupun pelaksanaan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja secara menyeluruh pada unit ini.

2. Koordinator Health, Safety and Environment Quality (HSEQ) PT. Expro Indonesia karena lebih mengetahui dan bertanggung jawab dalam hal mengontrol lapangan supaya tenaga kerja dan lingkungan kerja tetap aman dan selamat.

3.5 Metode Pengumpulan Data 3.5.1 Data Primer

Data primer diperoleh dari informan dengan menggunakan pedoman wawancara kepada pihak terkait.



3.5.2 Data Sekunder

Data sekunder yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dokumen terkait pelaksanaan program keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja sehingga mampu mencapai nihil kecelakaan kerja, serta data-data pendukung mengenai gambaran umum PT. Expro Indonesia di kota Batam. Selain itu data sekunder juga diperoleh dari studi literatur mengenai standar atau peraturan yang berhubungan dengan kecelakaan kerja.

3.6 Definisi Istilah

1. Komitmen perusahaan adalah tekad dan keinginan, terutama dari pimpinan mulai level pengawas sampai manajemen puncak untuk menciptakan nihil kecelakaan kerja di tempat kerja yaitu dengan memberikan sikap dan tindakan terhadap keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (Ramli, 2013).

2. Kebijakan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja adalah suatu pernyataan tertulis yang ditandatangani oleh pengusaha dan/ atau pengurus yang memuat seluruh visi dan tujuan perusahaan, komitmen dan tekad melaksanakan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja, serta kerangka dan program kerja yang mencakup kegiatan perusahaan secara menyeluruh yang bersifat umum dan operasional, dimana kebijakan tersebut harus diimpelementasikan guna mendukung terciptanya nihil kecelakaan kerja di tempat kerja (Ramli, 2013).

3. Komunikasi dan pelatihan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja adalah suatu kegiatan penyampaian informasi-informasi keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja kepada semua pekerja yang dilakukan sesuai kebutuhan mengenai risiko pekerjaan yang harus dihadapi dan cara penanganannya untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan,



keterampilan dan sikap pekerja sehingga tercipta nihil kecelakaan kerja (Ramli, 2013).

4. Inspeksi keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja dan penyelidikan kecelakaan kerja adalah salah satu alat kontrol atau pengawasan manajemen terhadap kegiatan perusahaan dalam menemukan masalah di lapangan, termasuk memperkirakan besarnya risiko dan mempelajari faktor penyebab kecelakaan sehingga kejadian serupa dapat dicegah dan tidak terulang kembali di kemudian hari (Hadipoetro, 2014).

5. Evaluasi keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja merupakan bagian penting dalam keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja yang bersifat menyeluruh untuk merumuskan langkah-langkah perbaikan dan peningkatan kinerja keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja sehingga hasilnya harus konsisten dengan potensi risiko, kebijakan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja, ketersediaan sumber daya manusia dan prioritas yang diinginkan sehingga dapat mencapai nihil kecelakaan kerja (Ramli, 2013).

3.7 Metode Analisa Data

Metode analisa data yang digunakan dalam penelitian kualitatif ini adalah dengan menggunakan analisis tematik dan analisis isi. Analisis tematik digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi tema-tema yang terpola dari hasil wawancara yang telah diperoleh. Analisis ini dikodekan secara induktif yaitu dimulai dengan observasi khusus, yang akan memunculkan tema-tema, kategori-kategori dan pola hubungan di antara kategori-kategori tersebut.



Sedangkan analisis isi digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi pesan-pesan nyata, juga pesan laten dari sebuah dokumen yang diteliti yang dapat berupa teks, gambar, simbol. Dengan menggunakan analisis ini, peneliti mampu melihat kecenderungan isi media berdasarkan konteks, proses dan kemunculan dari dokumen-dokumen yang diteliti kemudian menghubungkannya dengan realitas yang terjadi.

Selanjutnya data-data yang sudah terkumpul akan diolah dan disajikan dalam bentuk narasi menurut variabel yang diteliti.





4.1 Gambaran Umum PT. Expro Indonesia 4.1.1 Sejarah Singkat Perusahaan

Expro Group dibentuk tahun 1973 dan memiliki kantor pusat di UK, Aberdeen. Pada regional Asia, PT. Expro terdapat di Indonesia, Thailand, Brunei, China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Australia dan India. PT. Expro Indonesia termasuk di dalam regional Asia, terdiri dari tiga kota yakni Jakarta, Balikpapan dan Batam. Kantor pusat berlokasi di Jakarta sedangkan Balikpapan dan Batam merupakan cabang dari perusahaan tersebut.

PT. Expro Indonesia merupakan salah satu perusahaan asing yang beroperasi di Batam mulai bulan Juni tahun 2000, dengan keterangan sebagai berikut, sebagai Presiden Direktur untuk Asia adalah Bapak Nigel Ashton yang alamat kantor di UK/England/Thailand, sebagai Country Manager untuk Indonesia adalah Bapak Paul Robert Harlock yang berdomisili di Jakarta, sebagai Project Engineer adalah Bapak Nick Jackson, sebagai Base Engineer adalah Bapak Ronald Malonda, sebagai Base Manager di Batam adalah Bapak John Dixon serta Manager Representative di Batam adalah Ibu Verena Isnali. Di samping itu, penanggung jawab untuk di Indonesia adalah Bapak Ir. Baskara dan bagian marketing oleh Bapak Supardi, dengan alamat kantor di Jakarta. Pada tahun 2008 pergantian Base Manager yang digantikan oleh Ronald Malonda, dan bergabung dengan unit bisnis yaitu PT. Production Tester







3.4 Pemilihan Informan ... 36

3.5 Metode Pengumpulan Data ... 36

3.4.1 Data Primer... 36

3.4.2 Data Sekunder ... 37

3.6 Definisi Istilah ... 37

3.7 Metode Analisa Data ... 38

BAB IV HASIL PENELITIAN 4.1 Gambaran Umum PT. Expro Indonesia ... 40

4.1.1 Sejarah Singkat Perusahaan... 40

4.1.2 Visi dan Misi Perusahaan ... 42 Visi Perusahaan... 42 Misi Perusahaan ... 43

4.1.3 Kebijakan Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Perusahaan ... 43

4.1.4 Sumber Daya Manusia ... 44

4.1.5 Proses Produksi Perusahaan ... 45

4.2 Keterbatasan Penelitian ... 46

4.3 Pencapaian Nihil Kecelakaan Kerja ... 49

4.3.1 Komitmen Perusahaan... 49

4.3.2 Kebijakan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja... 57

4.3.3 Komunikasi dan Pelatihan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja... 58 Komunikasi Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja . 58 Pelatihan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja... 61

4.3.4 Inspeksi Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja dan Penyelidikan Kecelakaan Kerja ... 63 Inspeksi Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja ... 63 Penyelidikan Kecelakaan Kerja ... 64

4.3.5 Evaluasi Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja ... 65

BAB V PEMBAHASAN 5.1 Faktor-faktor Yang Memengaruhi Pencapaian Nihil Kecelakaan Kerja ... 68

5.1.1 Komitmen Perusahaan... 68

5.1.2 Kebijakan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja... 70

5.1.3 Komunikasi dan Pelatihan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja... 72 Komunikasi Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja . 72 Pelatihan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja... 73

5.1.4 Inspeksi Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja dan Penyelidikan Kecelakaan Kerja... 74 Inspeksi Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja ... 74 Penyelidikan Kecelakaan Kerja ... 76

5.1.5 Evaluasi Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja ... 77



6.1 Kesimpulan... 79 6.2 Saran ... 79





Gambar 2.4 : Kerangka Pikir

Gambar 4.1 : Bagian Depan PT. Expro Indonesia Gambar 4.2 : Area Kerja PT. Expro Indonesia

Gambar 4.3 : Struktur Organisasi Departemen HSE PT. Expro Indonesia



Lampiran 1 : Permohonan Menjadi Informan Lampiran 2 : Persetujuan Menjadi Informan Lampiran 3 : Pedoman Wawancara

Lampiran 4 : Surat Izin Penelitian

Lampiran 5 : Surat Keterangan Selesai Penelitian Lampiran 6 : Work Permit

Lampiran 7 : HSEQ Plan

Lampiran 8 : Planned Inspection Checklist Lampiran 9 : Job Description

Lampiran 10 : HSE Procedures

Lampiran 11 : Toolbox Talk Topic List Lampiran 12 : Training Matrix

Lampiran 13 : Positive Intervention Card Lampiran 14 : Risk Assessment Form

Lampiran 15 : Dokumentasi Melakukan Wawancara Dengan Pihak Manajemen dan Pihak Departemen HSE

Lampiran 16 : Occupational Safety Record PT. Expro Indonesia Lampiran 17 : Emergency Exit Plan



DAFTAR ISTILAH Singkatan Singkatan dari

OHSAS Occupational Health Safety Assessment Series ILO International Labour Organization

BPJS Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial

SMK3 Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja ISO International Organization for Standardization

HSEQ Health, Safety and Environment Quality STMB Sementara Tidak Mampu Bekerja KLUI Klasifikasi Lapangan Usaha Indonesia

P2K3 Panitia Pembina Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja KSA Knowledge, Skill and Atittute

P3K Pertolongan Pertama Pada Kecelakaan APD Alat Pelindung Diri

HSE Health, Safety and Environment SO Safety Officer

HRD Human Resource Development QA Quality Assurance

QC Ouality Control NDT Non Destructive Test

K3 Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja AK3 Ahli Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja

HSEQC Health, Safety and Environment Quality Control P3K Pertolongan Pertama Pada Kecelakaan

JSA Job Safety Analysis

IOSH Institute Occupational Safety and Health PIC Planned Inspection Checklist



Nama : Joanita Debi Christin Silitonga Tempat Lahir : Batam

Tanggal Lahir : 8 Juli 1994 Suku Bangsa : Indonesia

Agama : Kristen Protestan Nama Ayah : Jennar Silitonga Suku Bangsa Ayah : Indonesia

Nama Ibu : Derlan Simanjuntak Suku Bangsa Ibu : Indonesia

Pendidikan Formal

1. SD/Tamat tahun : 2006 2. SLTP/Tamat tahun : 2009 3. SLTA/Tamat tahun : 2012 4. Lama Studi di FKM USU : 2012-2016