Look over and study the expressions below. Did you use them when you did the task cycle 2? What are they?

Basic Competence: At the end of the meeting the students are able to make a deal. Indicators: At the end of the meeting the students are able to - Share their experience in making a deal. - Conduct exchange barter game. - Conduct negotiation. - Identify the expressions in making a deal by looking at the provided examples. - Use the expressions in making a deal correctly. 88 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Answer the questions below. 1. Have you ever had experience making a deal with someone? 2. What was it about? 3. Did you use any techniques in making a deal? Mention them. TASK Play the Game You just move to Yogyakarta to study. You bring some equipment for your boarding house, but you still need some equipment. Each of you will get one card randomly. Each card consists of the equipment you need and the equipment you have but don’t need. You have to move around the class to get the equipment you need by exchanging the card with your friends. You may make a direct exchange or indirect exchange. You do not need to exchange all their equipment at any one time, for example, if you have eight 5 mirrors to exchange, it is possible to offer 2 mirrors to one friend, 2 to another, and so on. Task Cycle 1 89 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI You need 1 desk. You have but don’t need 5 chairs. You need 2 chairs. You have but don’t need 2 mirrors. You need 5 mirrors. You have but don’t need 1 desk. You need 2 chairs. You have but don’t need 1 mirror. You need 1 chair. You have but don’t need 2 mirrors. You need 10 blankets. You have but don’t need 20 clothes hangers. You need 10 clothes hangers. You have but don’t need 5 blankets. You need 10 clothes hangers. You have but don’t need 5 blankets. PLANNING Each student rehearses the result: whether heshe got the equipment needed, how many times heshe made exchange, what were the difficulties heshe faced, and what did heshe do to overcome the difficulties. REPORT Each student report hisher result in front of the class: whether heshe got the equipment needed, how many times heshe made exchange, what were the difficulties heshe faced, and what did heshe do to overcome the difficulties. 90 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TASK This chart shows what five countries produce and how much it costs them. It also shows what there a market for in each country is. SINGAPORE Produces: Motorbikes 800 unit Shoes 15 unit Tea 100 ton Market for: Motorbikes Butter Tea AUSTRALIA Produces: Wool 400 ton Motorbikes 750 unit Cars 8,000 unit Market for: Tea Cars Wool THAILAND Produces: Cars 7,500 unit Butter 100ton Shoes 16 unit Market for: Shoes Wool Butter PHILIPPINE Produces: Motorbikes 850 unit Wool 380 ton Tea 80 ton Market for: Shoes Wool Motorbikes HONGKONG Produces: Tea 90 ton Shoes 17 unit Butter 80ton Market for: Tea Cars Shoes You will be divided into five groups, each group to be one government in each country. In your own group try to discuss about these things and don’t forget to write down all of your group’s decisions: 1. What do you produce? What do you want to export? 2. Look at your own market. What do you want to import? Do you want to pay a lot or a little for import? Which countries do you want to import from? 3. Do you want to protect any of your producers? How can you do that? If you impose a tariff, how much will it be? e.g. if you Task Cycle 2 91 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI manufacture typewriters at 100 each and your competitors make them for 80, what will a reasonable tariff be? 4. Are there any countries you want to make trade dealing with? Based on the deal you make in your own group, you should negotiate with other groups. Try to make a best deal with them and don’t forget to write down the result. PLANNING Each group rehearses reporting their result: explain which countries you deal with, what are the items which will be imported exported from each country, and the tax agreed. REPORT One representative of each group reports the result in front of the class. ANALYSIS

1. Look over and study the expressions below.

Offering  Would you……  Will you…..  If I give you……, will you give me…..?  How about?  I’ll ……. if…… Reservation  Yes, but…..  Yes, but don’t forget ……  That’s would be great, except….  That’s a god idea, but…. 92 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Counter arguments  Even so…..  Even if that is so…..  That’s maybe so, but…..  That’s probably true, but………..  Possibly, but…………. 2. Did you use them when you did the task cycle 1 and task cycle 2? What are they? PRACTICE In pairs, express the following situation spontaneously. Don’t make any note. offering-reservation-counter arguments 1. A: take up skiing B: don’t have the time or money A: it would be fun, good exercise 2. A: buy a flat B: can’t afford it A: cheaper than paying rent 3. A: fly to Europe B: cheaper to go by ship A: we’d lose a week of holiday just traveling, plus all the money on food. 4. A: buy a new car B: we haven’t finisher paying for the old one A: the old one is dangerous 5. A: have a party B: the neighbors would object A: why not invite the neighbors Sources: Advanced Communication Games by Jill Halfield- 1984 We’re in Business by Suzan Norman-1983 93 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Basic Competence: At the end of the meeting the students are able to do buying and selling activity. Indicators: At the end of the meeting the students are able to - Share their experience in shopping buying and selling. - Conduct buying and selling. - Ask and give appropriate and sufficient information about any item. - Identify the countable nouns and uncountable nouns. - Use countable nouns and uncountable nouns correctly. 94 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Answer the questions below. 1. What are they doing? 2. Do you like shopping? How often do you do it? 3. Can you mention the expressions that you use to buy something you want? What are they? 4. Can you mention the expressions that the seller uses to sell something? What are they? TASK Do it in a pairs. One of you will be Ashley Rose and the other is a sales assistant. Ashley: You have received a memo from Graham Clerk asking you to buy some ceramics. Choose either of the memos below and do not Task Cycle 1 95 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI