Population and Sample of the Study

h. The listeners can understand better if they are familiar with the situation or culture in which the speechutterance takes place. Joan Rubin 3 Developing the Indicators and Creating Items After the conceptual and operational design had been established, the indicators were developed Table 3.1 and the items were created Appendix 4. Table 3.1 The Development of the Indicators Aspects Indicators Item numbers Total Language Acquisition The respondents’ listening skill improves unconsciously because they watch movies 5, 6 ,7 3 items Comprehensible Input The respondents can understand the story and the language in the movies that they watch 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 5 items Exposure The respondents watch movies frequently 1, 2, 3 3 items Attitudes The respondents have a positive feeling when they watch movies 20 1 item Subtitle Use The respondents watch English movies without using subtitle 4 1 item Familiarity with Spoken Language The respondents can identify the characteristics of spoken language in the movies that they watch 13, 14, 15, 16 4 items Familiarity with Situation and Culture The respondents can understand the language used in the movie because they are familiar with the situation in the story 19 1 item The respondents can understand the language used in the movie because they are familiar with the culture shown in the story 18 1 item Visual Clues The respondents can understand the language used in the movie because of the help from the visual elements 17 1 item TOTAL 20 items 4 Testing the Validity of Questionnaire Before the questionnaire was administered to the respondents, it was pilot- tested to 22 English Education students from the ninth semester. The pilot test was done in order to decide whether the items were valid or invalid, and whether the invalid ones —if there are any—should be kept, revised, or removed. The validity test was done by using SPSS Statistics program and the result can be seen in Appendix 3. The original questionnaire had 38 items see Appendix 2, but after the pilot test, the final questionnaire turned out to contain 20 main items see Table 3.1 and Appendix 4. In scoring the questionnaire, the responses were coded. The response Hampir Selalu has 5 points, Sering has 4 points, Kadang-kadang has 3 points, Jarang has 2 points, and Hampir Tidak Pernah has only 1 point. An exception was made for item number 2: the response ―10‖ has points, ― – 10‖ has 4 points, ― – ‖ has 3 points, ―2 – 4‖ has 2 points, and ―≤1‖ has 1 point.

E. Data Collection Technique

In collecting the data of respondents’ listening skill, the document of respondents’ Listening 4 scores were obtained from the administrator of Department of English Education See Appendix 6. In collecting the data of respondents’ movie-watching activity, the respondents were asked to fill the questionnaire. Their responses were then calculated based on the coding See Appendix 5.

F. Data Analysis Technique

This research is a correlational research which aims to find a relationship between two variables. The students’ movie-watching activity is the independent variable x and the students’ listening skill is the dependent variable y. After the scores from questionnaire and the scores from the Listening 4 final test were obtained, the normality and linearity of these data were tested by using SPSS Statistics. It was done in order to decide the statistical procedure that would be