MasterChef Indonesia The Juries

10 ‘I started going like this. Y luego decia and then he said, look at the smoke coming out my fingers’ Another example is also provided by Hoffman, citing from Grosjean 1982: 5 A French-English bilingual: ‘Va chercher Marc go and fetch Marc and bribe him avec un chocolat chaud with a hot chocolate with cream on top ’

b. Wardhaugh 1992

Wardhaugh presents two types of code-switching, namely situational and metaphorical code-switching. When the language used changes according to the situations in which the speakers find themselves, it is called situational code- switching. This type of code-switching does not involve any topic change. On the other hand, when a change of topic requires a change in the languages used, metaphorical code-switching occurs. Although some topics may be discussed in either code, the choice of code adds a distinct flavor to what is said about the topic since it encodes certain social values. Metaphorical code-switching also has an affective dimension. It can be used to redefine the situation: formal to informal, official to personal, serious to humorous, and politeness to solidarity.

c. Romaine 1995

According to Poplack, as cited in Romaine 1995, there are three types of code-switching, namely tag-switching, inter-sentential code-switching and intra- sentential code-switching. Tag-switching involves the insertion of a tag in one language into an utterance which is otherwise entirely in the other language Romaine, 1995. Tags are subject to minimal syntactic restrictions. Therefore, they may be easily inserted at a number of points in a monolingual utterance without violating syntactic rules. The speaker of the following utterance switches 11 the tag from English into Tagalog. The proceedings went smoothly, ba? The proceedings went smoothly, didn’t they? Inter-sentential code-switching occurs across sentence boundaries. It involves a switch at a clause or sentence boundaries, where each clause or sentence is in one language or another. It requires greater fluency in both languages than tag switching because major portions of the utterance must conform to the rules of both languages. An example of inter-sentential code- switching from a Puerto Rican bilingual SpanishEnglish speech is given by Poplack as cited in Romaine 1995: Sometimes I’ll start a sentence in English y terminó in espanol. Sometimes I’ll start a sentence in English and finish it in Spanish. Intra-sentential code-switching occurs within the clause of sentence boundary. Poplack states that this type of code-switching involves, arguably, the greater syntactic risk, and may be avoided by all but the most fluent bilinguals. The following is an example of intra-sentential code-switching from Romaine 1995 from Tok PisinEnglish: What’s so funny? Come, be good. Otherwise, yu bai go long kot . What’s so funny? Come, be good. Otherwise you’ll go to court. d. Bhatia and Ritchie 2013 Sharing the same classification of code-switching according to its types with Hoffman, Bhatia and Ritchie present two types of code-switching, namely intra-sentential code-switching and inter-sentential code-switching. Code- switching in which an alternation occurs below sentential boundaries is known as