Borrowing Word for Loan Words and Its Procedures

B. The Data Analysis

Analysis is starting by 1 understanding the source text type, 2 determining the source text function, 3 searching comparison source language through comparison word for word, 4 analyzing the data with searching comparison word in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia and Oxford Dictionary for English words searching. 5 displaying the data analysis. The analysis will be explained The Source Language and The Target Language. The writer uses theory of Charles Francis Hockett to analyze the types of borrowing word and process of translation theory by E. A. Nida, Vinay and Darbelnet ‟s theory of translation procedure to analyzed procedures of translation of each datum. Based on the tabulated data above, the writer uses the dictionaries to get the meaning of each word from SL to TL and also classify to the types of borrowing words. The analyses are below:

1. Borrowing Word for Loan Words and Its Procedures

The analysis of borrowing word for loan word and its procedures will be discussed here: a. SL : Tripod Digital Camera World TL: Tripod Digital Camera Indonesia The word Tripod in sentence “Use tripod that enables you to position the camera high enough ” is translated into “Gunakan tripod agar kamera dapat diposisikan cukup tinggi ”. This word is borrowing word for loanword type when writer found the translation. This word exists in Indonesia dictionary, because there is no equivalences into other form. It is better to use directly this word for the translation. Tripod means three-legged supporting stand used to hold the camera steady. 58 The translation does not have the change analogy, it is still tripod. The reason of the translator that uses SL word is because tripod is international word for camera‟s equipment which not from Indonesia. The translator is maintaining the meaning and spelling with “adoption” procedure that makes the reader can easily understand it. Tripod is new for Indonesian language but it is probably familiar for photographer in everywhere in the world for many years before, so defending target text meaning by keep that word is completely succeeded. b. SL : Manual Digital Camera World TL: Manual Digital Camera Indonesia The word Manual in “we’d recommended using manual focusing and Live View ” is translated into “kami sarankan untuk menggunakan pemfokusan manual dan Live View ”. The synonym above is right word, manual is manual in Indonesia. This 58 Rochester. A Glossary of Photographic Terms, New York: Eastman Kodak Company, 1999, p. 7 word already has the equivalences long time ago together along with that word. Manual in camera means that the photographer adjusts the focus of a lens by hands. 59 This word use “adoption” procedure from Imam Taufik in the writer analyses even if the word does not experience analogy changing form but manual already exist in TL Dictionary, there are new synonym word more suitable than manual itself, so it is easier to understand it. Manual means dilakukan dengan tangan if the translator wants to translate it literally. 60 c. SL : Sensor Digital Camera Indonesia TL: Sensor Digital Camera Indonesia The word Sensor in the sentence “rather than worrying about the detail of sensor resolution and lens quality ” is translated into “daripada mengkhawatirkan tentang detail resolusi sensor dan kualitas lensa ”. This is kinds of borrowing word for loanword that directly uses without any changes. Sensor is used because not only exist in Indonesia dictionary, it is also no matching word left that can change it and defends meaning better than sensor itself. Sensor is the electronic component that replaces film, light falls on the individual pixels that make up the sensor and this gets 59 Paul L.G, Morris, Digital Photography Glossary for Beginners.UK: PM Studios, 2014 , p. 7 60 Hasan Alwi, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Balai pustaka, 2005, p. 714 converted to a digital signal which then makes the image. 61 Literally is elemen yg mengubah sinyal fisik menjadi sinyal elektronik yg dibutuhkan komputer. 62 The translation uses “adoption” procedure, because Indonesia itself has no words which have the same form and meaning with it before, so the editor is put from English word directly. Generally it is borrowing procedure and the text of translation becomes easier to understand with TL reader. Though, it is international word but Indonesia already has this word as its language.

2. Borrowing Word for Loan Blend and Its Procedures