Data Analysis Technique RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

28 As it has been elaborated in the previous chapter, there were three reasons of the code-switching occurance from Wardhaugh and Holmes used in this study. They were because of the status, the topic, or showing affective message. The researcher then categorized the code-switchings based on the reasons of occurance. She put a  in the S column if the code-switching was done because of the status of the speaker, in the T column if the code-switching was done because of the topic of the utterances, in the A column if the code-switching was done to show affective message. The following table is an example of how the categorization was done. Table 3.2 A Sample Checklist of the Reasons of Code-switching No Code-switching Reason S T A 1 Kamu masih belum plating Chef Degan punya ya.  2 Terus progress appetizer saya gimana?  3 One minute boys.  Note: S: Status T: Topic A: Affective message

5. Analysing the data

After the researcher classified each code- switching occured in the juries’ speech, she then elaborated why some particular code-switching was categorized as inter-sentential or intra-sentential and status, topic or affective message with purpose to present clear elaboration of the categorization done. Next she counted 1 the percentage of inter-sentential code-switching done by all the juries 2 the percentage of intra-sentential code-switching done by all the juries 3 the 29 percentage of each reason of code-switching made by all the juries. The formula used is as follow: 1 P = FE x 100 TF 2 P = FA x 100 TF 3 P = FS x 100 TF 4 P = FT x 100 TF 5 P = FAM x 100 TF Note: P : Percentage FE : Frequency of inter-sentential code-switching FA : Frequency of intra-sentential code-switching FS : Frequency of code-switching done because of the status FT : Frequency of code-switching done because of the topic FAM : Frequency of code-switching done because of the affective message

6. Drawing conclusion and making recommendation

After all the steps above had been done, the researcher drew the conclusion and made some recommendation based on the findings from the research. The conclusion is expected to answer the two questions proposed in this research along with their explanation.

7. Reporting the research

The result of the research was then presented in the form of this thesis. 30


This chapter discusses the result of the research procedure in attempt to answer the two research questions presented in the first chapter. They are: 1 What are the type distributions of code-switching occurred in the first round of Grand Final MasterChef Indonesia Season 3? 2 What are the reasons of the code switchings done by the juries of Grand Final MasterChef Indonesia Season 3 during the first round? Other findings discovered by the researcher are also presented within this chapter.

A. The Types of Code-switching found in MasterChef Indonesia Season 3

Grand Final As cited in Romaine 1995, Gumperz 1982: 59 defines the term code- switching as ‘the juxtaposition within the same speech exchange of passages of speech belonging to two different grammatical systems or sub- systems’. This definition goes together with Hoffman’s 1991 description on code-switching, ‘it involves the alternate use of two languages or linguistic varieties within the same utterance or during the same conversation’. The two definitions describe exactly the phenomena in word utterances done by the juries during the Grand Final of MasterChef Indonesia Season 3. The different but similar definitions of code- switching from many linguists cause the different types of code-switching and reasons of code-switching proposed by various theorists. The code-switching