Thinking Framework The Research Hypotheses

Almost Always, Sering Frequently, Kadang-kadang Sometimes, Jarang Rarely, and Hampir Tidak Pernah Almost never. The questionnaire was administered in Indonesian to avoid confusion from respondents. The steps in creating the main questionnaire were: 1 Developing Conceptual Design From the literature that had been reviewed, several concepts regarding listening skill were identified. After that, theories on language acquisition were used in bridging the concept of listening skill and movie-watching activity. The conceptual design involves eight aspects: 1 language acquisition; 2 comprehensible input; 3 exposure; 4 attitudes; 5 subtitle use; 6 familiarity with unique characteristics of spoken language; 7 familiarity with situation andor culture; and 8 visual clues. 2 Developing Operational Design After the conceptual design had been established, the operational design was composed as the following: a. Language acquisition is more important than language learning. Acquisition occurs unconsciously, while learning occurs consciously. Stephen Krashen b. People acquire a language by receiving comprehensible input. Stephen Krashen c. A large amount of exposure can provide the likelihood of comprehensible input. Stephen Krashen d. An input can best be received with positive attitudes. Stephen Krashen e. The kinds of movies that best provide input are the ones with no subtitles. Joan Rubin, Penny Ur f. In improving their listening skill, people should familiarize themselves with spoken English language and its unique characteristics. H. Douglas Brown g. Visual clues can help listener understand a speechutterance. Jeremy Harmer, Joan Rubin h. The listeners can understand better if they are familiar with the situation or culture in which the speechutterance takes place. Joan Rubin 3 Developing the Indicators and Creating Items After the conceptual and operational design had been established, the indicators were developed Table 3.1 and the items were created Appendix 4. Table 3.1 The Development of the Indicators Aspects Indicators Item numbers Total Language Acquisition The respondents’ listening skill improves unconsciously because they watch movies 5, 6 ,7 3 items Comprehensible Input The respondents can understand the story and the language in the movies that they watch 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 5 items Exposure The respondents watch movies frequently 1, 2, 3 3 items Attitudes The respondents have a positive feeling when they watch movies 20 1 item Subtitle Use The respondents watch English movies without using subtitle 4 1 item Familiarity with Spoken Language The respondents can identify the characteristics of spoken language in the movies that they watch 13, 14, 15, 16 4 items Familiarity with Situation and Culture The respondents can understand the language used in the movie because they are familiar with the situation in the story 19 1 item The respondents can understand the language used in the movie because they are familiar with the culture shown in the story 18 1 item Visual Clues The respondents can understand the language used in the movie because of the help from the visual elements 17 1 item TOTAL 20 items