The Respondents’ Background The Description of the Data

The findings also showed that the respondents’ preference in choosing the movie genres and subgenres is quite evenly distributed. Animation is the most preferred genre; chosen by 67 of the respondents, while romance and fantasy are the second most preferred ones; each chosen by 63 of the respondents. This is probably due to the nature of the three genres. Animated movies are often intended for younger audiences, hence the language and the story are usually easy to understand. Animated movies often use colorful pictures in their narrative, which makes the audience interested. Fantasy has imaginative elements that are interesting for the audience, and romantic movies are appealing and relatable to many teenagers and young adults. The least preferred genre is war, which was chosen by only 20 of the respondents. This is probably due to the violence shown in such movies that can make audience uncomfortable. Moreover, the questionnaire provided ―Other genre‖ option, which can be filled by respondent. Only one respondent filled this option and the genre he chose was ―Con-artist‖. The respondent also gave examples of the genre, which were Ocean Trilogy and the Italian Job. Figure 4.3 The Respondents’ Genre and Subgenre Preference 17 18 20 18 16 19 13 12 19 17 14 6 1 5 10 15 20 25 T he nu m ber o f re spo nd ent s Genres and Subgenres

2. Questionnaire Scores

The second section of the questionnaire contains 21 questionsstatements. 20 of which were the main questions with scaled responses that are used in determining the questionnaire score, while 1 question is used to determine the subtitle language used by the respondents. The findings show the total score of 2290 points. The average score is 76.33, and the highest and lowest scores are 89 and 64 respectively. From 30 respondents, 18 respondents choose to use Indonesian when they watch movies with subtitle. Meanwhile, 12 respondents choose to use English see Appendix 5. Table 4.3 The Questionnaire Scores Respondent Score Subtitle Language 1 67 English 2 70 Indonesian 3 85 Indonesian 4 89 English 5 79 English 6 65 Indonesian 7 77 English 8 76 English 9 71 Indonesian 10 78 English 11 80 Indonesian 12 83 Indonesian 13 64 Indonesian 14 77 English 15 79 Indonesian 16 78 English 17 83 English 18 70 Indonesian 19 79 English 20 86 English 21 69 Indonesian 22 77 Indonesian 23 76 Indonesian 24 81 Indonesian Respondent Score Subtitle Language 25 84 Indonesian 26 72 Indonesian 27 73 English 28 76 Indonesian 29 80 Indonesian 30 66 Indonesian TOTAL 2290 Indonesian = 18 English = 12 Average 76.33 Max 89 Min 64 To simplify the questionnaire data, the scores were grouped by using the steps suggested by Susetyo: 1 1 Determining range of the data R 2 Determining the number of interval classes k 3 Determining the length of interval classes i 4 Creating the grouped data distribution table see Appendix 7. Figure 4.4 The Grouped Distribution of Questionnaire Scores 1 Budi Susetyo, Statistika untuk Analisis Data Penelitian, Bandung: PT Refika Aditama, 2010, pp. 20 – 21. 4 5 7 8 5 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 63 – 67 68 – 72 73 – 77 78 – 82 83 – 87 88 – 92 Frequency Questionnaire Scores Figure 4.5 The Subtitle Languages Used by the Respondents

3. Listening Scores

The listening scores were obtained from the archive of Department of English Education. The scores were taken from Listening 4 course, specifically the final test scores. These score are the most recent listening score of the respondents, and hence are expected to reflect their listening skill variable y more accurately. The findings show the total score of 2439.25 with the average score of 81.3. The highest score is 97.5 and the lowest is 67.5. Table 4.4 The Listening Scores Respondent Listening Score 1 67.5 2 68 3 75 4 92.5 5 81.25 6 83.75 7 86.25 8 90 9 71.25 10 76.25 11 97.5 12 81.25 13 75 14 86.25 60 40 Indonesian English Respondent Listening Score 15 68.75 16 93.75 17 80 18 85 19 71.25 20 86.25 21 86.25 22 90 23 71.25 24 72.5 25 85 26 85 27 80 28 92.5 29 72.5 30 87.5 TOTAL 2439.25 Average 81.3 Max 97.5 Min 67.5 Figure 4.6 The Grouped Distribution of Listening Scores 3 8 4 9 5 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 65 – 70 71 – 76 77 – 82 83 – 88 89 – 94 95 – 100 F r e que nc y Listening Scores