in Indonesian Language Ekshibit E40 Exhibit E40 PT TOWER BERSAMA INFRASTRUCTURE Tbk DAN ENTITAS ANAK CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN UNTUK PERIODE 9 SEMBILAN BULAN YANG BERAKHIR 30 SEPTEMBER 2011 DAN 2010 Disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain PT TOWER BERSAMA INFRASTRUCTURE Tbk AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE PERIOD OF 9 NINE MONTHS ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2011 AND 2010 Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated Seluruh pinjaman dari Program tersebut dijamin dengan: a. Kontrak sewa jangka panjang dari operator telekomunikasi, piutang yang timbul dari kontrak sewa jangka panjang dengan operator telekomunikasi, dan seluruh aset bergerak dari Perusahaan dan entitas anak, kontrak asuransi, kontrak sewa lahan dan kontrak lindung nilai hedging; b. Pengalihan dari rekening Escrow dan modal saham disetor dari entitas anak; dan c. Cross guarantee dari entitas anak. The loans under the Programme are secured by: a. Assignment of all existing and future long-term telecommunication operator contracts, receivables arising from the telecommunication operator contracts and all moveable assets of the Company and subsidiaries, insurances, land leases and hedging; b. Pledge of Escrow Accounts and issued shares of the subsidiaries; and c. Cross guarantees from each subsidiary. Dalam Program tersebut, Perusahaan dan entitas anak diharuskan untuk memenuhi beberapa kondisi, diantaranya: a. Net senior debt EBITDA maksimum sebesar 4,5 kali selama periode 30 Juni 2010 sampai 31 Desember 2011. Dan untuk selanjutnya maksimum sebesar 4,0 kali; b. Net debt EBITDA tidak melebihi 5,0 kali; c. Interest service coverage ratio minimum sebesar 2,1 kali; d. Senior debt service coverage ratio minimum sebesar 1,2 kali; e. Loan to value ratio maksimum sebesar 80; dan f. Top tier revenue ratio minimum sebesar 50. Pada tanggal penyelesaian laporan keuangan konsolidasian, Perusahaan dan entitas anak telah menerbitkan tiga seri dalam Program ini: Under the Programme, the Company and subsidiaries are required to adhere to the following conditions, among others, as follows: a. Maximum Net senior debt EBITDA of 4.5 times from 30 June 2010 to 31 December 2011,and 4.0 times thereafter; b. Net debt EBITDA not exceeding 5.0 times; c. Minimum interest service coverage ratio of 2.1 times d. Minimum senior debt service coverage ratio of 1.2 times; e. Maximum loan to value ratio of 80; and f. Minimum top tier revenue ratio of 50. As of the date of the consolidated financial statements completion, the Company and subsidiaries have only issued three series under the Programme:

1. Fasilitas Pinjaman Seri 1 US 300 juta

Pada tanggal 27 September 2010, Perusahaan dan entitas anak menerbitkan Fasilitas Pinjaman seri satu dalam Program ini sebesar US 300,000,000. Fasilitas ini dikenakan marjin bunga di atas LIBOR sebesar 4 per tahun untuk kreditur dalam negeri dan 3,75 per tahun untuk kreditur luar negeri selama dua kuartal pertama. Pada kuartal selanjutnya, kreditur luar negeri akan memperoleh margin bunga yang berkisar antara 2,75 sampai 3,75 per tahun kreditur dalam negeri memperoleh tambahan 25 basis poin, tergantung pada kontribusi pendapatan yang diperoleh Perusahaan dan entitas anak dari empat operator selular utama, dan rasio net senior debt. Seri pertama ini diatur oleh: • Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Ltd. • DBS Bank Ltd. • Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank • Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd. • PT ANZ Panin Bank 1. First Series of US 300 million Term Loan Facility On 27 September 2010, the Company and subsidiaries issued the first series of Term Loan Facility under the Programme, amounting to US 300,000,000. This facility bears interest margin over LIBOR at 4 per annum for onshore lenders and 3.75 per annum for offshore lenders during the initial two quarters. Thereafter, interest margin pricing for offshore lenders will range from 2.75 until 3.75 per annum onshore lenders will receive additional 25 basis points depending on revenue contribution earned by the Company and subsidiaries from the four largest telecommunication operators and net senior debt ratio. The first series was arranged by the following financial institutions: • Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Ltd. • DBS Bank Ltd. • Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank • Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd. • PT ANZ Panin Bank