Interviews Observations Taking Photographs Taking Video Questionnaires

65 preference on the left brain hemisphere, 16 students had no preference, and one student belonged to quite-high preference on the right brain hemisphere. In terms of level of confidence, 2 students were very high, 24 students are generally high, 3 students are fair, and one student had a low level of confidence.

D. Types of the Data

The types of the data were both qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data were in the form of interview transcripts, vignettes, result of questionnaire, and pictures. Meanwhile, the quantitative data were in the form of the students’ speaking scores in the pre-test and post-test.

E. Research Data Collection

As what has been previously mentioned, the data in this research consisted of qualitative and quantitative data. To get the data needed, several techniques were used in this research. The qualitative data used techniques namely interviews, observation, taking photograph, taking video, and questionnaires. The quantitative data were collected through conducting the stu dents’ speaking pre-test and post- test. The data gathering was described as follows.

1. Interviews

Interviews were conducted with the collaborators including the English teacher, and my three colleagues and the students of Class X IS II of SMA N 1 Godean in the 20152016 Academic Year. The interviews were conducted in the reconnaissance stage and the reflection stage. The instruments used were the 66 interview guidelines see Appendix A and sometimes through the not guided interview. The interviews were recorded using a recorder to be transcribed later on.

2. Observations

The observations were conducted in two stages. They were the reconnaissance and the implementation of the action. In the reconnaissance, two kinds of observation were done: the classroom observation and the school observation. The observations were done by the collaborators and me. Several notes were taken during the observation.

3. Taking Photographs

The taking photographs were conducted in every stage of the research. It was meant to document the activities during the processes. The taking photographs were done by using the pocket cameras.

4. Taking Video

The videotaping was conducted in the reconnaissance and the implementation of the action. It used the pocket cameras using the tripods which were operated by the collaborators. The video was used to be the reference to complement the missing information during the taking notes in the observation.

5. Questionnaires

Questionnaires were conducted two times. They were in the reconnaissance step and the reflection step. In the reconnaissance stage, the questionnaires were intended to know the students’ personality factors such as their confidence level; their brain dominance, their learning style, their learning strategy, and their 67 learning behaviour see Appendix D for the instruments and results. In the reflection stage, the questionnaire was conducted to know the students’ opinion about the ELT processes during the research and whether they felt the improvement of their speaking skills and their learning or not see Appendix D for the instruments and results.

6. Speaking Pre-test and Post-test