Deciding Goal, Topics, and General Purposes

From the data above it was found the top eight topics selected by the students. They were Making and Receiving Telephone Calls, Making a Deal, Buying and Selling, Handling Complaints, Having an Overseas Business Trip, Presenting Products, Attending a Meeting, and Preparing Yourself for a Job Interview. Besides distributing questionnaires, the writer also interviewed some students of Management Major of Duta Wacana University. From the interview the writer concluded three things. First, the students did not get to much chance to practice speaking in the classroom. Second, the students did not really engage to their English class because the teaching-learning activities were not interesting even boring. Third, they wanted fun activities in the classroom, such as games, role-play, and pairsgroups discussion.

2. Deciding Goal, Topics, and General Purposes

After conducting a needs analysis, the writer stated the goal, topics, and general purposes of the Task-based English Speaking Instructional Materials for the Students of Management Major of Duta Wacana University. The goal of this study was help the students to be able to use basic communication skills in English actively and apply them in any situation, especially in more formal situation. The goal then called the standard of competence. After setting the goal, the writer selected topics. The topics selection was based on the result of the needs analysis in which the participants chose the topics they prefer mostly. The topics were Making and Receiving Telephone Calls, Making a Deal, Buying and Selling, Handling Complaints, Having an Overseas Business Trip, Presenting Products, Attending a Meeting, Preparing Yourself for a Job Interview. 41 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Continued to page 43 After stating the goal and the topics, the writer formulated the general purposes which, here, called as the basic competence. The basic competencies are presented in table 4.8. Table 4.8: The Basic Competencies TOPICS BASIC COMPETENCIES 1. Making and Receiving Telephone Calls At the end of the meeting the students are able to make and receive telephone calls appropriately. 2. Making a Deal At the end of the meeting the students are able to make a deal. 3. Buying and Selling At the end of the meeting the students are able to do buying and selling activity. 4. Handling Complaints At the end of the meeting the students are able to handle complaints. 8. Having an Overseas Business Trip At the end of the meeting the students are able to do an overseas business trip. 6. Presenting Products At the end of the meeting the students are able to present a product. 7. Attending a Meeting At the end of the meeting the students are able to attend a meeting. 8. Preparing Yourself for a Job Interview At the end of the meeting the students are able to face the job interview.

3. Specifying the Learning Objectives