Data Analysis Techniques RESEARCH METHOD

67 learning behaviour see Appendix D for the instruments and results. In the reflection stage, the questionnaire was conducted to know the students’ opinion about the ELT processes during the research and whether they felt the improvement of their speaking skills and their learning or not see Appendix D for the instruments and results.

6. Speaking Pre-test and Post-test

The speaking pre-test and post-test were conducted by the English teacher and I. The speaking pre-test was conducted in the reconnaissance step meanwhile the speaking post-test was conducted in the end of Cycle 2 see Appendix E for the speaking test and Appendix F for the speaking assessment rubric. These pre-test and post-test were conducted fulfilling the content validity by referring to the standard of content from the government.

F. Data Analysis Techniques

In accordance to the existing of the two kinds of data in this research which were qualitative data and quantitative data, the data analysis techniques also used the mixed-method analysis. The analysis of the qualitative data employed the interactive model suggested by Miles and Huberman. Meanwhile the quantitative data were analysed with mean score comparison using the Microsoft Excel 2010. The qualitative data analysis technique of interactive model is reflected by the following figure. 68 Figure VIII: Component of data analysis: Interactive Model proposed by Miles and Huberman 1994 in Miles, Huberman, and Saldana 2014 In this research, some qualitative data were collected through the in-depth interviews, the observations, and the questionnaires. The data gained then were transcribed in the form of interview transcripts and the vignettes. The first step of the analysis was data condensation. Data condensation refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, transforming the data that appear in the full corpus body of written-up empirical evidences to make the data stronger. Therefore in this research the data selected were signed. The second was data display. Generally, Miles, Huberman, and Saldana 2014 define a display as an organized compressed assembly of information that allows conclusion drawing and action. The selected data then were displayed in certain points based on the sign given to the selected data. The third was a conclusion drawing which was interpreting what things mean by noting patterns and explanation. They illustrate the process within the following paragraph. The coding of data, for example data condensation , leads to new ideas on what should go into a matrix data display . Entering the data requires further data condensation. As the matrix fills up, preliminary conclusions 69 are drawn, but they lead to the decision, for example, to add another column to the matrix to test the conclusion. Of this model is summarized that qualitative data analysis is continuous, iterative, and interpretive. Therefore, it needed to be well documented as a process. It needed to be understood more clearly what is going on when the data are analysed in order to reflect, refine the methods, and make them more generally usable by others. Secondly, the quantitative data in this research were in the form of the students’ speaking scores in the pre-test and post-test. The mean score comparison using the Microsoft Excel 2010 was employed. It also applied the inter-rater reliability. The quantitative data in this research was the complementary data in this research to make the conclusion stronger.

G. Research Validity and Reliability 1. Validity