The Participants of the Pre-Design Survey The Data of the Pre-Design Survey

semester students of Management Major of Duta Wacana University Yogyakarta and interviewed some of them informally.

a. The Participants of the Pre-Design Survey

The participants of the pre-design survey were the students of Management Major of Duta Wacana University Yogyakarta. The number of participants was 20. Table 4.1: The Description of Participants of the Pre-Design Survey

b. The Data of the Pre-Design Survey

The results of the questionnaires are listed in table 4.2-4.7. Table 4.2: The Results of the Pre-Design Survey Questions no. 1-5 NO CASES OPTION NUMBER PERCEN TAGE 1. Have you been able to speak English? A. Yes B. No 2 18 10 90 2. When did you start learning English? A. Elementary School B. Junior High School C. Senior High School D. University Academy 14 3 3 70 15 15 3. Have you ever taken an English course? A. Yes B. No 8 12 40 60 4. What is the language that usually used in your study? A. English B. Indonesian C. Others both English and Indonesia 2 14 4 10 70 20 5. Related to the English skill, what level are you now? A. Beginner B. Intermediate C. Advanced 4 10 6 20 50 30 FM Age F M 19-20 21-22 23-24 10 10 5 12 3 37 The first five questions discussed the personal information about the students’ English background. From the result, it appeared that only 2 students or 10 said that they had been able to speak English while 18 students or 90 said that they had not been able to speak English. There were 14 students or 70 that started learning English when they were in Elementary School. 3 students or 15 started learning English when they were in Junior High School. Furthermore, 3 students or 15 started learning English when they were in Senior High School. There was no student who started learning English in UniversityAcademy. From the data above, it could be seen that 8 students or 40 had not taken an English course. Meanwhile, there were 12 students or 60 had taken an English course. There were only 2 students or 10 said that they were usually used English in their study. More further 14 students or 70 said that their study was usually used Indonesian. 4 students or 20 said that both English and Indonesian were usually used in their study. There were 4 students or 20 in beginner level. 10 students or 50 said that they were in intermediate level. 6 students or 30 were in advance level. Table 4.3: The Result of the Pre–Design Survey Questions no. 6-8 NO QUESTIONS ANSWERS NUMBER PERCEN TAGE 6. Do you like learning English? A. Yes B. No 15 5 75 25 7. Do you think that learning English support your future career? A. Yes B. No 20 100 8. Are you interested joining an English course? A. Yes B. No 18 2 90 10 38 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Questions 6- 8 deal with the students’ interest in English. From the fact above, 15 students or 75 like learning English. There were only 5 students or 25 who did not like learning English. All of the students realized that learning English support their future career. It can be seen that 18 students or 90 were interested in joining an English course. 2 students or 10 said that they were not interested in joining an English course. Table 4.4: The Result of the Pre–Design Survey Question no. 9 NO QUESTIONS ANSWERS NUMBER PERCEN TAGE 9. What is your main purpose learning English? A. You want to be able to conduct English presentation in the class B. You want to equip yourself to face the job interview in the future C. You want to be accepted in the foreign company when you graduated 2 6 12 10 30 60 The ninth question revealed the students’ reason in learning English. There were only 2 students or 10 learned English in order to be able to conduct English presentation in the class. Meanwhile, 6 students or 30 learned English for equipping themselves to face the job interview in the future. There were 12 students or 60 said that they learned English because they wanted to be accepted in the foreign company when they graduated. Table 4.5: The Result of the Pre–Design Survey Question no. 10 NO QUESTIONS ANSWERS NUMBER PERCEN TAGE 10. Which English skill do you need most? A. Speaking B. Listening C. Reading D. Writing 12 2 2 4 60 10 10 20 39 This question showed the students’ need in English. 12 students or 60 said that they needed speaking skill. There were 2 students or 10 needed listening skill. Furthermore, 2 students or 10 needed reading skill. The rest, 4 students or 20 needed writing skill. Table 4.6: The Result of the Pre–Design Survey Questions no. 11 NO QUESTIONS ANSWERS NUMBER PERCEN TAGE 11. What are your problems when communicating in English? You may choose more than one option A. Grammar B. Pronunciation C. Vocabulary 16 10 18 80 50 90 Question no.11 dealt with the students’ lack in English. It could be seen that 16 students or 80 said grammar was the difficulty they face when they tried to communicate in English. 10 students or 50 had a problem with pronunciation when they tried to communicate in English. There were 18 students or 90 said that their problem when they communicated in English was vocabulary. Table 4.7: The Result of the Pre–Design Survey Questions no. 12 NO QUESTIONS ANSWERS NUMBER PERCEN TAGE 12. Which topics do you think supporting your future career? you may choose more than one option A. Building a Good Communication with Colleagues B. Explaining Company Profile C. Making and Receiving Telephone Calls D. Making a Deal E. Buying and Selling F. Handling Complaints G. Having an Overseas Business Trip H. Presenting Products I. Writing Business Letter J. Attending a Meeting K. Preparing Yourself for a Job Interview L. Others…… 8 1 12 11 11 12 15 14 4 10 18 40 5 60 55 55 60 75 70 20 50 90 40 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI From the data above it was found the top eight topics selected by the students. They were Making and Receiving Telephone Calls, Making a Deal, Buying and Selling, Handling Complaints, Having an Overseas Business Trip, Presenting Products, Attending a Meeting, and Preparing Yourself for a Job Interview. Besides distributing questionnaires, the writer also interviewed some students of Management Major of Duta Wacana University. From the interview the writer concluded three things. First, the students did not get to much chance to practice speaking in the classroom. Second, the students did not really engage to their English class because the teaching-learning activities were not interesting even boring. Third, they wanted fun activities in the classroom, such as games, role-play, and pairsgroups discussion.

2. Deciding Goal, Topics, and General Purposes