Categorizing the code-switchings into their type: inter-sentential and

31 employed constantly by the three juries during the Grand Final of MasterChef Indonesia Season 3 is appropriate data to be studied using the theories provided. The researcher categorized the data she obtained into two types: inter- sentential andintra-sentential code-switching. The result of the classification implied that 50 out of 128 code-switching occurred in the first round of Grand Final MasterChef Indonesia belonged to the inter-sentential code-switching type. In other words, using the formula provided in the Chapter III, 39.06 of the code- switching uttered by the juries were categorized as inter-sentential code- switching. Surprisingly, intra-sentential code-switching, which is considered as “involving the greatest syntactic risk” dominated the occurrence. This type of code-switching occurred 78 times, covering 60.94 of the overall code-switching being studied. Table 4.1 shows the percentage of inter-sentential and intra- sentential code-switching. Table 4.1 The Number and Percentage of Inter-sentential and Intra-sentential Code-switching Cases No Type of Code-switching Number of Cases Percentage 1 Inter-sentential code-switching 50 39.06 2 Intra-sentential code-switching 78 60.94 Total 128 100

1. Inter-sentential Code-switching Found in MasterChef Indonesia

Season 3 Grand Final Inter-sentential code-switching occurs when the switch happens between sentences. This definition is strongly supported by Poplack 1980 who describes inter-sentential code-switching as involving a switch at a clause or sentence 32 boundary, where each clause or sentence is in one language or another. There were some occurrences of inter-sentential code-switching in the first round of Grand Final MasterChef Indonesia Season 3. The first example occurs when the finalists were cooking and the juries conversed. They talked about their opinions on the finalists of MasterChef Indonesia Season 3 Grand Final. One of the juries, Degan Septoadji, expressed his thought on Brian being one of the finalists. 1 Degan : Saya tidak menyangka bahwa Brian akan di sini. But anyway, it’s always a surprise. Marinka : Sekarang saatnya buat dia mengeluarkan kartu as-nya. Arnold : Oke, mari kita liat. The second example occurs almost at the end of the competition. For the first round of MasterChef Indonesia Season 3 Grand Final, the finalists had three hours to make three kinds of dish. When there was only an hour remained, one of the juries, Arnold Poernomo, reminded the participants about the time. 2 Arnold : Oke Brian dan William, waktu kalian tinggal satu jam ya. Make it good. Brian : Waktu kurang satu jam, di situ aku mulai panik banget. Masakanku baru selesai lima puluh persen. Ini gimana ni kalo sampe ga jadi. William : Proses dua jam berlalu, semua komponen utama udah selesai, tinggal komponen kecil-kecilnya aja dan final touchnya yang bakal gue kerjain. In 1, inter-sentential code-switching occurred in the bold sentence uttered by Degan Septoadji. The indicator of an inter-sentential code-switching is that the whole sentence is in a different language other than the one the speaker used in the previous utterances. This essential indicator can also be seen in 2