Design Instructional Materials Speaking The Students of Management Major of Duta Wacana University Yogyakarta

E. Research Benefits

The result of this study should be beneficial for:

1. The students of Management Major of Duta Wacana University Yogyakarta

The result of this study hopefully may function as a source of English speaking instructional materials for the students of Management Major of Duta Wacana University Yogyakarta to deepen their understanding of some communicative functions and to improve their abilities to use the language expression appropriately.

2. English Teachers

This study hopefully may useful for the English teachers who will conduct an English training for the students of Management Major. This study may provide them with English speaking instructional materials that fulfill the learners’ needs, so that, by using these materials, the teachers could use their teaching time effectively.

3. Other Researchers

This study is expected to be useful for the other researchers to get more knowledge about how to design and how to develop the appropriate speaking instructional materials. Besides, it is hoped that this study will encourage them to make an elaborate evaluation and revision, so that they can produce the better one in the future.

F. Definition of Terms

There are several terms which need to be clarified to avoid misinterpretation or misunderstanding. The definitions of the terms are as follows:

1. Design

Houle defines that “design is a developed plan to guide educational activity in situation” Houle, 1978:230. “Designing is as creating a new set of materials that fit 4 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI the learning objectives and specific subject area of particular learners” Hutchinson and Water, 1994. In this study, designing refers to creating a set of English speaking materials that fit the needs of the students of Management Major of Duta Wacana University Yogyakarta.

2. Instructional Materials

Dick and Reiser define that “instructional materials are materials planned by the teacher for instruction” Dick and Reiser, 1989:3. In this study they are meant as a set of materials which are planed by designers, to be used by the teachers and learners as the focus of the discussion in the teaching learning process in order to achieve the objectives.

3. Speaking

Widdowson 1979: 58 says that “speaking is a kind of active and productive interaction that makes us use aural mediums”. Aural mediums are mouth, lips, tongue, and other oral cavities. Widdowson also emphasizes face-to-face interaction including dialogue or other forms of verbal exchange as a fact of communication. If people use non-verbal language in face-to-face interaction, then it is not speaking. In this thesis, speaking refers to a kind of active and productive interaction using aural media.

4. The Students of Management Major of Duta Wacana University Yogyakarta

Duta Wacana University is located at Jl. Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo 5-19 Yogyakarta. The students who study in the Management Major of Duta Wacana University Yogyakarta are persons whose tasks are preparing themselves, especially, to be skilful managers in the future. In this study, 20 students from approximately 200 sixth semester students of Management Major of Duta Wacana University are chosen as the respondents. They are in the intermediate level. 5 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

5. Task-based Learning