Questionnaire Scores The Description of the Data

Respondent Listening Score 15 68.75 16 93.75 17 80 18 85 19 71.25 20 86.25 21 86.25 22 90 23 71.25 24 72.5 25 85 26 85 27 80 28 92.5 29 72.5 30 87.5 TOTAL 2439.25 Average 81.3 Max 97.5 Min 67.5 Figure 4.6 The Grouped Distribution of Listening Scores 3 8 4 9 5 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 65 – 70 71 – 76 77 – 82 83 – 88 89 – 94 95 – 100 F r e que nc y Listening Scores

B. The Analysis of the Data

1. Normality and Linearity Test

The normality of the data was checked by using SPSS Statistics program. The tests used were Kolgomirov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk. Table 4.5 The Normality Test Results of the Data VARIABLES Kolmogorov-Smirnov a Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. Movie-watching Activity x .146 30 .101 .972 30 .604 Listening Skill y .135 30 .174 .952 30 .197 a = Lilliefors Significance Correction The test results showed that the Kolmogorov-Smirnov significance value for variable x was 0.101 and for variable y was 0.174. The Shapiro-Wilk significance value for variable x was 0.604 and for variable y was 0.197. All of the values were higher than 0.05, which means that the data were distributed normally. Table 4.6 The Linearity Test Results of the Data VARIABLES Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Listening Skill Movie-watching Activity Between Groups Combined 1116.638 19 58.770 .601 .837 Linearity 65.456 1 65.456 .670 .432 Deviation from Linearity 1051.181 18 58.399 .597 .836 Within Groups 977.573 10 97.757 Total 2094.210 29 The linearity of the data was also checked by using SPSS Statistics program. The significance value of the variables was found to be 0.432, which is higher than 0.05. It means that the data distribution was linear. Since the data distribution was normal and linear, the statistical analysis would use parametric procedure, which was Product Moment Correlation.

2. Correlation Coefficient

In order to find the correlation coefficient, the questionnaire scores variable x and listening scores variable y were calculated by using Product Moment Correlation statistical procedure. The formula is: ∑ ∑ ∑ √[ ∑ ∑ ][ ∑ ∑ ] To find the values needed in the formula, the data from variable x and y are put into a calculation table. Table 4.7 Product Moment Calculation Table N X Y XY X 2 Y 2 1 67 67.5 4522.5 4489 4556.25 2 70 68 4760 4900 4624 3 85 75 6375 7225 5625 4 89 92.5 8232.5 7921 8556.25 5 79 81.25 6418.75 6241 6601.563 6 65 83.75 5443.75 4225 7014.063 7 77 86.25 6641.25 5929 7439.063 8 76 90 6840 5776 8100 9 71 71.25 5058.75 5041 5076.563 10 78 76.25 5947.5 6084 5814.063 11 80 97.5 7800 6400 9506.25 12 83 81.25 6743.75 6889 6601.563 13 64 75 4800 4096 5625 14 77 86.25 6641.25 5929 7439.063 15 79 68.75 5431.25 6241 4726.563 16 78 93.75 7312.5 6084 8789.063 17 83 80 6640 6889 6400 18 70 85 5950 4900 7225 19 79 71.25 5628.75 6241 5076.563 20 86 86.25 7417.5 7396 7439.063 21 69 86.25 5951.25 4761 7439.063 22 77 90 6930 5929 8100 23 76 71.25 5415 5776 5076.563 24 81 72.5 5872.5 6561 5256.25 25 84 85 7140 7056 7225