Caring about Children Sister Regina’s Personality .1

“Yes, Lucy has told me many times how she loves it, and so has Anne. They are v ery dear children, Mr. Olсzak.” p. 62 From the statement above, we also can see that Sister Regina is a lovable person. She likes to be involved in children’s world. She loves to hear what they say and tries to understand them. That makes her students believe that she can find the answer to every problem they have. Referring to Murphy’s theory 1972: 162, one’s character can be described through the eyes and opinions of another. Anne’s opinion about Sister Regina describes Sister Regina’s character. What Anne says in this novel shows that Sister Regina is a caring and lovable woman. “Come on, Lucy. We have to go to school. Let’s go see Sister Regina and she’ll know what to do.’ p. 100 Sister Regina comes from a big family. In her hometown, it is common that everyone having family relationship lives close to each other. Every night, especially in a special event, they like to gather around in one’s house, sharing and making jokes. Just like that night, when Sister Regina comes home, every member of the family gathers around in Sister Regina’s parents. Then, although Sister Regina has to tell something important to her family, but she still considers the children’s existence in the room. This manner can be seen when she waits the children leaving the dining room Murphy, 1972: 173. Regina waited to announce her news to the family until the children had left the table and were playing with metal cars in the kitchen room. p. 215 Sister Regina is a style of teacher that understands her students well including the best way to treat them. Sister Regina never grows angry to the students and she is always patient in facing the students, instead. She does not like PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI to show her anger because it only makes the students become scared to her. When the other nun, Sister Charles gives her student a punishment, she cannot stand for it. Sister Regina does not think that punishment will solve every problem especially in children. To Sister Regina, children should not be punished, but should be loved. The author reveals it through her reaction to Sister Mary Charles’ anger in facing children’s naughtiness. In relation to that, Murphy 1972: 168 states that a person’s character can be known from how that person reacts to various situations and events. Sister Mary Charles spun around. “This child has disobeyed She must be punished” “Not that way Not with anger and cruelty” “She disobeyed me not once, but twice, and this is what she gets.” “No, I will not allow it” p. 177 From the statement above, we can see that Sister Regina loves children very much. She knows well that the way to communicate with children is not by anger or giving punishment. Children in that age cannot receive such that attitude. Sister Regina at that time cannot accept what Sister Charles has done to her student, because a child like Anne needs to be taught with love and care.

4.1.5 Diligent

Sister Regina has high appreciation in education world. When she was teenager, she wanted to be a teacher. Because of her determination, she can prove herself as a good teacher in St. Joseph Parochial school now. From her past life, it can be seen that she has had an expectation to be a teacher since she was a child Murphy, 1972: 166. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI “What little girl wouldn’t be impressed by that? And the nuns were wrapped up all of it. Beside that, they were teachers, and I revered them because I wanted to teach.” p. 219 Sister Regina is described as a diligent woman. She has a strong spirit in doing her service as a teacher. Being a teacher means having more ability than other people to handle the class and make the students like studying. Then, all of those abilities can be found in Sister Regina. The author gives more description about Sister Regina’s character through her reaction to Mother Agnes’ statement Murphy, 1972: 168. Sister Regina herself admits that she is able to be a good teacher for her students and she is surprised when she knows that it will be difficult for her to get any job somewhere out there. “They’ll deny my job? When I’m a qualified teacher and Mother Agnes considers me one of her best?” p. 190 Not only Mother Agnes says that Sister Regina is a good teacher, but Father Kuzdek also says that she is one of the best teachers in the parochial school. The author gives a direct comment through the speech of Father Kuzdek Murphy, 1972: 164. Father Kuzdek feels sorry if Sister Regina really decides to quit teaching in the Parochial School. If it happens, everyone will lose one of herhis best teachers in school. “Very well. And may I add, Sister, that I would hate to lose you here at St. Joseph’s. You’re an excellent teacher, and well liked by the children. I’ve always believed that a pupil who likes his teacher is going to do better in school than the one who can’t stand her. I think that your talking to Sister Agnes might avert a terrible loss, not only to you, but to your religious community and the students as well.” “Thank you, Father.” p. 146 “May I say again, Regina, that I’m sorry to see you go. I hope you’ll teach again somewhere. You have too much talent to waste.” “Thank you, Mother Agnes.” p. 263