Learning Indicaeors 1. Queseions in “Its time to write” 17.

No Respondene’s Opinion on Degree of Agreemene Ceneral Tendency 4 3 2 1 N Mean 14. The “Can you bo these?” section has facilitated learners to produce language. 3 1 - - 4 3.75 15. The “Can you bo these?” section has facilitated learners the opportunities to learn the language by doing the activities. 2 2 - - 4 3.50 16. The “Let’s learn” section has given learners insight of the grammatical items commonly used in certain topic. 2 2 - - 4 3.50

E. Queseions in “Its time to write” 17.

The questions are clear and understandable. 4 - - - 4 4.00 18. The questions have encouraged learners to share their feelings freely. 3 1 - - 4 3.75 19. The questions have facilitated learners to monitor their own progress. 1 3 - - 4

3.25 F. Overall Evaluaeion

20. The layout of the materials is attractive and well-designed. 4 - - - 4 4.00 21. In overall, the learning materials are well- developed. 3 1 - - 4 3.75 APPENDIX D Teacher’s Guide English for Banking Instructional Speaking Materials Designed for the Staff of Bank Mandiri Teacher’s Guide HOW TO USE THIS BOOK This book was devised as the complement for the Practical English for Bank Staff of Bank Mandiri Yogyakarta – Student Book. The Student Book contains a various learning activities which will help learners to understand English grammar better and in particular to practice using English for communication purpose. The learning materials were developed based on the competences required in English for banking world. The skills are taught in combination, but this book focuses mainly on the Speaking skill, using task based learning TBL. The tasks in the Student’s Book were designed to fulfill the four conditions needed for effective language learning to happen proposed by Jane Willis: sufficient language exposure, wide opportunities for using and experimenting the language, motivating activities, and the focus on language form. This book aims to help the teachers implement the materials in the Student’s Book more effectively. Therefore, there will be six sections elaborated in this book: 1 overview of the learning materials, 2 syllabus and lesson plans, 3 task instructions for the teachers, 4 answers to the exercises, 5 transcript of the listening passages and 6 photocopiable task materials. The overview will elaborate the principles of TBL underlying the teaching learning activities in the materials briefly. That will give the users of the book the description of what to do and why when applying the materials. Syllabus is provided so that the users can see the map of the language taught in the book. Lesson plans are given to give clear illustration on the ideal implementation of the materials. To ease the teachers, this book also provides simple instructions for doing the tasks, the answer key to every exercise, the transcript of the listening passages and photocopiable tasks materials. The writer, Patricia Angelina Lasut PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI The Overview of the Designed Materials All of the materials and teaching-learning activities in the Student Book were developed based on the principles of Task Based Learning TBL. This part will elaborate the basic principles of TBL in order to give the users of this book a clearer description on the concepts underlying the materials and activities in the Student Book. TBL, just like its’ proponent Communicative Language Teaching, perceives language as a mean of communication. Therefore, TBL believes that language is learned best when it is used to communicate. In TBL, the process of communication is encouraged by doing tasks. Tasks are believed to create opportunities and involve learners in a meaningful communication, in which they can learn the language best. When they are doing the tasks, they do not talk about the language. Instead, they use the language to complete the task. During their effort in solving the task, they will also learn communicative competences such as delivering their opinions, negotiating, and expressing their feelings. Therefore, the tasks in TBL do not focus on the form but in meanings. Learners will then be encouraged to speak because they have the opportunities to experiment with the language without having to memorize the grammar rules in their mind, which will hinder them from improving because there is no real application of it. Besides the primary presence of tasks as its core activity, the other uniqueness of TBL lies in the way it views grammar teaching. Unlike other former methodology, TBL believes that grammar will be learned more effectively by the learners after they have the opportunities to experiment with the grammar that they already have. This way, the grammar teaching will be more significant because they have experienced it themselves. They know what they did wrong and they know the correct form. It will be more memorable for the learners because the use of it is relevant to their needs. Therefore, it will promote learning. The concepts elaborated above are the foundation of the teachinglearning activities in the Student Book. There are five important phases: A. DO YOU REMEMBER? This phase contains some questions related to the learner’s daily activity that is related to the topic as well. This phase helps learners to explore more and getting familiar with the topic. This phase aims to recall student’s background knowledge on the topic. B. PREPARE YOURSELF In this phase, learners are given preparatory tasks so that they will be ready for the main task. Mostly they will involve listening, vocabulary exercise, dialogues and reading passage. All of them aim to give more exposure for the learners. Listening and reading are for written exposure, while vocabulary and dialogues are for getting the learners familiar with the topic. C. CAN YOU DO THESE? This is where the main tasks take place. Learners will practice producing the language here. To complete the task, they will have to use the expressions that they have learned in the previous phases. Teachers should keep minimum interference. Let the learners experiment freely with the language. Do not correct any mistakes the learners make. Instead, write them down.


In this phase, teachers show the learners the mistakes they often make in the main tasks. Explain why is it wrong as well as telling them what the correct form is. Since the learners have experienced making the mistakes, the teaching of grammar will be more significant and memorable for them. The writer has presented the ideal grammar items to teach in each meeting, but teachers have full freedom to present other grammatical items that relevant to their own classes. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


At the end of each meeting, learners should be encouraged to share their feelings and also the important events for them during the teaching learning activities by answering the provided reflective questions. Motivate learners to share without paying attention to the form. Let them express their feeling and thoughts freely. It will help learners trigger insights about learning. This section aims to help students monitor their own progress as well as to help the teacher understand the learners better. This can also be done as homework for learners.