For the English Lecturers For the other Researchers

Receiving Telephone Calls, Making a Deal, Buying and Selling, Handling Complaints, Having an Overseas Business Trip, Presenting Products, Attending a Meeting, and Preparing Yourself for a Job Interview. The complete designed materials were in the appendix. From the descriptive statistics, it was found that average means was 3.4 in four points of agreement. It indicated that the designed materials were good, applicable, and acceptable for the Students of Management Major of Duta Wacana University. The designed materials would be very useful for the students of Management Major of Duta Wacana University. The designed materials provided the students with the communicative and interesting activities that made based on the students’ needs. The designed materials really fulfilled the students’ needs and could encourage them to learn.

B. Suggestions

After concluding the study, the writer would like to give some suggestions for the English lecturers who would apply this materials design and for the other researchers who are willing to develop similar study.

1. For the English Lecturers

The designed materials provide various tasks and activities to improve student’s speaking ability. Since this designed materials use Task-based Learning, the teaching-learning activities tend to be students centered not teacher centered. Concerning that fact, the lecturers who are willing to use this designed materials should read and comprehend teacher’s manuals first before use them so that the 53 lecturers will be able to give simple and clear explanations and instruction to the students. By simple and clear explanation and instructions, the students will be able to do what they are expected to do in the teaching- learning activities. In applying the materials, the lecturers also have to consider the time allocation. They should monitor the students and guide them doing the tasks in order not to waste time. Besides, the lecturers must create relax, fun, and interesting teaching-learning atmosphere to make the students eager to learn. Considering that this designed materials mainly aimed at improving the students’ speaking ability, the teacher must remind and encourage the students to speak English actively.

2. For the other Researchers

Due to the limitation of time, the writer could not implement the materials in order to know the effectiveness. Thus, the writer suggests some researchers who are interested in this field to continue the study by implementing the designed materials to know the effectiveness. 54 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI BIBLIOGRAPHY Borg, Walter H. and Gall, Meredith D. 1983. Educational Research: An Introduction . New York: Longman. Brown, James Dean. 1988. Understanding Research in Second Language Learning: A teacher’s guide to statistic and research design . New York: Cambridge University Press. Davis, Suzan and West, Richard. 1993. Business English 1. London: Pitman Publishing. Davis, Suzan and West, Richard. 1993. Business English 2. London: Pitman Publishing. Davis, Suzan and West, Richard. 1993. Business English3. London: Pitman Publishing. Dick, Walter and Reiser, R.A. 1989. Planning Effective Instruction. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Elliot, J. 1988. Action Research for Educational Change. Buckingham: Open University: Press. Gagne, R. M and Brigs, L.J. 1979. Principles of Instructional Design. New York: Halt, Rinewharts Winston. Gaudart, H. 1992. Persuading Students to Speak in English. Selangor, Malaysia: Melta. Halfield, Jill. 1984. Advanced Communication Games. Essex. Addison Wesley Longman Ltd. Houle, Cyril O. 1978. The Design of Education. San Francisco: Jossey–Bass Publishers. 55 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Hutchinson and Waters. 1987. English for Specific Purpose: A Learning Centered Approach . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kemp, J.E. 1977. Instructional Design: A Plan for Unit and Course Development. Belmont, Massachusetts: Fearon Pitman Publisher, Inc. Larsen-Freeman, Diane. 1986. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Hongkong: Oxford University Press, Inc. Leo, Sutanto. 2001. English for Professional Accommodation Services. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Moore, Brendan. 1987. English for the Office. London: The Macmillan Press Ltd. Norman, Suzan. 1983. We’re in Business. Wesley: Longman. Nunan, David. 1988. Syllabus Design. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Nunan, David. 2003. Practical English Language Teaching. New York: McGrawhill. Richard, Jack C. and Rodgers, Theodore S. 2001. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching: A description and analysis . 2 nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Robinson, Pauline C. 1991. ESP Today: A Practitioner’s Guide. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents. Setyarini, Susana and Sulistyo, Ule. 2007. Successful English for Business .Yogyakarta: Andi. Skehan, Peter. 2003. A Cognitive Approach to Language Learning. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Soekamto, Toeti. 1993. Perancangan dan Pengembangan Sistem Instruksional. Jakarta: Intermedia. 56 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Ur, Penny. 1996. A Course in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Widdowson, H.G. 1979.Teaching Language as Communication. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Willis, Jane. 1996. A Framework for Task-Based Learning. Essex: Longman. Yalden, Janice. 1987. The Communicative Syllabus: Evolution, Design and Implementation . Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice 57 Pre-Design Survey Questionnaire Kuesioner Identitas Respondent Nama : Umur : Jenis kelamin : Berilah tanda silang [X] pada huruf yang anda pilih sesuai dengan pendapat anda 1. Apakah anda sudah bisa berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris? A. Sudah B. Belum 2. Kapan anda mulai belajar bahasa Inggris? A. SD C. SMUSMK B. SLTP D. Universitas Akademi 3. Apakah anda pernah mengikuti kursus bahasa Inggris? A. Pernah B. Belum pernah 4. Dalam perkuliahan anda, bahasa pengantar yang biasa digunakan dalam ceramah, diskusi, dan buku referensi dalam bidang manajemen adalah: A. Bahasa Indonesia C. Jawaban lain……….. B. Bahasa Inggris 5. Sehubungan dengan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris, berada pada level manakah anda sekarang? A. Pemula beginner C. Lanjutan advanced B. Menengah intermediate 6. Apakah anda senangtertarik belajar bahasa Inggris? A. Ya B. Tidak 7. Apakah pembelajaran bahasa Inggris diperlukan untuk menunjang profesi anda di masa depan dalam dunia kerja? A. Ya B. Tidak 8. Apakah anda ingin ikut pelatihankursus bahasa Inggris? A. Ya B. Tidak 58 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 9. Apakah tujuan utama anda mempelajari bahasa Inggris? A. Agar dapat melakukan presentasi dalam bahasa Inggris di dalam perkuliahan B. Untuk mempersiapkan diri dalam menghadapi wawancara kerja di masa depan C. Agar kelak dapat diterima bekerja di Perusahaan Asing 10. Menurut anda keterampilan bahasa Inggris apa yang anda paling anda perlukan? A. Berbicara C. Membaca B. Mendengarkan D. Menulis 11. Apa masalah anda ketika berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris? [boleh pilih lebih dari satu jawaban] A. Tata bahasa grammar B. Cara pengucapan pronunciation C. Istilah vocabulary 12. Topik-topik apa sajakah yang ingin anda pelajari dalam bahasa Inggris untuk mendukung pekerjaan anda di masa depan ? [boleh pilih lebih dari satu jawaban] A. Getting to Know your Colleagues mengenal rekan kerja B. Explaining Company Profile menjelaskan profil perusahaan C. Making and Receiving Telephone Calls melakukan pembicaraan melalui telephone D. Making the deal membuat kesepakatan E. Buying and Selling membeli dan menjual F. Handling Complaints menangani keluhan G. Having an Overseas Business Trip melakukan perjalanan bisnis ke luar negeri H. Presenting Product mempresentasikan produk I. Attending a Meeting mengikuti rapat J. Preparing Yourself for Job a Interview mempersiapkan diri untuk wawancara kerja K. Lain-lain Yaitu ……………………………………….. 58 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Post-Design Survey Questionnaire Hal : Permohonan Pengisian Kuesioner. Lamp. : 1. Gambaran Umum Materi 2. Syllabus 3. Students’ handout 4. Teacher’s manuals Kepada Yth. Bapak Ibu Di tempat Dengan hormat, Saya adalah mahasiwa Universitas Sanata Dharma, Nama : Ria Franciska NIM : 031214031 Prodi Jurusan Fak. : PBI PBS FKIP Alamat : Jl. STM Pembangunan No. 15 A, Mrican, Yogyakarta Sehubungan dengan penyelesaian Tugas Akhir Skripsi yang saya buat, dengan judul “Task-based English Speaking Instructional Materials for the Students Of Management Major of Duta Wacana University Yogyakarta” , saya mohon BapakIbu bersedia untuk menilai atau memberikan pendapat tentang materi pengajaran yang telah saya susun dengan cara mengisi kuesioner. Adapun materi pengajaran terlampir. Demikian permohonan saya, atas kesediaan Bapak Ibu saya ucapkan terima kasih. Yogyakarta, 14 Maret 2008 Hormat saya, Ria Franciska 60 Questionnaire I would like to improve my materials design development for my thesis entitled Task-Based English Speaking Instructional Materials for the Students Of Management Major of Duta Wacana University Yogyakarta. This questionnaire is aimed to collect feedback, evaluation, and comments from the respondents for the designed materials. I am certainly grateful for the feedback, evaluation, and comments. Please fill the respondent’s identity below: Name : Occupation : Management Major lecturerPBI lecturer Educational Background : S1 S2 S3 Teaching Experience : …………… years Put a thick √ on the boxes provided to give your opinion. The degree of agreement is classified as follows: 1: if you strongly disagree with the statement 2: if you disagree with the statement 3: if you agree with the statement 4: if you strongly agree with the statement 61 OPINION NO. STATEMENTS 1 2 3 4 1. The standard competence is well formulated. 2. The basic competences are well formulated. 3. The indicators are well formulated. 4. The indicators are able to support the attainment of the basic competencies. 5. The tasks implemented facilitate the students to meet the basic standard of speaking competence. 6. Task-Based Learning is really developed in the materials. 7. The contents of the materials have been relevant to the needs of learning English speaking. 8. The topics are well formulated and in line with the level of difficulty. 9. The tasks in each unit are well elaborated and are able to facilitate the students to understand the topic being discussed. 10. The instructions are understandable and useful for both teacher and students. 11. The contents of the designed materials motivate the students to learn. 12. The materials are in line with the allotted time. 62 1. What are your comments on the materials design? 2. What are your suggestions to improve materials design?  ♣ ŤħăпĶ ЎθŨ ♣ 63 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI General Description of the Materials Gambaran Umum Materi Study ini berjudul “Task-based English Speaking Instructional Materials for the Students Of Management Major of Duta Wacana University Yogyakarta”. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah membuat atau mendesain materi bahasa Inggris sebagai paduan belajar yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa program studi manajemen dalam berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris. Materi ini disusun berdasarkan kebutuhan mahasiswa program studi manajemen yang telah berada pada level Inggris menengah intermediate dan akan menempuh level Inggris lanjutan advanced. A. Latar Belakang Penulisan materi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh dua hal. Pertama, mahasiswa program studi manajemen yang secara khusus dipersiapkan untuk berkecimpung dalam dunia bisnis dan ekonomi harus dilengkapi dengan kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris. Hal ini dikarenakan seiring dengan meningkatnya arus globalisasi hampir semua perusahaan di Indonesia menjalin hubunganbekerja sama dengan perusahaan-perusahaan asing. Oleh karena itu bila mahasiswa program studi manajemen tidak dapat berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris mereka tidak akan mampu bersaing dalam dunia kerja nantinya. Kedua, materi bahasa Inggris yang fokus pada upaya peningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa untuk berbicaraberkomunikasi secara lisan dalam bahasa Inggris masih belum memadai. B. Isi Topik- topik yang dipilih dalam materi ini berdasarkan pada hasil analisa kebutuhan yang didapat dari hasil kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada 20 mahasiswa program studi manajemen, Universtas Duta Wacana Yogyakarta. Dari hasil analisa kebutuhan tersebut maka terpilihlah delapan 8, yaitu: Making and Receiving Telephone Calls, Making a Deal, Buying and Selling, Handling Complaints, Having an Overseas Business Trip, Presenting Products, Attending a Meeting, dan Preparing Yourself for a Job Interview. Setiap topik terdiri dari tiga 3 tahap, yaitu Pre-Task, Task Cycle, dan Language Focus karena pembuatan materi ini didasarkan pada Task-based Learning TBL. Metode Task-based Learning adalah sebagai berikut: 64 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Tahap 1: Pre-Task Pada tahap ini, para siswa diajak untuk secara aktif mengeksplor topik yang akan dibahas. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan menstimulasi siswa dengan mengingat pengetahuan yang mereka miliki dan pengalaman pribadi mereka yang berhubungan dengan topik bahasan. Tahap 2: Task Cycle Tahap ini dibagi menjadi tiga 3 yaitu: a. Task Pada tahap ini para siswa mengerjakan latihan-latihan yang ada. Mereka diharapkan untuk berbicara dan berdiskusi menggunakan bahasa yang menjadi tujuan pembelajaran, dalam hal ini bahasa Inggris. Di sini guru memonitor siswa dan membantu mereka untuk dapat berkomunikasi lebih aktif. b. Planning Pada tahap ini para siswa mempersiapkan hasil yang telah mereka lakukan di latihan. Selain itu mereka juga mempersiapkan diri untuk mempresentasikan hasil dari latihan mereka. Guru membantu mereka dengan memberikan masukan tentang penggunaan bahasa. c. Report Pada tahap ini para siswa mempresentasikan apa yang mereka lakukan saat latihan atau melaporkan hasil dari latihan mereka. Guru memberikan masukan, terutama yang berkaitan dengan isi laporan. Tahap 3: Language Focus Tahap ini dibagi menjadi dua 2 yaitu: a. Analysis Pada tahap ini para siswa menganalisa kumpulan ekspresi-ekspresi atau tata bahasa yang berkaitan dengan latihan- latihan sebelumnya. b. Practice Pada tahap ini para siswa mengerjakan latihan berdasarkan analisa yang telah dilakukan. Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk membahas satu unit adalah satu kali pertemuan dengan alokasi waktu 3X 35 menit 105 menit. 65 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI C. Tujuan 1. Memberikan alternatif pembelajaran bahasa Inggris berdasarkan Task-based Learning TBL. 2. Membantu meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam berbicara menggunakan bahasa Inggris. 66 Syllabus Standard of competence: The students are expected to be able to use basic communication skills in English actively and apply them in any situation, especially in more formal situation. Unit Topic Basic Competencies Main Materials Achievement Indicators Learning Tasks Types of Tasks Learning Stages Time Evaluation Media 1 Making Receiving Telephone Calls At the end of the meeting the students are able to make and receive telephone calls appropriately . - Questions - Role Play - Expression in making receiving telephone calls. At the end of the meeting the students are able to - Share their experience in making and receiving telephone calls. - Find information related to making and receiving telephone calls. - Tell their personal experience in making and receiving telephone calls. - Discuss the questions related to making and receiving telephone calls. - Prepare the answers. - Report the answers in front of the class. - Sharing personal experienc e. - Opinion exchange task. - Creative task. P-T TC 1 T P R 10’ 30’ The students’ active participation in doing the tasks given. The students’ performance in doing the tasks. Portfolio - Handout - Blackboard whiteboard - Dictionary 67 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI - Conduct an action of making and receiving telephone calls. - Identify the expressions in making and receiving telephone calls by looking at the provided examples. - Use the expressions - Make a telephone conversation. - Rehearse practicing the dialog - Practice the dialog. - Write down leaving message in the message form. - Show the result in writing down the leaving message. - Mention some expressions in making and receiving telephone calls by reviewing at the TC 2. - Do the exercises TC 2 T P R LF A P 45’ 20’ 68 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI in making and receiving telephone calls correctly. given. 2 Making a Deal At the end of the meeting the students are able to make a deal. - Questions - Game - Expressions of making a deal. At the end of the meeting the students are able to - Share their experience in making a deal. - Conduct exchanging bartering activity. - Conduct negotiation. - Tell their experience in making a deal. - Play the game of barter or exchange. - Prepare the result of the barter. - Report the result of the barter in front of the class. - Play negotiation - Sharing personal experienc e. - Creative task. P-T TC 1 T P R TC 2 T 10’ 25’ 55’ The students’ active participation in doing the tasks given. The students’ performance in doing the tasks. Portfolio - Handout - Blackboard whiteboard - Dictionary PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI - Identify the expressions in making the deal by looking at the provided examples. - Use the expressions in making the deal correctly. game. - Prepare the result of negotiation. - Report the result of negotiation in front of class. - Mention some expressions of making the deal by reviewing at the TC 1and TC 2. - Do the exercises given. P R LF A P 15’ 3 Buying Selling At the end of the meeting the students are able to do buying and selling activity. - Questions - Game - Role play - Structure Countable nouns and uncountable nouns. At the end of the meeting the students are able to - Share their experience in buying - Tell their personal experience in - Sharing personal experienc e. - Creative task. P-T 10’ The students’ active participation in doing the tasks given. The - Handout - Blackboard whiteboard - Dictionary - Picture selling. - Conduct buying and selling. - Ask and give appropriate and sufficient information about any item. - Identify the countable buying selling. - Play the game of buying and selling. - Prepare reporting the result of the game. - Report the result of the game in front of the class. - Make a dialog based on the situation given. - Rehearses practicing the dialog. - Practice the dialog in front of the class. - Study the provided TC1 T P R TC2 T P R LF A 45’ 40’ 10’ students’ performance in doing the tasks. Portfolio PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI nouns and uncountable nouns. - Use countable nouns and uncountable nouns correctly. examples. - Do the exercises given. P 4 Handling Complaints At the end of the meeting the students are able to handle complaints appropriately . - Questions - Game - Role play - Expressions of apologizing and promising explaining action. At the end of the meeting the students are able to - Identify the situation of complaint. - Find out the strategies of handling complaint. - Practice the dialog. - Answer the questions related to the dialog. - Discuss the questions. - Prepare the answers. - Report the answer in - Opinion exchange task. - Creative task. P-T TC 1 T P R 10’ 30’ The students’ active participation in doing the tasks given. The students’ performance in doing the tasks. Portfolio - Handout - Blackboard whiteboard - Dictionary PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI - Manage complaint in a good way. - Identify the expressions of apologizing promising explaining action - Use the expressions of apologizing promising front of the class. - Make a dialog based on the situation given. - Rehearses practicing the dialog. - Practice the dialog in front of the class. - Mention some expressions of apologizing and promising explaining action by reviewing at the TC 2. - Do the exercises given. TC 2 T P R LF A P 50’ 15’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI explaining action correctly. 5 Having an Overseas Business Trip At the end of the meeting the students are able to do an overseas business trip. - Questions - Role play - Structure direct questions and indirect questions At the end of the meeting the students are able to - Find information related to business trip. - Find information of travel arrangement and hotel reservation. - Reserve a ticket and reserve a hotel. - Answer the question related to an overseas business trip. - Discuss the question related to the travel arrangement and hotel reservation. - Prepare the answers. - Report the answers in front of the class. - Make a dialog based on the - Opinion exchange task. - Creative task. P-T TC 1 T P R TC 2 T 10’ 30’ 45’ The students’ active participation in doing the tasks given. The students’ performance in doing the tasks. Portfolio - Handout - Blackboard whiteboard - Dictionary PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI - Identify the way to ask politely. - Use the polite way to ask appropriately . situation given. - Rehearse practicing the dialog. - Practice the dialog in front of the class. - Mention some expressions of apologizing and promising explaining action by reviewing at the TC 2. - Do the exercises given. P R LF A P 20’ 6 At the end of - Questions At the end of - Sharing The students’ - Handout Presenting Products the meeting the students are able to present a product. - Role play - Game the meeting the students are able to - Share their experience in presentation. - Find information related to presenting products. - Conduct a product presentation. - Tell their personal experiences in presentation. - Discuss the question related to presenting product. - Prepare the answers. - Report the answers in front of the class. - Make a product presentation based on the item given. - Rehearse present the product. - Present the product in personal experience - Opinion exchange task. - Creative task P-T TC 1 T P R TC 2 T P R 10’ 35’ 45’ active participation in doing the tasks given. The students’ performance in doing the tasks. Portfolio - Blackboard whiteboard - Dictionary - Identify the expressions of persuading people. - Use the expressions appropriately front of the class. - Mention some expressions of persuading by reviewing at the TC 2. - Play the game. LF A P 15’ 7 Attending a Meeting At the end of the meeting the students are able to attend a meeting. - Questions - Role play At the end of the meeting the students are able to - Share their experience in attending a meeting. - Tell their personal experiences in attending a meeting. - Opinion exchange task. - Creative task P-T 10’ The students’ active participation in doing the tasks given. The students’ performance in doing - Handout - Blackboard whiteboard - Dictionary 77 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI - Find information related to meeting. - Conduct a small meeting. - Identify the useful language for participating in a meeting. - Discuss the questions. - Prepare the answers. - Report the answers in front of the class. - Conduct a meeting based on the situation given. - Rehearse reporting the final conclusion of the meeting. - Report the final conclusion of the meeting in front of the class. - Mention some useful language for participating in a meeting TC 1 T P R TC 2 T P R LF A 35’ 50’ 10’ the tasks. Portfolio 78 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI - Use the useful language appropriately by reviewing at the TC 2. - Do the exercises given. P 8 Preparing Yourself for Job Interview At the end of the meeting the students are able to face a job interview. - Questions - Role play At the end of the meeting the students are able to - Find information related to job interview. - Identify the questions which are commonly used in job interview. - Conduct job interview. - Answer the questions. - Discuss the questions. - Prepare the answers. - Report the answers in front of the class. - Make a simulation of job interview based on the situation - Opinion exchange task. - Creative task P-T TC 1 T P R TC 2 T 15’ 25’ 50’ The students’ active participation in doing the tasks given. The students’ performance in doing the tasks. Portfolio - Handout - Blackboard whiteboard - Dictionary 79 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI - Identify the strategies to succeed in a job interview. - Master the strategies to succeed in a job interview. given. - Rehearses reporting the result of the job interview. - Report the result of the job interview in front of the class. Mention some strategies facing job interview by reviewing at the TC 2. - Do the exercises given. P R LF A P 15’ P-T : Pre –Task LF : Language Focus TC : Task Cycle A : Analysis P : Planning P : Practice R : Report 80 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI References: Davis, Suzan and West, Richard. 1993. Business English1. London: Pitman Publishing. Davis, Suzan and West, Richard. 1993. Business English 2. London: Pitman Publishing. Davis, Suzan and West, Richard. 1993. Business English3. London: Pitman Publishing. Halfield, Jill. 1984. Advanced Communication Games. Essex. Addison Wesley Longman Ltd. Leo, Sutanto. 2001. English for Professional Accommodation Services. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Moore, Brendan. 1987. English for the Office. London: The Macmillan Press Ltd. Norman, Suzan. 1983. We’re in Business. Wesley: Longman. Setyarini, Susana and Sulistyo, Ule. 2007. Successful English for Business.Yogyakarta: Andi. www. 81 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Students’ Handout Basic Competence: At the end of the meeting the students are able to make and receive telephone calls appropriately. Indicators: At the end of the meeting the students are able to - Share their experience in making and receiving telephone calls. - Find information related to making and receiving telephone calls. - Conduct an action of making and receiving telephone calls. - Recognize the expressions in making and receiving telephone calls by looking at the provided examples. - Use the expressions in making and receiving telephone calls correctly. 82 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Answer the questions below. 1. Have you ever made or received a telephone call? 2. Have you ever made or received a telephone call for the sake of business? 3. What was it about? 4. Do you think there are some differences in making and receiving telephone calls for your own sake and for the business’ sake? Explain it. TASK Make groups of four. Answer the following questions. 1. What are your strategies to obtain information on the phone effectively? a. When you make a call b. When you receive a call 2. How do you avoid confusion on the telephone? 3. Match the terms with the right meaning . Task Cycle 1 83 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI  an internal number which connects an outside line with an office inside a building through a private switchboard { }  an installation for the manual control of telephone connections in an office, hotel, or other large building { }  to connect a telephone call to the right number { }  a system for dialing a number overseas directly, without using an operator { }  to place where an operator connects telephone calls { }  a connection between one telephone number and another { }  to use the number on a telephone to get a connection { }  a person who connects, or put through, telephone calls to the right number or extension { }  a book listing individuals or organizations alphabetically or thematically with details such as names, addresses, and telephone numbers. { }  a small book with blank pages , used for writing messages { } PLANNING Each group rehearses sharing the answers. REPORT Each group shares the answers in front of the class. D switchboard I operator F pad H put through E line G extension C directory J International Subscriber Dialing I.S.D. A exchange B dial 84 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TASK Do it in pairs. Make a telephone conversation of a person you may create the name by yourself and a secretary. The person actually calls Mr. Mrs. X you may create the name by yourself to talk about something important related to their business create the reason of calling, but secretary says that heshe is not available at the moment. The caller decides to leave a message for himher. PLANNING Each pairs rehearses practicing the dialog. REPORT Each pair practices the dialog in front of the class. While listening to your friends’ dialog you must help the secretary to write down the message in the message form. Task Cycle 2 MESSAGE FORM For…………. From…………… Of…………… Tel. No. …………………….. Message……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Date…………………………. Time…………………………… Received by………………………… 85 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ANALYSIS

1. Look over and study the expressions below.

2. Did you use them when you did the task cycle 2? What are they? Making Telephone Calls Ask to speak to people  Could I speak to Mr. Rodger, please?  Could you put me through Mr. Rodger, please? Introduce yourself  This is Elena Scotch of FCD Ltd. Say what you want  I’d like to make an appointment to see you next week. The person you are calling is not there  Could I leave a message for him, please? Answering Telephone Calls Answering a direct incoming call  Business Design Centre. Good morning. Answering an incoming call via private exchange switchboard  Accounting Department. Miss Lee speaking. Response when someone is not present  I’m afraid Mr. Dempsey is not here at the moment.  Would you like to wait or would you like to leave message? Response when you transfer a call to another extension  Hold the line please. I’ll put you through……  Could you hold on, please? 86 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PRACTICE In pairs, express the following situation spontaneously. Don’t make any note. 1. You answer a direct telephone call. You work at Luxury Shoes Company. 2. You want to speak to the Export Marketing Manager on extension 31. 3. Introduce yourself on the phone. You are Andersen Gold of IIC Bank. 4. You answer a telephone call via private exchange switchboard in your office building. You are in the Sales Department. 5. You want to know the price of type ZX767 letter opening machine. 6. You answer a telephone call. The caller wants to talk to Mr. Andrew Sanders, the accountant, but you cannot contact him and you don’t know how long he will be out of his office. 7. Ask someone on the telephone to post the Certificate of Insurance by air mail. 8. You want to transfer an incoming call to another extension. Tell the caller. Sources: Business English 3 by Suzan Davis and Richard West-1993 English for the Office by Brendan Moore-1987 87 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Basic Competence: At the end of the meeting the students are able to make a deal. Indicators: At the end of the meeting the students are able to - Share their experience in making a deal. - Conduct exchange barter game. - Conduct negotiation. - Identify the expressions in making a deal by looking at the provided examples. - Use the expressions in making a deal correctly. 88 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI