Rinrin Marinka Arnold Poernomo

19 there were many verbal support given to the finalists to encourage them to do their best. One of the ju ries once said, “Let’s go Let’s go Let’s go” instead of using Indonesian words , “Ayo, ayo, ayo” He wanted to express affective message by using code-switching. 20


In this chapter, the methods of the research to answer the problems stated in the first chapter are presented. This chapter consists of the research method, research setting, research subjects, instrument and data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

Qualitative research and content analysis were used in this research. “Quality refers to the what, how, when, and where of a thing – its essence and ambience. Qualitative research thus refers to the meanings, concepts, definitions, characteristics, metaphors, symbols, and descri ptions of things.” Berg, 2007, p. 3. Thus, a qualitative research focuses on the quality of the object being studied, instead of the numbers. Qualitative methods of research, while often viewed by novices as easier are in fact more time consuming, require a greater emphasis on researchers themselves clarifying and defining what things mean, and rely on the intellectual abilities of researchers to organize, manage, analyze and interpret data Tewksbury, 2009. In the qualitative method, the researcher will select the best methods based on hisher research question: will the researcher study individuals narrative, phenomenology; explore processes, activities and events case study, grounded theory; or learn about the broad cultural-sharing behavior of individuals or groups ethnography Creswell 2009, 177. There are some 21 methods of data-gathering for qualitative research, namely interviews, focus groups, ethnography, sociometri, unobstrusive measures, historiography and case studies. The resulting data may be in the form of text, audio or video files, photographs or field notes. According to Creswell 2009, here are the steps of data analysis in qualitative research: 1. Organize and prepare the data for analysis. 2. Read through all the data. Gain a general sense of the information and reflect on the overall meaning. 3. Conduct analysis based on the specific theoretical approach and method eg. narrative, content, grounded theory, discourse, archival, semiotics and phonemic analysis techniques. This often involves coding or organizing related segments of data into categories. 4. Generate a description of the setting or people and identify themes from the coding. Search for theme connections. 5. Represent the data within a research report. 6. Interpret the larger meaning of the data. Content analysis refers to a general sets of techniques which are useful to analyze and understand collections of text. There are some steps to conduct content analysis. They are: 1. Read through the transcript and make some notes when relevant information is discovered 2. Make a list of the relevant information