Hypotheses Testing The Analysis of the Data

English movies using subtitles. This, of course, means that the inputs are not optimally received because they read the subtitle rather than listen to the dialogues. Moreover, 60 of respondents choose to use Indonesian subtitle see Figure 4.5. 3 The findings in point number 2 then may directly affect the findings in point number 1. If the respondents use subtitles —and the ones that are in Indonesian, their per ception of ―understandability‖ of the language in the movies may be biased. For more explanation regarding the subtitle use, the respondents’ answers for item number 4 were compared. The item asks “How often do you watch English movies without using subtit le?” None of the respondents answered it with Almost Always, 10 respondents answered Frequently, 11 respondents answered Sometimes, 7 respondents answered Rarely, and 2 answered Almost Never. Table 4.8 The Respondents’ Answers for Item Number 4 Groups of Respondent Answer Respondents 1 Almost Always - 2 Frequently 5, 8, 11, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23, 24 3 Sometimes 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 14, 19, 25, 27, 28, 29 4 Rarely 1, 6, 9, 12, 18, 22, 26 5 Almost Never 13, 30 Next, the listening scores from group 2 and group 4 were compared. After the sums of listening scores from both groups were calculated, the result showed that group 2, who answered Frequently, has the average listening score of 82.75. Meanwhile, group 4, who answered Rarely, has the average score of 80.5. This result may imply that the respondents who frequently watch non-subtitled movies indeed have better listening skill than the respondents who rarely watch non- subtitled movies. Table 4.9 The Comparison between Two Groups of Respondents Groups of respondents who watch movies without subtitles The sum of listening scores Average score sum number of respondents Frequently 827.5 2 . 10 2. Rarely 563.75 3. . Figure 4.8 The Comparison between Two Groups of Respondents 79 79.5 80 80.5 81 81.5 82 82.5 83 Frequently Rarely A ver age L ist eni ng Score How Respondents watch Non-subtitled Movies 57


A. Conclusion

Based on the statistical analysis, the index value of correlation coefficient between the two variables was found to be 0.177, which means a very low relationship. The hypotheses testing also showed that this number is much lower than the correlation coefficient of Product moment table 0.306, which means that the null hypothesis was accepted. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is no relationship between movie-watching activity and listening skill. In other words, the respondents’ movie-watching activity does not always affect their listening skill.

B. Suggestion

There are two internal threats to the findings of the study. First, the amount of exposure that the respondents receive—in this case: their watching frequency— is still relatively low. Second, the use of the subtitles by most students may prevent them to acquire the language optimally. Based on the findings, several suggestions can be made: 1. The students who need improvement in their listening skill may try to watch English movies frequently. This way, they can receive comprehensible inputs that are needed in acquiring target language and building language competence. 2. Students can watch movies through various medium, but the easiest and the most common medium is digital media formats mkv, avi, mp4, etc. 3. To optimize language acquisition, the movies must be watched without subtitle. 4. This research has many limitations and more researches should be conducted on this topic. Future researchers may conduct a study with a different and broader population and a larger sample. Possible threats to internal validity,