First name FN Types of Address Terms Uttered by the Characters in

respect toward the addressee. People who have high status usually receive title with last name when they are being addressed by people who have lower status. As shown in Table 2, there are 4 occurrences of title with last name found in the movie. The datum presented below is the example of title with last name uttered by the character. The above example takes place in the seminar room of Cambridge University. Dennis Sciama, as a speaker in tutorial, gives an exercise to his several young physicists. Meanwhile, Stephen reads a chess book that lies on his lap out of his sight under the table. Dennis Sciama, with a wicked smirk on his face, passes out a set of mathematical problems to Stephen. Then, Stephen looks up and crumples the paper in his pocket. In this conversation, Dennis Sciama addresses Stephen by title with last name, Mr. Hawking. Although the form of title with last name is used correctly by the addresser, the context of title with last name in the conversation is inappropriate. The use of inappropriate title with last name here is likely caused by Dennis Sciama 4: 04 Dennis Sciama : Well, then, here we are. A little challenge for you all, as you embark on your separate doctoral journeys – whatever they may be, Mr. Hawking. Something to separate the men from the boys—the wheat from the chaff—the mesons from the pi mesons—the quarks from the quacks. Sp : Dennis Sciama H : Stephen Hawking ATS-3P7D-1 is attempting to snap at Stephen. Stephen is busy reading a chess book instead of paying attention on him. Another dialogue containing title with last name TLN is presented below. The above conversation takes place in a seminar room of Cambridge University. This conversation occurs between Professor Sciama and Professor Thorne. They are Stephen’s dissertation examiners. Before they give Stephen a time to prove his research, they have rights to give any questions and suggestions according to Stephen’s dissertation. In this conversation, Dennis Sciama addresses Kip Throne by using title with last name TLN, Professor Throne, since they are in a formal occasion and institution. Moreover, title with last name TLN also used to show respect toward Kip Throne as a lecturer.

c. Title only T

If a speaker addresses someone by title only, it means that heshe uses the most formal address term. The use of title only in addressing someone is a sign that 4: 05 Dennis Sciama : So, in summary. As we know, chapter one—full of holes and lacks mathematical support. to Kip Throne Professor Thorne? Kip Throne : Chapter two—not really original—uses a lot of Roger’s ideas. Penrose : Chapter three? Too many unanswered questions. Sp : Dennis Sciama H : Kip Throne ATS-19 P37D-19 the speaker and the addressee do not have a close relationship or intimacy. Title only is usually used to show social distance among the speaker and the addressee. Datum presented below is the example of title only T performed by the character. The above conversation happens in a pub. This conversation occurs between a bartender and Stephen Hawking. Stephen goes to a pub with his friends to play pinball. While his friends are playing pinball, Stephen suddenly remembers that Jane gives a napkin to him. Jane writes her phone number on the napkin. Then, Stephen decides to make a call with Jane. Stephen asks to the bartender to give his money change in a coin. Stephen wants to call Jane via payphone. In this conversation, the bartender addresses Stephen by title only T. Title only is the type which bartender is supposed to use. The lower status ones should respect the ones with higher status as well as to show a social distance. Here, Stephen as a buyer has higher social status than the bartender. 4: 06 Stephen Hawking : Can I get two or more please? Bartender : Yeah, sir. Stephen Hawking : And some change for the payphone. Bartender : Yeah, sir. Sp : Bartender H : Stephen Hawking ATS-4P8D-2