Creative Sister Regina’s Personality .1

Sister Regina is a woman who will do everything totally. She really wants to explore her creativity to help other people, such as her students. Her creativity even makes other peopl e like Mr. Olсzak get surprised sometimes. Her speech to Mr. Olсzak reveals her personality in the story. Murphy 1972: 164 says that whenever a person speaks, whenever he is in conversation with another, whenever he puts forward an opinion, he is giving us some clue to his character. “It’s a holy day of obligation. What are you doing working?” “Oh, this isn’t work. I’m cutting out a cornucopia for the bulletin board. This is… creativity.” p. 137 From the statement above, it can be seen that what Sister Regina has done is based on her own willingness, she does not call this as a work, and instead, she uses the word ‘creativity’ to call her work. There is no limitation in creativity. Here, she even works in the holy day of obligation. She does not mean to break the rule, but she wants to give her best to others.

4.1.4 Caring about Children

Sister Regina is shown as a woman that cares about others especially children. Sister Regina teaches in the third grade of elementary school and she knows well how to handle and to treat children in their ages. She can make the students feel comfortable in class so that they are freer to talk everything including their hobbies with Sister Regina. The author reveals it through the speech of Sister Regina to Mr. Ol сzak about his daughter. It is Lucy, Mr. Olсzak’s daughter and also Sister Regina’s students who tells Sister Regina about her hobbies. “You know how they love it out of farm.” PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI “Yes, Lucy has told me many times how she loves it, and so has Anne. They are v ery dear children, Mr. Olсzak.” p. 62 From the statement above, we also can see that Sister Regina is a lovable person. She likes to be involved in children’s world. She loves to hear what they say and tries to understand them. That makes her students believe that she can find the answer to every problem they have. Referring to Murphy’s theory 1972: 162, one’s character can be described through the eyes and opinions of another. Anne’s opinion about Sister Regina describes Sister Regina’s character. What Anne says in this novel shows that Sister Regina is a caring and lovable woman. “Come on, Lucy. We have to go to school. Let’s go see Sister Regina and she’ll know what to do.’ p. 100 Sister Regina comes from a big family. In her hometown, it is common that everyone having family relationship lives close to each other. Every night, especially in a special event, they like to gather around in one’s house, sharing and making jokes. Just like that night, when Sister Regina comes home, every member of the family gathers around in Sister Regina’s parents. Then, although Sister Regina has to tell something important to her family, but she still considers the children’s existence in the room. This manner can be seen when she waits the children leaving the dining room Murphy, 1972: 173. Regina waited to announce her news to the family until the children had left the table and were playing with metal cars in the kitchen room. p. 215 Sister Regina is a style of teacher that understands her students well including the best way to treat them. Sister Regina never grows angry to the students and she is always patient in facing the students, instead. She does not like PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI