instrument to collect the data of address terms from the sources. The table below illustrates the form of the data sheet which was used to collect the data. Table 1. Data Sheet of Types and Social Factors of Address Terms Uttered by the Characters in The Theory of Everything Movie Note: 1. Code 3. Social Factors AT : Address Terms PO : Particular Occasion S-1 : Scene 1 SS : Social Status P8 : Page 8 G : Gender D-1 : Data number 1 A : Age 1a : Datum 1a FR : Family Relationship 1b : Datum 1b OH : Occupational Hierarchy 2. Types TS : Transactional Status FN : First Name R : Race TLN : Title plus Last Name DI : Degree of Intimacy T : Title only LN : Last Name SN : Special Nickname PN : Pet Name KT : Kinship Term C o de Dialogue D a tum Types Social Factors Explanation F N T L N T L N S N P N K T P O S S G A F R O H T S R D I A T S -3 P 7 D -1 Sciama: Well, then, here we are. A little challenge for you all, as you embark on your separate doctoral journeys – whatever they may be, Mr. Hawking. 1a Something to separate the men from the boys—the wheat from the chaff—the mesons from the pi mesons— the quarks from the quacks. 1 a   The dialogue takes place in the seminar room of Cambridge University. Dennis Sciama, as a speaker in tutorial, gives an exercise to his several young physicists. Meanwhile, Stephen reads a chess book that lies on his lap out of his sight under the table. Dennis Sciama, with a wicked smirk on his face, passes out a set of mathematical problems to Stephen. Then, Stephen looks up and crumples the paper in his pocket. In this conversation, Dennis Sciama addresses Stephen by title with last name TLN, Mr. Hawking, since they are in a formal occasion. Moreover, Dennis Sciama only wants to snap at Stephen because he is busy reading a chess book instead of paying attention on him.

D. Techniques of Data Collection

The data of this research were collected using a note-taking technique from the character’s utterances in The Theory of Everything movie. The researcher took some steps during the data collection: downloading the movie along with its script, making the data sheet, and categorizing the raw data into the sheet. The first step was watching The Theory of Everything movie to understand its plot and story. After that, the researcher re-watched the movie to find the utterances containing address terms uttered by the characters. Then, the researcher checked the accuracy of the movie script with the conversations in the movie. Next, the researcher took notes of the characters’ utterances which were in accordance with the research questions. Categorizing the raw data into the data sheet was the final step of the data collecting techniques.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

After the data had been collected, the researcher conducted the data analysis. Bodgan and Biklen 1982: 145 state that data analysis is working with data which includes organizing, classifying, synthesizing, understanding the data, and determining the data that will be presented. In accordance with the definition, the procedures of data analysis in this research were as follows: 1 the data taken from the The Theory of Everything movie were analyzed, 2 the data were classified based on the two research questions and put into the data sheet,